Carly, Carly, Carly.

I bet she continues to use it in her stump speeches and it will be her downfall.
I bet she continues to use it in her stump speeches and it will be her downfall.

Your Party is about to have a ...

"Granny off the Cliff" moment when ads start coming out just before the election showing ".... ..... being separated surgically on an ........ table.

We will see if the American public agrees with Carly or your liberal fact checkers.
Even if you are correct that the video doesn't "show" what she said, the video says what she said.
liberal fact checkers? I know those guys are annoying, expecting people to be honest and stuff!
liberal fact checkers? I know those guys are annoying, expecting people to be honest and stuff!

You never watched the 10 videos did you?
Planned Parenthood
10 videos

True, they do not directly link the procedures of the videos to Planned Parenthood but do show what those procedures are in graphic detail.

It's up to you to explain to undecided women voters why the dissection of baby parts is good with you and the Democrat Party.

Perhaps a war on unborn children is what you and your party stand for?
Yes and women voters who have never gotten an abortion because they were able to get birth control via PP won't need an explanation. PP has prevented more abortions by providing birth control than any republican in the world.
Scout - you do recognize that the average independent in the US doesn't want Planned Parenthood defunded according to the polls?

This is an R base issue, not really an undecided voter issue. Plus November 2016 is a LONG way away.
Scout - you do recognize that the average independent in the US doesn't want Planned Parenthood defunded according to the polls?

This is an R base issue, not really an undecided voter issue. Plus November 2016 is a LONG way away.

I have no idea who will vote Republican based on these videos. My point had nothing to do with that.
I am a True Conservative first, a Republican 5th or 6th. The two major parties have little to offer US.
I have no idea who will vote Republican based on these videos. My point had nothing to do with that.
I am a True Conservative first, a Republican 5th or 6th. The two major parties have little to offer US.

You don't even know what a "true conservative" is.
You don't even know what a "true conservative" is.

I know exactly what True Conservatives are and you're not one of them.
Interesting the people you hate the most are the ones who don't think exactly as you.
Perhaps this is why you find yourself alone in a world filled with people.
I know exactly what True Conservatives are and you're not one of them.
Interesting the people you hate the most are the ones who don't think exactly as you.
Perhaps this is why you find yourself alone in a world filled with people.

First, I don't hate many people.
Secondly, Alone? Bahahahahahahaha.
So tell me what is a true conservative?
I'm guessing it's someone who agrees with you on every topic. Not Reagan, because he used diplomacy, ran a deficit, and signed California's bill legalizing abortion.
First, I don't hate many people.
Secondly, Alone? Bahahahahahahaha.
So tell me what is a true conservative?
I'm guessing it's someone who agrees with you on every topic. Not Reagan, because he used diplomacy, ran a deficit, and signed California's bill legalizing abortion.

I'm assuming 101 civics it's part of your repertoire?
Unlike Obama who used the nuclear option to get what he wanted in Obama Care, Reagon was not a dictator.
True he was soft on social issues while a Democrat, later in life he came around.
As far as immigration goes he was to liberal. His pipe dream was a unified country full of many nationalities who all lived under the same flag and shared the same ideas of what America was and would be in the future.
He was wrong, just as President Bush was wrong in believing that all people think the same and share the same dreams, we don't .
This country is no longer united and quite possibly will never be again.

Yes I'm a True Conservative but I still have hope for this country and this world.

Sorry about the negative comment above, I'm a bit of a counter puncher myself and type before I think... : (
Reagan was already an R when he was Governor of California. A right wing R relative to the national party.
Any hopes at unity ended with Watergate and Vietnam. I foolishly believed it was possible we could be united again but Mitch McConnell's proclamation that the number one priority of the republicans in Congress wasn't safety, economic progress, education, or opportunity for all, but instead to defeat the president of the U.S. in the next election.
Then Citizens United threw gas on the fire.
The country will never again be united.
Any hopes at unity ended with Watergate and Vietnam. I foolishly believed it was possible we could be united again but Mitch McConnell's proclamation that the number one priority of the republicans in Congress wasn't safety, economic progress, education, or opportunity for all, but instead to defeat the president of the U.S. in the next election.
Then Citizens United threw gas on the fire.
The country will never again be united.

Government means different things to different people.

Many minorities believe that it's a path way to a better life.

Far Left politicians see it as a way to create jobs.

Far Right politicians see it as a way to promote business .

Far Left Followers see is it as a way to Save The Planet.

Far Right Followers see it as an intrusion on "State Rights".

Hardline Faith groups do not see government at all, only GOD

And there is the most diverse group, "All of the above" and them some.

With a country so divided on what the roll of government should play in our lives. How then can compromise work when we see the world so differently?
Any hopes at unity ended with Watergate and Vietnam. I foolishly believed it was possible we could be united again but Mitch McConnell's proclamation that the number one priority of the republicans in Congress wasn't safety, economic progress, education, or opportunity for all, but instead to defeat the president of the U.S. in the next election.
Then Citizens United threw gas on the fire.
The country will never again be united.

I know, isn't it horrible.
I mean when you have a president that says stuff like
You didn't build that
If you like your plan you can keep your plan, period.
Solyndra is leading the way
I have traveled to all 57 states
Clinging to guns and religion
The police acted stupidly
If I had a son he would look like Trayvon
Set in the back of the bus

Those damn republicans, how can we unite the country with them saying things like that....... Oh wait
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Government means different things to different people.

Many minorities believe that it's a path way to a better life.

Far Left politicians see it as a way to create jobs.

Far Right politicians see it as a way to promote business .

Far Left Followers see is it as a way to Save The Planet.

Far Right Followers see it as an intrusion on "State Rights".

Hardline Faith groups do not see government at all, only GOD

And there is the most diverse group, "All of the above" and them some.

With a country so divided on what the roll of government should play in our lives. How then can compromise work when we see the world so differently?
Scout why should it be a difference of opinion to create jobs AND promote business? It has only become an issue since big business began wanting to keep all the money and NOT create jobs. The condition of our infrastructure dictates that we SHOULD create many jobs through government funding of good paying jobs to rebuild the mess we have allowed things to get in. These would NOT be government jobs, they would be private contractors in nearly every state hiring various types of construction workers to things up to par. Why is this right-left issue?
I know, isn't it horrible.
I mean when you have a president that says stuff like
You didn't build that
If you like your plan you can keep your plan, period.
Solyndra is leading the way
I have traveled to all 57 states
Clinging to guns and religion
The police acted stupidly
If I had a son he would look like Trayvon
Set in the back of the bus

Those damn republicans, how can we unite the country with them saying things like that....... Oh wait
you could find anything like that for anyone who is a politician for a decade. The question is how do they really act when the chips are down.
Scout why should it be a difference of opinion to create jobs AND promote business? It has only become an issue since big business began wanting to keep all the money and NOT create jobs. The condition of our infrastructure dictates that we SHOULD create many jobs through government funding of good paying jobs to rebuild the mess we have allowed things to get in. These would NOT be government jobs, they would be private contractors in nearly every state hiring various types of construction workers to things up to par. Why is this right-left issue?
When you have stagnant middle class wages for nearly two decades under Presidents of both parties through good times and bad, many people are going to start questioning why they should care about the profitability of big businesses when it doesn't seem to improve their lives.

It's not a shocker that globalization and rich bankers are very unpopular with many.

A lot of the people fired up about this are in the R base, not in the D base.

The rich R donors and white collar base feel the other way, which is why the party is so corporate-friendly, but it's not a position that is shared by the whole base. It's part of the appeal of a Trump, a Santorum, or a Huckabee - they speak to blue collar voters who feel like the economy is rigged against them.
I know, isn't it horrible.
I mean when you have a president that says stuff like
You didn't build that
If you like your plan you can keep your plan, period.
Solyndra is leading the way
I have traveled to all 57 states
Clinging to guns and religion
The police acted stupidly
If I had a son he would look like Trayvon
Set in the back of the bus

Those damn republicans, how can we unite the country with them saying things like that....... Oh wait
Few things.

  1. When Obama said "You didn't build that," he was talking about roads and bridges and the like. He's right, you didn't build that. The country built that.
  2. If you lost your plan, you likely had crappy insurance and never really needed it before Obamacare.
  3. Solyndra got undercut by Chinese manufacturers. That's business. Doesn't mean they were a colossal failure. If you want to talk about the government subsidies of solar and wind, I think you might be surprised by how much I agree with you.
  4. So he had a slip of the tongue. Guess you've never said anything stupid?
  5. People do cling to guns and religion. Doesn't mean they're bad people, just means that's what they do.
  6. If Obama had a son, he would be black. Don't know why that's shocking or scandalous news.
  7. He actually said, "Sit in the back," referring to a car and the republicans driving the economy in the ditch. Again, if you find controversy in that statement, you're seriously reaching.
I'm all for holding people accountable for what they said, let's just not remove our brains before grabbing our pitchforks.
I know, isn't it horrible.
I mean when you have a president that says stuff like
You didn't build that
If you like your plan you can keep your plan, period.
Solyndra is leading the way
I have traveled to all 57 states
Clinging to guns and religion
The police acted stupidly
If I had a son he would look like Trayvon
Set in the back of the bus

Those damn republicans, how can we unite the country with them saying things like that....... Oh wait
Sound bites do nothing we could fill pages on this site with stupid sound bites from both parties if you want to play that game. Weapons of mass destruction, we will be seen as great liberators, mission accomplished. I have many binders with women in it. A woman's body has ways to deal with that. Death panels I could go on and on as you could also. At some point if we really want to make the world a better place for our children there has to be compromise, but money sees no compromise only greed and that is what is killing the world not just this country.
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Sound bites do nothing we could fill pages on this site with stupid sound bites from both parties if you want to play that game. Weapons of mass destruction, we will be seen as great liberators, mission accomplished. I have many binders with women in it. A woman's body has ways to deal with that. Death panels I could go on and on as you could also. At some point if we really want to make the world a better place for our children there has to be compromise, but money sees no compromise only greed and that is what is killing the world not just this country.

Well said sir.
Few things.

  1. When Obama said "You didn't build that," he was talking about roads and bridges and the like. He's right, you didn't build that. The country built that.
  2. If you lost your plan, you likely had crappy insurance and never really needed it before Obamacare.
  3. Solyndra got undercut by Chinese manufacturers. That's business. Doesn't mean they were a colossal failure. If you want to talk about the government subsidies of solar and wind, I think you might be surprised by how much I agree with you.
  4. So he had a slip of the tongue. Guess you've never said anything stupid?
  5. People do cling to guns and religion. Doesn't mean they're bad people, just means that's what they do.
  6. If Obama had a son, he would be black. Don't know why that's shocking or scandalous news.
  7. He actually said, "Sit in the back," referring to a car and the republicans driving the economy in the ditch. Again, if you find controversy in that statement, you're seriously reaching.
I'm all for holding people accountable for what they said, let's just not remove our brains before grabbing our pitchforks.

Whatever cow, I have work to do and I am not going to rebuttal.

If you are going to explain away and make excuses for every stupid, hateful, egotistical, racebating, dividing thing thing Obama has said, then there is no need to discuss.
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I know exactly what True Conservatives are and you're not one of them.
Interesting the people you hate the most are the ones who don't think exactly as you.
Perhaps this is why you find yourself alone in a world filled with people.
Pot, Kettle, Black
Please explain to me why adding context to quotes is all the things you said. If you want to ignore the context, that makes you a pretty ignorant person.