Buck is right


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2002
Gumbo, Mo
If there was no such thing as religion, how many lives would have been saved with fewer if any wars? How much less hate would there be?
I think there's been a few wars that were Islamic conflicts.
First and probably last time that subject line will ever be posted on here.
Saw this on FB. Christians want to pretend they are better than Muslims


Yes they have the same issues with this list as Muslims do.
Re: Saw this on FB. Christians want to pretend they are better than Muslims

A tiny little difference Expect, is the fact that although Christians disagree with atheism, homosexuality, and alcoholism (etc) they don't bomb, murder and behead people they disagree with.

They also agree with women's rights, democracy and free speech.
Re: Saw this on FB. Christians want to pretend they are better than Muslims

Wait just a minute. Christians "agree with women's rights." Although Christian women do not have to wear a burka, most denominations of Christianity treat women as inferior or withhold certain privileges from women in one way or another. As a general rule they certainly don't support a woman's right to choose. As for Christians supporting free speech, that just depends on the message and where it is spoken. How about Darwinism in public schools? Not too many fundamentalists support that kind of speech. And Christians do "bomb, murder and behead people they disagree with." There have been numerous bombings and murders in the U.S. by Christians at abortion clinics or aimed at physicians that perform abortions. Clearly terrorism. The violence may not be as widespread today, but Christians have resorted to violence in support of their religion for centuries. Just how many Christians support the death penalty in the U.S.? Just like the Muslims killing in the name of "justice."
Re: Saw this on FB. Christians want to pretend they are better than Muslims

Let me try to address your post as best I can.

Most Christian denominations treat women inferior? None that I know of.

Don't support a women's choice to choose ? To do what? Murder their unborn baby? Thankfully no! Would it be alright with you if the FATHER decided to murder his unborn baby ?

True Christians do NOT bomb, murder and behead people..... Period .

Most Christians I know do not support the death penalty, prison for life to hopefully repent, but after that, they will meet their maker.
Lol the biggest one of all, Catholicism, doesn't allow women. Orthodox churches have the same policy. Southern baptists have generally not allowed women to be pastors either.

It's not banned by all evangelical movements but their preachers tend to be overwhelmingly male reflecting the culturally conservative viewpoint of their adherents.
Not all that familiar with Catholicism, so I won't argue that.

How many Muslim spiritual or governmental leaders are women ?
Ag you can't possibly tell us you didn't know women are not allowed to become a Priest.
Originally posted by ag-man:
Not all that familiar with Catholicism, so I won't argue that.

How many Muslim spiritual or governmental leaders are women ?
Islam isn't as centralized as many Christian sects, but it's basically all men in spiritual roles.

Most of their governments are led by males. Pakistan under Bhutto was a notable exception. Bangladesh has been ruled by women for a couple of decades straight. Then, there's Saudi Arabia and other places like that where women cannot lead a normal life to an extent that is unimaginable to Westerners.
Re: Saw this on FB. Christians want to pretend they are better than Muslims

Point one. How many Christian denominations regularly have female pastors, preachers or priests? Why? Point two, I rest my case. Point three. "True Christians." Who decides that? Point four. The most hard shell Southern Baptist state, Texas, citizens' boast about the number of executions they have carried out and support the effort. If Christians did not support the death penalty it would not exist in this country. "Most Christians" usually point to Acts 25:10-11 and Romans 13:1-4 and say that Jesus would support capital punishment. So does Allah.
Re: Saw this on FB. Christians want to pretend they are better than Muslims

I am 100% for a womans right to choose

She can choose whether she wants to have sex or not and create a human being in the process

She should not be able to choose to murder that human being just because it us still inside her body
Re: Saw this on FB. Christians want to pretend they are better than Muslims

Originally posted by Stevedangos:
I am 100% for a womans right to choose

She can choose whether she wants to have sex or not and create a human being in the process

She should not be able to choose to murder that human being just because it us still inside her body
Re: Saw this on FB. Christians want to pretend they are better than Muslims

Rape and or incest I can understand abortion.

Even proponents of abortion agree that at some point there should not be an abortion. Lets say a woman is 8 months pregnant with a healthy baby. I think about everyone agrees the baby being aborted would amount to murder.

Pro Life people think a 2 week old baby should not be aborted, Pro choice people think its ok to abort a 2 week old baby.

At what point in the life of an unborn child does it become not OK to kill it???
Re: Saw this on FB. Christians want to pretend they are better than Muslims

The law generally recognizes when the fetus would be viable on its own.

In practice, 98%+ of the abortions carried out world-wide in developed countries where abortion is legal by choice (I'm excluding craziness in a place like China) take place before about 21 weeks gestation. This is true of the US as well - 98.8% of abortions take place prior to 21 weeks. About 90% take place in the first trimester.
Originally posted by 3Rfan:
Ag you can't possibly tell us you didn't know women are not allowed to become a Priest.
I thought this as well; I didn't think it was possible for an American adult to not know this given all of the publicity this issue has received over the years. I assumed it was a brain fart.
That could be true NM, maybe a brain fart. As I have said, I don't study Catholicism, and I have not been aware of all the "publicity" this has received over the years.

In short, does anyone believe Christianity and Islam are synonymous ?
Originally posted by ag-man:
That could be true NM, maybe a brain fart. As I have said, I don't study Catholicism, and I have not been aware of all the "publicity" this has received over the years.

In short, does anyone believe Christianity and Islam are synonymous ?
In my opinion, the real challenge with Islam is that it is taken extremely severely in many parts of the world. Can you imagine a Christian nation which tried to enforce Levitical law? That's kind of what militant Islam is - it is the most severe interpretation possible of their religion. It has a fair amount of currency due to the extremely poor governance of many Islamic countries plus massive funding (notably from the Saudis) in support of extremely strict interpretations of Islam.

The American public does not understand how much the Saudi regime is to blame for the spread of strict interpretations of Islam.

The world did not used to be this way; Christian nations were generally not better places to live than Islamic nations in the years 700-1250.
Re: Saw this on FB. Christians want to pretend they are better than Muslims

Peabody, thank you for responding more eloquently than I could and quicker than I had a chance to get to.
Re: Saw this on FB. Christians want to pretend they are better than Muslims

Paul was not writing to the general populace in Romans 13:1-4. He was writing to Christians, not about obeying the laws of Rome, but about obeying the spiritual leaders they were under at the time. Paul certainly was not a friend of the Roman government. I also believe a true Christian would be characterized as one who followed the tennets of Christ and the Bible. Just because Texas has a large number of Baptists, it doesn't mean they all support a certain idea. There also may actually be more denominations who do have female leadership than those who don't now.
Scripture teaches that men are to be the leaders of their homes. There are other passages about women submitting to their husbands, etc. Some Christians misunderstand the intent of these passages and go way beyond the intent. There is a huge difference between SOME Christians putting women behind men and ALL Muslims giving women a low standing and MANY who give them animal status. There is no equivalence in the comparrison. When looking at the passages of the Quran and Bible there are huge differences in respect of women.
There is a big difference in conservative Western society and a society that doesn't allow women to leave the house without having a male relative to with her.
Re: Saw this on FB. Christians want to pretend they are better than Muslims

Originally posted by PeabodyandSherman:
Undoubtedly these are True Christians, wouldn't you agree?
What exactly do you have a problem with regarding your link?
Re: Saw this on FB. Christians want to pretend they are better than Muslims

It was posted in response to Bearcat's remark regarding Romans 13:1-4. But it is also pretty clear proof that major Christian religions like the Southern Baptist Convention support the use of the death penalty, despite comments here to the contrary. John Calvin and Martin Luther also supported the use of the death penalty. Which underscores my earlier point that there is a certain amount of hypocrisy in our criticism of Muslims. For instance the death penalty, as if Christians are more humane in their murders. Instead of sawing off their heads we do it in a sterile environment that has the look of an operating room. Murder is murder no matter how it is carried out and for what purpose. The trappings of "American justice" do not obscure what it is. I also recognize that radical Islamism has carried the concept of justified execution to the point of barbarism, murdering innocents and children and have blurred the lines of warfare. I think Christians should use radical Islam as an opportunity for introspective analysis rather than pointing a finger and claiming the Christian religion is simply just better than theirs, more civilized or whatever.
Re: Saw this on FB. Christians want to pretend they are better than Muslims

Originally posted by PeabodyandSherman:
It was posted in response to Bearcat's remark regarding Romans 13:1-4. But it is also pretty clear proof that major Christian religions like the Southern Baptist Convention support the use of the death penalty, despite comments here to the contrary. John Calvin and Martin Luther also supported the use of the death penalty. Which underscores my earlier point that there is a certain amount of hypocrisy in our criticism of Muslims. For instance the death penalty, as if Christians are more humane in their murders. Instead of sawing off their heads we do it in a sterile environment that has the look of an operating room. Murder is murder no matter how it is carried out and for what purpose. The trappings of "American justice" do not obscure what it is. I also recognize that radical Islamism has carried the concept of justified execution to the point of barbarism, murdering innocents and children and have blurred the lines of warfare. I think Christians should use radical Islam as an opportunity for introspective analysis rather than pointing a finger and claiming the Christian religion is simply just better than theirs, more civilized or whatever.
Are you really saying that killing a murderer humanely is the equivalent of killing innocents?
Re: Saw this on FB. Christians want to pretend they are better than Muslims

What part of innocent confuses you?
Originally posted by millerbleach:
Death is a great deterrent.
No, it's actually not effective AT ALL as a deterrent. There is plenty of evidence that the opposite is true - death is not a deterrent relative to life imprisonment without parole.

The argument is silly; this is not the sort of thing a murderer is focused on when they commit a crime. Death or life in jail...both are terrible punishments that no one wants.
Originally posted by Neutron Monster:

Originally posted by millerbleach:
Death is a great deterrent.
No, it's actually not effective AT ALL as a deterrent. There is plenty of evidence that the opposite is true - death is not a deterrent relative to life imprisonment without parole.
Dead people never kill again....deterred.

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