Consequences of the 2024 election


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2020
Here is a free article detailing the GOP plan for 2025. It’s not a “liberal message” it’s what they are admitting to. Whether it’s Trump or DeSantis or someone else, the Heritage Foundation is all about restructuring the government to give the president total control over the executive branch. A one man deregulation machine.

The FCC, the EPA, the CDC, you name it. The president will be able to hire, fire, change or eliminate policy without regard for precedent nor tradition. They seek a truly authoritarian chokehold on our government.

We're a year away from the conventions. I had such high hopes that both parties would have some young, charismatic presidential candidate come forth to replace Biden and Trump. Apparently, it ain't gonna happen!! Yet the majority of the country doesn't want either man as president. I'm dumbfounded that we allow this to happen. I am truly embarrassed that Ol' Joe and Don the Con are the best we have to offer for POTUS!!
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Fat Donnie just received notice that a third indictment is headed his way with Georgia yet to come... Stay tuned..!
Thank you for the completely unbiased article from one of the primary Democrat propogandist. And how nice they made it free. One thing I've noticed from the Dems is, they do something themselves and scream how the opposition is doing it. Point in case, Democrats are notorious for big government & control. It's why they push stupidity like higher minimum wage. And Biden has done his part in wrecking our economy to the place that inflation can assure the Dems more tax revenue. 2024 is crucial alright, to stop this current madness and get somebody in that isn't going to sell our country out. I'm sure this statement will trigger most of you into throwing a hissy fit, like taking candy from a spoiled child would, but, Trump might be a narcistic blow hole, but myself and a lot of others who were opposed to him are waking up to easily see that our country was a lot better off with him at the helm than this failure we have now.
Also, don't talk about Donnie's indictment unless you're willing to talk about Hillary's emails, the Biden father and son scam, border fiasco, etc. Oh, I know Trump's is a definite and all the other are just QAnon conspiracies' from the right. Well, there's my one month visit to a political board a massive 10s of people each month. Hope you get to read this Toots since you've blocked me because I put too much truth for you in a comment one time. ;~)
Here's your champion.
So Dems are notorious for big government and control. Gotta love how the cult doesn't even realize they are being conned by The Don!! Don't let the truth interfere with what Fox is feeding you Pete!!

So under Trump's signature, before any true crisis hit, the annual price tag of government went up by $937 billion in less than four years—more than the $870 billion price hike Obama produced in an eight-year span that included a massive federal response to a financial meltdown.

Trump sports regulatory impulses of his own that could derail or even eclipse the rollback agenda not just in 2020 but for years beyond….Trump's proclivity for trade restrictions and his ad hoc zeal for antitrust and media regulation (such as swipes at Amazon and the AT&T–Time Warner merger) are well known. There are additional less well-known warning signs of regulatory initiatives that have emerged or heightened during the Trump tenure, such as the president's approval of a permanent reauthorization of the Land and Water Conservation Fund, and his boasting of "the largest public lands package in a decade, designating 1.3 million acres…of new wilderness" for a federal government that already owns a large portion of the continent….

Trump's own regulatory impulses have become the most pertinent concern, particularly where he exhibits substantial agreement with regulatory advocates on issues such as antitrust policy, regulatory action against tech firms and traditional media companies, and industrial and social policy.

Speaking of control, does "all I need is 11,729 votes" ring a bell??? LMAO
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Point in case, really? If you're gonna use that kind of language at least use it right.
Desantis beats Biden in the 2024 election. Christie beats him. There are Bushes and Romneys that would do it. Governor Parsons would have a shot. Who doesn't have a shot? That'd be Donald Trunmp.
Biden should just come out and say it. In 2020, I beat Trump, that was my job, now I trust my party to nominate the right person to do it again. Dems want to run against the Donald. Republicans want to run against Joe.

I want an all-female ballot, AOC vs Liz Cheney!!!
Desantis beats Biden in the 2024 election. Christie beats him. There are Bushes and Romneys that would do it. Governor Parsons would have a shot. Who doesn't have a shot? That'd be Donald Trunmp.
Biden should just come out and say it. In 2020, I beat Trump, that was my job, now I trust my party to nominate the right person to do it again. Dems want to run against the Donald. Republicans want to run against Joe.

I want an all-female ballot, AOC vs Liz Cheney!!!
Lots of coulda woulda shoulda.....but the fact remains we are going to be stuck with Biden vs Trump II The Rumble from the Rest Home, and the majority of voters will be voting for their perceived lesser of two evils just like the previous two presidential elections, And that's what bothers me the most!!
What bothers me the most is the number of people who will vote for Donald Trump no matter who opposes him. In the primary or the general. Whether it’s the senile Biden or some super talented leader. They have been fooled into joining a cult.

He can change his story five different times on the documents case and they will just nod along. He can try to organize fake electors in the swing states to overturn election results and they will ignore that and swallow the urban legend of millions of illegal aliens voting instead.

There is nothing they won’t believe. It’s 1930s Germany. And if we don’t throw his arse in federal prison we are going to wind up in a very bad place.
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It is July 2023, there is a long way to go until the conventions next summer. I think they both may be interesting. The leaders going in may not get the nominations for either party. If Trump doesn't get the nomination, by losing or handcuffs, Biden will step away for health reasons or something else.
Indictment is a long way from a guilty verdict. All it takes is one Trumper juror.
Heck it's a long way from a trial. Why on earth would you need to put off that trial til next May? They should put a gag order on Trump, he's already talking about how dangerous it would be to convict him of anything. If that ain't a dog whistle to his followers I don't know what is. It's stand back and stand by all over again.
Wow! I found the exact response I get from the libtards when I try to ask questions about abortion, Trump, border security, the economy, etc.....

Hunter's plea deal gets tossed, Dems return serve with more felony charges in Mar A Fatso, while McConnell spaces out for 30 seconds on camera, and Feinstein's mind goes blank in a committee meeting. What a circus in DC!!
McConnell and Feinstein really do need to step away. Immediately. They said he has fallen several times in the past few months. And she is a zombie and has been for a couple of years.
Three of Roy Blunt’s family members became lobbyists. Do you think they get those lucrative gigs without Roy in office? Hell no.

Hunter makes a killing because his dad is VP.
He cashed in on his name.

Ivanka gets a gold mine in copyrights from China and Jared gets a huge deal with the Saudis that dwarfs all the others.

All of these suck. This is pretty much common practice in our corrupt ass government. Yet the only one we hear about is Hunter Biden. As if he is the lone outlaw. Give me a break with your biased liberal media BS.
Heard somewhere that McConnell has been riding in a wheelchair sometimes. Why are we not seeing video of that?
Hunter's plea deal gets tossed, Dems return serve with more felony charges in Mar A Fatso, while McConnell spaces out for 30 seconds on camera, and Feinstein's mind goes blank in a committee meeting. What a circus in DC!!
Dude the Trump stuff has been going on for long time and they're just now getting all the witnesses in to tell the real story of Mara Lago. Pubs claim he did nothing bad by taking the Top Secret Docs home and he gave them back. Now we just keep finding out more all the time that he KNEW he shouldn't have them, he had people moving them all over the place to hide them, he wanted the security camera tapes deleted, AND he waved top secret docs around in front his people that had NO business seeing stuff like our Iran war plan if needed. If Trump hadn't stalled and hid that crap for 2 years this wouldn't be coming to a head in an election year. If we allow that man in the WH again and give him both houses of congress he'll be Netanyahu made over. He just got his people to take away the power of their Supreme Court to slap down government overreach. Trump wants to be the Almighty Ruler if gets in again and his die hard supporters in congress will back him to end.
He literally was given 18 months to return the documents. They asked politely. If he returns them, he wouldn’t have been charged. He did this to himself. A life time of breaking the law and it finally catches up to the piece of trash.
Craziest thing I have ever seen in my life!! Just like everyone else, I can't believe I have normally pretty smart, common sense friends who still support him, believe he has never done anything wrong, and believe all the conspiracies including the election was rigged. Nothing you can say will ever change their minds.
I don’t think it is too much to ask the GOPers we know to nominate someone else.
This is a huge country. There has to be someone better.
Thank you for the completely unbiased article from one of the primary Democrat propogandist. And how nice they made it free. One thing I've noticed from the Dems is, they do something themselves and scream how the opposition is doing it. Point in case, Democrats are notorious for big government & control. It's why they push stupidity like higher minimum wage. And Biden has done his part in wrecking our economy to the place that inflation can assure the Dems more tax revenue. 2024 is crucial alright, to stop this current madness and get somebody in that isn't going to sell our country out. I'm sure this statement will trigger most of you into throwing a hissy fit, like taking candy from a spoiled child would, but, Trump might be a narcistic blow hole, but myself and a lot of others who were opposed to him are waking up to easily see that our country was a lot better off with him at the helm than this failure we have now.
Also, don't talk about Donnie's indictment unless you're willing to talk about Hillary's emails, the Biden father and son scam, border fiasco, etc. Oh, I know Trump's is a definite and all the other are just QAnon conspiracies' from the right. Well, there's my one month visit to a political board a massive 10s of people each month. Hope you get to read this Toots since you've blocked me because I put too much truth for you in a comment one time. ;~)
I guess you haven't seen the inflation rate has dropped to about 3%, way down from where it was not long ago and I'm pretty sure we haven't changed presidents yet. If Biden gets the blame for it going up who gets the credit for it going down?
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Fat Donnie just received notice that a third indictment is headed his way with Georgia yet to come... Stay tuned..!
Won't change anything, his base would vote for him no matter what. Don't you know this is all a witch hunt, poor old Donnie is as honest as old Abe.
Thank you for the completely unbiased article from one of the primary Democrat propogandist. And how nice they made it free. One thing I've noticed from the Dems is, they do something themselves and scream how the opposition is doing it. Point in case, Democrats are notorious for big government & control. It's why they push stupidity like higher minimum wage. And Biden has done his part in wrecking our economy to the place that inflation can assure the Dems more tax revenue. 2024 is crucial alright, to stop this current madness and get somebody in that isn't going to sell our country out. I'm sure this statement will trigger most of you into throwing a hissy fit, like taking candy from a spoiled child would, but, Trump might be a narcistic blow hole, but myself and a lot of others who were opposed to him are waking up to easily see that our country was a lot better off with him at the helm than this failure we have now.
Also, don't talk about Donnie's indictment unless you're willing to talk about Hillary's emails, the Biden father and son scam, border fiasco, etc. Oh, I know Trump's is a definite and all the other are just QAnon conspiracies' from the right. Well, there's my one month visit to a political board a massive 10s of people each month. Hope you get to read this Toots since you've blocked me because I put too much truth for you in a comment one time. ;~)
Pete, the issue is had Donnie won we would have almost assuredly had the same inflation. You start up the economy and fill hundreds of thousands of jobs with no slack and not expect to be hurt or see high prices? Many companies cut inventory levels during the pandemic not know what it would bring many people were laid off.

But you think rising wages is a bad thing? You do know companies are fighting over a limited amount of workers wages are not up because we raised minimum wage or some policy they were going up before Donnie left office. Wages are increasing because of supply and demand something many of us Republicans told Dems would happen once we got illegal immigration under control our work force would be cut and all those low paying jobs wages would increase. (not a bad thing I guess) Yeah I know you think it is not but despite what you see in the bias news, illegal immigration is down and going historical down. Which is driving inflation up as immigrants would take jobs, many very low paying jobs, that now have to be filled by other means which means higher wages.
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What bothers me the most is the number of people who will vote for Donald Trump no matter who opposes him. In the primary or the general. Whether it’s the senile Biden or some super talented leader. They have been fooled into joining a cult.

He can change his story five different times on the documents case and they will just nod along. He can try to organize fake electors in the swing states to overturn election results and they will ignore that and swallow the urban legend of millions of illegal aliens voting instead.

There is nothing they won’t believe. It’s 1930s Germany. And if we don’t throw his arse in federal prison we are going to wind up in a very bad place.
if he wins we are going to end up in a very bad place, because he is going to want to settle old scores, not run the country.
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We won't have any good people left on the right to have in position to stop his worst inclinations. Don't agree with much from Barr or Pence, etc. We will be at war with Ukraine and South Korea before it is over.

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