There's a huge implication here that you must be right about religion and that this can be the only purpose ever. That's a myopic world view of purpose. By this logic, why not live in a cave, eat simply, and pray, since all that matters is getting into heaven? There must be some purpose to living a better life in the here and now as well.
You are proving my point. And it’s this:
You don’t believe your own prescribed worldview. Or you at least don’t live in congruence with it.
An academically honest approach to your worldview is everything is meaningless. And of the same value as bacteria. And of the same purpose, which is nothing. Here today, gone tomorrow, nothing matters.
Here is what you are advocating for in your posts:
1. Individuals have value and dignity (I agree).
2. There is good and evil... and there should be laws that are objective for everyone (I agree)
3. There is meaning and purpose to this life (I agree)
But...naturalism based on evolution leaves you with:
1. No inherent value
2. No morality whatsoever (do whatever you want, because it doesn’t matter).. and everyone’s right in what they believe.
3. There is no meaning/purpose. You are a cosmic accident. Who knows what will happen next. And you can be sure it’s not a part of a larger plan.
If you sit in the non-theist camp (lots of things under that banner) you have to say Covid is fine. It’s just evolution working itself out. Cells attacking cells, nature running its course, and the fittest will survive. You can’t say it’s bad and be consistent with your worldview.
This will likely irritate you, because I’m going to say some things I believe your heart knows to be true, but you would likely even be mad for me saying as you disagree so much.
1. You and I are made in the image of God. That’s what gives us value and makes us value others.
2. We have been given a conscience that convicts us of evil. We know we are broken and sinful.
3. Eternity and afterlife has been written on our hearts. We know there’s more to life than this, and we have purpose.
4. (Most offensive, but I believe to be true).. you know God exists, but you suppress or hate the truth.
Atheists cannot make any valid morality claims because it hasn’t no objective foundation. It only has personal perception, and in their worldview... their brain fizzing. What they believe to be good or bad will change eventually so they can’t even be sure they are right.
Yet, they make absolute assertions, cry out about injustice, and try to enact moral judgment on others, even subject that onto other people who might have different brain fizz.
In summation, the naturalist worldview is largely unpracticed by its adherents, because it’s bogus.
(I’m not in this camp and I realize this is pretty blunt/raw) Why shouldn’t I eat babies? You can’t tell me it’s wrong (and be correct) Why shouldn’t I rape children if it feels good to me? You can’t. Morality isn’t a up to a vote.... God has set his standards. We have broken them and made up our own.
I mean no disrespect or condescension. I only desire to show you that your worldview has major major problems. The only judgments you can make borrow from my worldview.
Sorry if this infuriates you. That is not my point.
Tomorrow is why I share this with you. Resurrection Sunday. You can be made right and whole. You can be cleansed. You can know God through his Son. You can have peace!
Knowing Jesus isn’t about living in a cave, but instead sharing Him with the whole world. It isn’t about doing a bunch of rituals and following rules... it’s about God changing your heart and making you his forever.
He died for you. Paid your penalty. Rose from the dead. And offers you the abundant life. No, Not Joel Osteen abundance, but real life. Eternal life.
I care about you enough to tell you and whoever is reading this that. Be happy to discuss this more with anyone. Happy Easter everyone! He is Risen!