If the records were the same, I went in alphabetical order. Numbers first if applicable.
AC100 (41-1)
TitleRun06 (41-1)
ftballfan16 (40-2)
ChaoticFanatic (39-3)
CoachFox (39-3)
Blkdayz (38-4)
CarthageFan (38-4)
NOMOCA (38-4)
TadQueasy (38-4)
CalvinCandie (37-5)
Hawks4Life (37-5)
MoSooner (37-5)
Indians03 (36-6)
Purple&Gold08 (35-7)
UseDaDive (35-7)
MUGriswold (33-1)
Wahoolives (32-10)
SWMOTiger97 (31-11)
Bullitpdq (29-6)
COCMedium (27-1)
2-22 (25-3)
PapaT23 (25-3)
164Chevy (24-4)
I2RI (23-5)
503Maple (17-4)
BaldGuy (6-1)
Revno (5-2)
AC100 (41-1)
TitleRun06 (41-1)
ftballfan16 (40-2)
ChaoticFanatic (39-3)
CoachFox (39-3)
Blkdayz (38-4)
CarthageFan (38-4)
NOMOCA (38-4)
TadQueasy (38-4)
CalvinCandie (37-5)
Hawks4Life (37-5)
MoSooner (37-5)
Indians03 (36-6)
Purple&Gold08 (35-7)
UseDaDive (35-7)
MUGriswold (33-1)
Wahoolives (32-10)
SWMOTiger97 (31-11)
Bullitpdq (29-6)
COCMedium (27-1)
2-22 (25-3)
PapaT23 (25-3)
164Chevy (24-4)
I2RI (23-5)
503Maple (17-4)
BaldGuy (6-1)
Revno (5-2)