Did this forum get shut down or something?

It's one thing to say he shouldn't be impeached, but this is awful behavior. He set our foreign policy around something that should help him get elected by damaging an opponent, including using $250 M of taxpayer dollars as bait. That's outrageous, scandalous behavior.

I also have no clue what the heck they were thinking, it's an insanely idiotic plan. Even if you want it investigated, to say it yourself on the call or to openly send Rudy and then have him blab about it all over the news? How dumb do you have to be to create this evidence?

The tough part about addressing these scandals is, in a normal world, we have Presidents with some semblance of self-control and decency, and our structures aren't set up to deal with someone who has no real abiding desire to serve the public interest while in office.
Do you know that Russia and Ukraine are different countries?
YES. Trump wants the Ukrainian president to find evidence that the hacking all took place from Ukraine, NOT Russia. Gee I wonder why he would want that?
We don't actually record all of these calls, FYI. Nixon scared the Exec Branch out of recording everything.
Apparently they do because they store them on a computer system from which THIS call was removed and put on a top secret system with code word entry only at the request of Trump's WH counsel. The people in the room that told this to the whistle blower also said this is not the first time that has happened.
Apparently they do because they store them on a computer system from which THIS call was removed and put on a top secret system with code word entry only at the request of Trump's WH counsel. The people in the room that told this to the whistle blower also said this is not the first time that has happened.
They store notes on the call. Not the actual call.
They store notes on the call. Not the actual call.
They still are not supposed to out them in the top secret place if it's not that kind of stuff. It appears they have done it a few times and even did it with Trump's in person meeting with the Russian dudes in the oval office when he told them he was relieved that Comey was gone plus he was not worried about their interference in our election AND gave them classified information in the same meeting. :eek:
Yea it’s kind of funny how yesterday the “Whistleblower” really wasn’t privy to Trumps conversation. His story was third hand crap, and not a story anyway as Trump did nothing wrong. It appears a former VP Biden extorted the Ukraine govt and bragged about it on an open mic

1. Hunter Biden had no experience st all in the Ukraine much less laws concerning its energy sector.
2. Hunter Biden had absolutily no experience in the natural gas industry anywhere much less the Ukraine
3. Hunter Biden was hired as an advisor and board member for Ukraine energy company making millions of dollars for apparently no work at all
4. Ukraine prosecutor was investigating company Hunter was paid by, and was wanting to talk to Hunter Biden about his business dealings.
5. Joe Biden threatened to withhold billions of dollars in foreign aid unless the prosecutor was fired and the investigation dropped( on tape)
6. Joe Biden swore he had never even talked to his son Hunter about his dealings in the Ukraine, even though Hunter told people they had spoken about it. Biden makes a big deal about being a loving family man,,it’s hard to imagine he didn’t talk to Hunter about his work in the Ukraine

Nothing wrong at all in Trump telling a foreign leader that something stinks and they should look into it.

Ukraine foreign minister says no pressure was applied by Trump
Replace Donald where you have Joe and son for son and you have a tie. Only difference is the Trump's are actually in office. Again just toooooooo easy
NO, he taught why we should have them and they should be the actual call, not some notes from people in the room.
It's a noble response, and really the right thing to do, but all of these contemporaneous items are (a) subject to subpoena and (b) government records. No one wants to leave that detailed of a paper trail unless they have to. Heck, they can even subpoena your diary.

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