Ten Questions for the ‘Squad’


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2005
Home of the Cubs!!
Now that they’re doing interviews again, journalists should get some crucial information.
Democratic infighting reached a fever pitch last week with bickering and personal attacks between members of the “Squad” and other House Democrats. During that period, Squad members Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Ayanna Pressley mostly avoided doing interviews. However, that all changed after Donald Trump’s deplorable tweet thread aimed at the freshman members.

While it makes sense that those interviews cover the Trump attack, one would think the press would also ask these members some tough questions that have otherwise have gone unanswered. That hasn’t happened thus far, but here are ten suggestions for journalists actually interested in accountability from those in power, and not just one sided interviews that push a certain tone and agenda.

Questions for all four members:

1) Given the attack this week against an ICE facility by an Antifa member who parroted some of the rhetoric used by your group about similar facilities, do you feel any responsibility to tone down that rhetoric? Since you Blame Trumps tone for attacks? Is it not fair that you too should be held accountable for yours?

2) The initial dispute with other Democrats originated from your voting against the House Democrats’ border-aid bill and the bipartisan compromise bill. Several of you have also promotedboycotts against furniture providers that work with detention facilities. How can you legitimately complain about the conditions at these facilities while opposing the aid and resources that officials say are needed to improve those conditions?

3) If you could fully control how we deal with the current influx of migrants from Central America at the border, what would the process look like? Without detention facilities, what would you do with migrants who cross the border without proper documentation? How will you deal with those who do not show up to court and have deportation orders issued against them?

4) Part of the recent infighting in the House caucus seems to be in reaction to tweets from your chief of staff, Saikat Chakrabarti, suggesting that some of your colleagues were enabling racism with their immigration votes and comparable to southern segregationists in the ’40s. Do you agree with his comments? Do you still support Nancy Pelosi as the speaker of the House?

5) You have repeatedly defended comparing U.S. migrant-detention facilities to concentration camps and invoking the phrase “never again.” These Holocaust comparisons have led to condemnation from mainstream Jewish and Holocaust-remembrance groups, including the ADL, the U.S. Holocaust Museum, and Yad Vashem. Why do you feel that comparison is necessary despite concerns that you are diminishing the suffering of Holocaust victims?

Questions for Ilhan Omar:

6) The Minnesota Star Tribune recently did a story raising questions about your previous marriage. Documents appear to indicate that you filed joint tax returns with your current husband while you were still married to your previous husband, Ahmed Nur Said Elmi. Legal documents also show your current husband and your former husband claiming the same residence around the same time. Can you explain these discrepancies?

7) During the 2018 election, you denied complaints claiming you misused campaign funds, but the Minnesota Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board recently found you had misappropriated funds for your divorce attorney and travel expenses. Can you explain how that happened?

8) Can you please explain why you believe sanctions against the Maduro regime in Venezuela are “bullying” and a form of “economic sabotage” against Venezuelans, but support the boycott, divestment, and sanctions movement against Israel?

Questions for Rashida Tlaib:

9) A few months ago, pro-Israel group Stand With Us did an investigation looking at 18 individuals associated with you or your campaign. You have personally praised some of these individuals on Facebook for their work on your campaign. All 18 have publicly expressed sympathy for terrorism or posted blatantly anti-Semitic content — such as images depicting Jews as rats or suggestions that “Hitler would be a dove” compared with what they wanted done to Jews. There is also evidence that you followed an Instagram account that regularly posted anti-Semitic content, and that your campaign fundraiser shared similar material. How do you explain so many associations with people who promote anti-Semitism? Do you share any of these views?

Questions for Ayanna Pressley:

10) Can you please explain your comments at Netroots Nation about not needing any more “brown faces that don’t want to be a brown voice” or “black faces that don’t want to be a black voice”? Are you suggesting that individuals with a particular skin tone must adopt a particular viewpoint?
Questions for Ayanna Pressley:

10) Can you please explain your comments at Netroots Nation about not needing any more “brown faces that don’t want to be a brown voice” or “black faces that don’t want to be a black voice”? Are you suggesting that individuals with a particular skin tone must adopt a particular viewpoint?

Omar is 100% a racist. Her idea of diversity is literally only skin deep, she wants NO diversity of thought or diversity of opinion. Typical lib.
Now that they’re doing interviews again, journalists should get some crucial information.
Democratic infighting reached a fever pitch last week with bickering and personal attacks between members of the “Squad” and other House Democrats. During that period, Squad members Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Ayanna Pressley mostly avoided doing interviews. However, that all changed after Donald Trump’s deplorable tweet thread aimed at the freshman members.

While it makes sense that those interviews cover the Trump attack, one would think the press would also ask these members some tough questions that have otherwise have gone unanswered. That hasn’t happened thus far, but here are ten suggestions for journalists actually interested in accountability from those in power, and not just one sided interviews that push a certain tone and agenda.

Questions for all four members:

1) Given the attack this week against an ICE facility by an Antifa member who parroted some of the rhetoric used by your group about similar facilities, do you feel any responsibility to tone down that rhetoric? Since you Blame Trumps tone for attacks? Is it not fair that you too should be held accountable for yours?

2) The initial dispute with other Democrats originated from your voting against the House Democrats’ border-aid bill and the bipartisan compromise bill. Several of you have also promotedboycotts against furniture providers that work with detention facilities. How can you legitimately complain about the conditions at these facilities while opposing the aid and resources that officials say are needed to improve those conditions?

3) If you could fully control how we deal with the current influx of migrants from Central America at the border, what would the process look like? Without detention facilities, what would you do with migrants who cross the border without proper documentation? How will you deal with those who do not show up to court and have deportation orders issued against them?

4) Part of the recent infighting in the House caucus seems to be in reaction to tweets from your chief of staff, Saikat Chakrabarti, suggesting that some of your colleagues were enabling racism with their immigration votes and comparable to southern segregationists in the ’40s. Do you agree with his comments? Do you still support Nancy Pelosi as the speaker of the House?

5) You have repeatedly defended comparing U.S. migrant-detention facilities to concentration camps and invoking the phrase “never again.” These Holocaust comparisons have led to condemnation from mainstream Jewish and Holocaust-remembrance groups, including the ADL, the U.S. Holocaust Museum, and Yad Vashem. Why do you feel that comparison is necessary despite concerns that you are diminishing the suffering of Holocaust victims?

Questions for Ilhan Omar:

6) The Minnesota Star Tribune recently did a story raising questions about your previous marriage. Documents appear to indicate that you filed joint tax returns with your current husband while you were still married to your previous husband, Ahmed Nur Said Elmi. Legal documents also show your current husband and your former husband claiming the same residence around the same time. Can you explain these discrepancies?

7) During the 2018 election, you denied complaints claiming you misused campaign funds, but the Minnesota Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board recently found you had misappropriated funds for your divorce attorney and travel expenses. Can you explain how that happened?

8) Can you please explain why you believe sanctions against the Maduro regime in Venezuela are “bullying” and a form of “economic sabotage” against Venezuelans, but support the boycott, divestment, and sanctions movement against Israel?

Questions for Rashida Tlaib:

9) A few months ago, pro-Israel group Stand With Us did an investigation looking at 18 individuals associated with you or your campaign. You have personally praised some of these individuals on Facebook for their work on your campaign. All 18 have publicly expressed sympathy for terrorism or posted blatantly anti-Semitic content — such as images depicting Jews as rats or suggestions that “Hitler would be a dove” compared with what they wanted done to Jews. There is also evidence that you followed an Instagram account that regularly posted anti-Semitic content, and that your campaign fundraiser shared similar material. How do you explain so many associations with people who promote anti-Semitism? Do you share any of these views?

Questions for Ayanna Pressley:

10) Can you please explain your comments at Netroots Nation about not needing any more “brown faces that don’t want to be a brown voice” or “black faces that don’t want to be a black voice”? Are you suggesting that individuals with a particular skin tone must adopt a particular viewpoint?

Are those 4 ladies running for president? Are they committee chairs? Why are you so pre-occupied with 4 freshmen? Because Trump and the GOP are leading you around by the nose. Women of color with far left ideas are being used as a scare tactic when they don’t even represent the Dem party in most cases.
Trump owns you. Those ladies are perfect for keeping the white nationalists riled up and distracting from Epstein and Mueller. You are owned like much of the media.

Shouldn’t you be more interested in Warren and Sanders? Of course. Who distracted you?
Are those 4 ladies running for president? Are they committee chairs? Why are you so pre-occupied with 4 freshmen? Because Trump and the GOP are leading you around by the nose. Women of color with far left ideas are being used as a scare tactic when they don’t even represent the Dem party in most cases.
Trump owns you. Those ladies are perfect for keeping the white nationalists riled up and distracting from Epstein and Mueller. You are owned like much of the media.

Shouldn’t you be more interested in Warren and Sanders? Of course. Who distracted you?

Duck these are questions that need to be asked. I want to be well informed on the issues that face this Country, I think some of those questions are fair to ask elected officials. Especially how they see immigration and their ideas on how they would handle it.
Duck these are questions that need to be asked. I want to be well informed on the issues that face this Country, I think some of those questions are fair to ask elected officials. Especially how they see immigration and their ideas on how they would handle it.

Not to mention that Warren, Sanders, and every other Democrat Presidential candidate agrees with these 4 "far left (as Duck called them) women of color Freshmen".
Duck these are questions that need to be asked. I want to be well informed on the issues that face this Country, I think some of those questions are fair to ask elected officials. Especially how they see immigration and their ideas on how they would handle it.

Those questions would be asked of any Republican and every Republican would be asked their opinion too if they were Republicans instead of Democrats.
Duck these are questions that need to be asked. I want to be well informed on the issues that face this Country, I think some of those questions are fair to ask elected officials. Especially how they see immigration and their ideas on how they would handle it.

Why do you need to know what a rep from Detroit or NY thinks? Why not South Dakota or Maine’s reps? Come on man. Those ladies don’t make the policies.
Are those 4 ladies running for president? Are they committee chairs? Why are you so pre-occupied with 4 freshmen? Because Trump and the GOP are leading you around by the nose. Women of color with far left ideas are being used as a scare tactic when they don’t even represent the Dem party in most cases.
Trump owns you. Those ladies are perfect for keeping the white nationalists riled up and distracting from Epstein and Mueller. You are owned like much of the media.

Shouldn’t you be more interested in Warren and Sanders? Of course. Who distracted you?
What does Epstein or Mueller have to do with anything???
Trump makes $&!+ up and gets his followers to hate these girls. None of them said evil Jews and none of them called Americans garbage, but he has repeated these lines over and over. He said it multiple times again today. But you guys have jumped on the bandwagon exactly as he wanted. You drink the kool aid daily like fools. Read what they said. Its not even close. He lies every freakin day.

Why do you need to know what a rep from Detroit or NY thinks? Why not South Dakota or Maine’s reps? Come on man. Those ladies don’t make the policies.

Those ladies are making policies. Those ladies hateful speech could have lead directly to the assault on one of our detention centers. So yes I would like to know if they feel that it is alright for them to insight violence but not for others. Duck the kettle cannot call the pot black, nor should you throw stones if you too live in a glass house. If you believe what Trump is doing is wrong you need to hold those pointing the finger to just as high of standard as you want to hold Trump.
Those ladies are making policies. Those ladies hateful speech could have lead directly to the assault on one of our detention centers. So yes I would like to know if they feel that it is alright for them to insight violence but not for others. Duck the kettle cannot call the pot black, nor should you throw stones if you too live in a glass house. If you believe what Trump is doing is wrong you need to hold those pointing the finger to just as high of standard as you want to hold Trump.

Name one thing those 4 girls have passed.
Do you know how many reps we have in congress? 4 girls are going to make policy and have it pass the house, the senate, and be signed by agent orange????? Trump is pouring the koolaid and you are lapping it up like a good boy.
Name one thing those 4 girls have passed.
Do you know how many reps we have in congress? 4 girls are going to make policy and have it pass the house, the senate, and be signed by agent orange????? Trump is pouring the koolaid and you are lapping it up like a good boy.

The difference between me and you is I see the bad and good from both sides. I am not blind I think Trump is narcissistic and can be a blow hard, he is like an old uncle who is not politically correct, but at times he makes good policy, I wish he would stay off twitter more. However you are so blinded by your liberal colored glasses that you don't want to see the bad in those that you choose to follow and you would never chose to question anything they have done or will do.
It is like you posted I can disagree with others on certain view points but still get along with them. You disagree with only one side and you don't or refuse to see the bad of those that support your view point.

I don't care that people question Trump, but I also want to see the other side question. You need to know what sort of horse you are hitching your wagon too.

The difference between me and you is I see the bad and good from both sides. I am not blind I think Trump is narcissistic and can be a blow hard, he is like an old uncle who is not politically correct, but at times he makes good policy, I wish he would stay off twitter more. However you are so blinded by your liberal colored glasses that you don't want to see the bad in those that you choose to follow and you would never chose to question anything they have done or will do.
It is like you posted I can disagree with others on certain view points but still get along with them. You disagree with only one side and you don't or refuse to see the bad of those that support your view point.

I don't care that people question Trump, but I also want to see the other side question. You need to know what sort of horse you are hitching your wagon too.


Once again I have to repeat myself. As the biggest critic of Hillary on this board and someone who blasted obama’s inability to accomplish much of anything, I laugh at your nonsense post. These girls have some ideas even I consider too far. But those things aren’t going to pass so why get worked up about 4 irrelevant reps? Because Trump is trying to make them the face of the Dems and you fell for it. I don’t remember you getting all worked up about right wing extremists. I wonder why. In the mean time Trump is inspiring white nationalists and you prefer to criticize irrelevant girls. Fox owns you.
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Gee Bullitt, I Wonder who turned a cop from La against a girl from NY City????? I am sure she deserves this for wanting to slow down climate change or protect kids.

Gee Bullitt, why would a Reagan advisor say this about a republican???

Those ladies are making policies. Those ladies hateful speech could have lead directly to the assault on one of our detention centers. So yes I would like to know if they feel that it is alright for them to insight violence but not for others. Duck the kettle cannot call the pot black, nor should you throw stones if you too live in a glass house. If you believe what Trump is doing is wrong you need to hold those pointing the finger to just as high of standard as you want to hold Trump.
If a representative from Maine or Montana was pushing the same ideas the "4 girls" are pushing, i'd say the same things about them. It has NOTHING to do with what party they are in, what race they are, what gender they are, or where they are from now.
If it was just these "4 girls" like Duck says, it wouldn't be the threat it is but, EVERY Dem Presidential candidate supports almost all of these "4 girls" policy positions. Which candidate didn't say we American taxpayers shouldn't pay for healthcare for illegals? NONE! Which ones don't support the "green new deal" or a similar version? NONE!
I know i'm sort of preaching to the choir here but since Duck claims to have me on ignore, feel free to plagiarize me when responding to Duck if you agree with my points but Duck will likely claim to put you on ignore too if you do.
If a representative from Maine or Montana was pushing the same ideas the "4 girls" are pushing, i'd say the same things about them. It has NOTHING to do with what party they are in, what race they are, what gender they are, or where they are from now.
If it was just these "4 girls" like Duck says, it wouldn't be the threat it is but, EVERY Dem Presidential candidate supports almost all of these "4 girls" policy positions. Which candidate didn't say we American taxpayers shouldn't pay for healthcare for illegals? NONE! Which ones don't support the "green new deal" or a similar version? NONE!
I know i'm sort of preaching to the choir here but since Duck claims to have me on ignore, feel free to plagiarize me when responding to Duck if you agree with my points but Duck will likely claim to put you on ignore too if you do.
You guys are so intimidated by Duck. You have DDS (Duck Derangement Syndrome). Let the obsession continue. It is hilarious to watch them reply to your posts like you're listening to them. They are such poor, poor cowards. Bahahahahaha
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You guys are so intimidated by Duck. You have DDS (Duck Derangement Syndrome). Let the obsession continue. It is hilarious to watch them reply to your posts like you're listening to them. They are such poor, poor cowards. Bahahahahaha

If those boys would have actually read the articles I posted and said “those are good points, but here is what I disagree with.....”
and why. Then I wouldn’t have ignored them. But they won’t even read. And they respond with TDS or some “both sides” BS or blasting the publication or news station without really expressing anything to help me understand their point. So it’s a waste of my life reading their crap.

I will give you one of many, many examples.
I believe transitioning to smart weapons is a way to allow millions of people to keep their guns and save thousands of lives. From teen suicides to toddler shootings. Yes, there would be an expense. But instead of discussing the pros and cons all I heard back was the same “they gunna take our guns” or how much I don’t know about weapons or second amendment blah blah . Screw them.
If those boys would have actually read the articles I posted and said “those are good points, but here is what I disagree with.....”
and why. Then I wouldn’t have ignored them. But they won’t even read. And they respond with TDS or some “both sides” BS or blasting the publication or news station without really expressing anything to help me understand their point. So it’s a waste of my life reading their crap.

I will give you one of many, many examples.
I believe transitioning to smart weapons is a way to allow millions of people to keep their guns and save thousands of lives. From teen suicides to toddler shootings. Yes, there would be an expense. But instead of discussing the pros and cons all I heard back was the same “they gunna take our guns” or how much I don’t know about weapons or second amendment blah blah . Screw them.

You're such liar. I gave you MULTIPLE reasons "smart guns" aren't feasible at this point. You put me on ignore (permanently I hope) for exposing you on abortion and calling you out for using the word "retard" as a pejorative.

You got pissy because you got exposed for what you are and it's much easier to put someone on ignore than having to defend an indefensible position. So you took the coward's way out.
You're such liar. I gave you MULTIPLE reasons "smart guns" aren't feasible at this point. You put me on ignore (permanently I hope) for exposing you on abortion and calling you out for using the word "retard" as a pejorative.

You got pissy because you got exposed for what you are and it's much easier to put someone on ignore than having to defend an indefensible position. So you took the coward's way out.
All true plus, Sadd Butt says us responding to Ducks posts makes us cowards. That definition of coward explains a lot. I guess up is down for him.
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You guys are so intimidated by Duck. You have DDS (Duck Derangement Syndrome). Let the obsession continue. It is hilarious to watch them reply to your posts like you're listening to them. They are such poor, poor cowards. Bahahahahaha

Mr. Sadbutt,
What you have just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone here is now dumber for reading it. I award you no points and may God have mercy on your soul.

The only thing dumber than your post was the fact that VB liked it.
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Mr. Sadbutt,
What you have just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone here is now dumber for reading it. I award you no points and may God have mercy on your soul.

The only thing dumber than your post was the fact that VB liked it.

You guys are so intimidated by Duck. You have DDS (Duck Derangement Syndrome). Let the obsession continue. It is hilarious to watch you reply to his posts like you're listening to his. You are such poor, poor coward. Bahahahahaha
Others may get dumber reading my posts, but you sure won't. You're as dumb as a coward can get.
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You guys are so intimidated by Duck. You have DDS (Duck Derangement Syndrome). Let the obsession continue. It is hilarious to watch you reply to his posts like you're listening to his. You are such poor, poor coward. Bahahahahaha
Others may get dumber reading my posts, but you sure won't. You're as dumb as a coward can get.