Man just when I think I see myself voting this way....something stupid happens. And when I tell people I know that I am undecided both sides are equally hateful, and that turns me off more to their candidate. Sorry to me this is like eating a SH*# sandwich and trying to decide between ruffled or non-ruffled potato chips.
I lean conservative on many issues but find it hard to vote Trump not because of his policies but because of how he carries himself and the way many others in the party act. I always ask myself is this the sort of man I would want to work for or leading my company and the answer is usually no....but to that he has tried to do what he said he would do? Also I know that Trump and the Senate have every right to move forward with the nomination and confirmation on the Supreme court. But to me they are all going against their word no matter how they try to spin and rationalize it, and that turns me off, In fact before this I would be more likely to Vote republican if they would hold off until after the election show me you are good for you word, I want people who I know I can count on when they give me their word and not change that when it benefits them, that worries me about their overall principles...WWJD?
However I find it hard to support Biden because well I lean conservative, and looking at his track record he has screwed the middle class many times in his 47 years in office well he was a senator for Delaware after all the corporate headquarter capital. I would say he is personally responsible for the student debt crisis that affects many parents and college students today, by making it easier for students and parents to take out loans, and then when people started having issues paying those loans back he made it impossible to discharge those student loans, birthing a predatory student loan industry. There are many other things that he supports that I have issues with...but really it is like putting weights on a scale, I find one thing I hate about Biden and I will find something about Trump.
So here I am undecided....trying to figure out which side I want with my $%^& sandwich....