Everyone seems to forget when Lamar was the underdog. How about a little refresher course in that prior to 2011 Lamar didn't have a state title in any sport. How about he fact that we often were beat in the class 3 and 4 dominant Big 8 to the point that it was considered to leave the conference for injury sake. I am so tired of the everyone wins liberal/progressive whimps who constantly cry foul due to not being able to develop a program that is successful. There are countless programs in Class 2 that could develop, however you have to push weights, condition, practice in the environments, and let the coaches COACH. I have watched every type of parent there is who complain their kid isn't getting played enough, or who get on their school boards to screw things up, or complain that their kid has bruises, or threw up from being pushed to hard. I can attest that a large number of the boys playing for Lamar (who already have a conditioning and weight program enviable by some colleges) return home and run more, hit the weights more, concern over proper nutrition and take care of their bodies, and to top that off many are 4.0 students as well. However, in the greater scheme of things, have your way and make your changes...it will only ensure that Lamar holds the title for 6 consecutive state football titles for the rest of eternity. That is good enough for me, however it takes away from other generations of kids who might want to challenge this title. Some of the people on here are truly wastes of air. Stop living through your kids, start living for your kids and do not purposefully stack the deck against future classes to protect your kids who maybe should consider chess club anyway.