Oak Park 49, Staley 46 FINAL

Another real tight first quarter at Tonka tonight. Teams seem to be trying to get a feel for one another but OP has been ice cold since bolting out to a 5-zip lead. Staley's 3s not falling yet, either.
OP was ignited by a kinda fluky off the bank 3 then started netting them. Very back and forth game and an absolute defensive clinic on top of all the other excellence this game offers. Falcons not hitting from outside is the major difference in this one thus far.

I do wonder, though, if the cold shooting early may have been due to the sudden venue change. Staley and Oak Park rarely play at Tonka anymore. Could just have been amped up shooting just throwing that out there............
Definitely top notch defense with both of those teams. Any foul trouble concerns that you are aware of?
Too many superlatives to describe in this one (just like last year). Staley very smartly ditching the 3 ball going inside and it is working. Refs calling a great game, too. Letting them play only calling the blatant fouls.

HERE WE GO..............
Off the charts finish likely coming. OP keeps getting amazing shots and surges then back comes Staley who is now tightening down and hitting those 3s.