thats funny,,,,the only reason this old retired guy was appointed to this temporary position was because he is black and they hope it will calm the situation down.
Liberals putting someone in a position because of the pigment of his skin is as racist as making him sit in the back of the bus.
Explain to me how appointing a black activist from the 70's is going to calm the situation??
Doesn't it strike you strange at all that Captain Ron Johnson was put in charge in ferguson,, and this guy in Columbia.
And they were both the best men for the jobs and both happened to be black??
I don't think even you believe that
I will take that as an unqualified "NO"
Well it became painfully clear Captain Johnson was clueless and completely incapable of the job he was givin, but honestly in his defense unless you are prepared to use deadly force against people looting and burning down a town there isn't really much anyone could have done. Only way to have stopped ferguson riots quick would have been to shot a half dozen of them, that breaks up a crowd pretty quick.Are you saying these two men are unqualified to handle these situations? Answer it.
But when a school is made up of 90% white rednecks appointing a black radical from the 70's to lead the place is probably just going to throw fuel on the fire.