- Carl Junction
- Camdenton
- Webb City
- Bolivar
- Hillcrest
- West Plains
- Marshfield
- McDonald County
Top 3 seeds will be the top 3 listed above, but not in that order necessarily. CJ could be 1 or 2, Cam any of the 3, and Webb with a glimmer of hope of climbing to #2.
I believe Bolivar will lose to Ozark and could fall as far as sixth. Hillcrest will get a ratings boost by playing class 6 Joplin and West Plains should be a solid favorite to beat 1-7 Rolla this week.
Big finish ahead - as Rock Hard Corn Frog pointed out the 1 and 2 seeds get a much easier first round game than 3 thru 6.
And ultimately somebody pretty good is traveling all the way to Camdenton, or the Lakers are facing one or perhaps two long trips to Jasper County.