With colleges cancelling left and right mshsaa should consider a shortened season


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2018
I think bringing the old district system back makes the most sense, top 2 advance to a bracket bottom two play two games against losers from another district if you lose in the first round you play against another loser everybody gets at least six games and we are done in October before it gets cold and you have a true champion
I think bringing the old district system back makes the most sense, top 2 advance to a bracket bottom two play two games against losers from another district if you lose in the first round you play against another loser everybody gets at least six games and we are done in October before it gets cold and you have a true champion
This is a decent idea. I also like moving it till March-April and having a 7-8 game spring season. I don't see any way we get a full schedule in this fall based on what's happening with schools shutting back down in Georgia. I'm concerned that we will go through fall practice and have to shut down after a game or two.
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This is a decent idea. I also like moving it till March-April and having a 7-8 game spring season. I don't see any way we get a full schedule in this fall based on what's happening with schools shutting back down in Georgia. I'm concerned that we will go through fall practice and have to shut down after a game or two.

I think you are spot on. The season will most likely be canceled after week 2 or 3. MSHSAA should come up with several options for fall/late fall and early spring/late spring.
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I think you are spot on. The season will most likely be canceled after week 2 or 3. MSHSAA should come up with several options for fall/late fall and early spring/late spring.[/QUOTE
I’m amazed at the number of infectious disease spee
I think you are spot on. The season will most likely be canceled after week 2 or 3. MSHSAA should come up with several options for fall/late fall and early spring/late spring.
I think you are spot on. The season will most likely be canceled after week 2 or 3. MSHSAA should come up with several options for fall/late fall and early spring/late spring.
This way by week 7 there are only 8 teams left and low risk for everybody else you could even play a game every other week this way
This way by week 7 there are only 8 teams left and low risk for everybody else you could even play a game every other week this way
Why not just play the season? These kids have been partying like it’s 1999 this spring and summer. Parties, pools, basketball, baseball, wrestling tournaments. Football has been at it for 7 weeks. The danger is in shutting it down or shortening it. Unless you live under a rock you know social distancing barely existed in these kids worlds. Quarantine the old and the sick. Let everybody else live!!
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Pretending like risk increases significantly from 5 games to 10 games or 15 games is my favorite sport.

Also, In today’s news of nobody knows what the hell is going on, preliminary reports on Neck Gaiters by Drake University Medical just came out and say they are actually more transmissible than no mask somehow...
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Pretending like risk increases significantly from 5 games to 10 games or 15 games is my favorite sport.

Also, In today’s news of nobody knows what the hell is going on, preliminary reports on Neck Gaiters by Drake University Medical just came out and say they are actually more transmissible than no mask somehow...
In KC you are more likely to be shot to death than to die of COVID. Can that mask stop bullets too?
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It is true that there have been more shooting deaths in KC since March than COVID deaths. I’d be really pissed if I had a kid who couldn’t go to school or play sports for fear of a disease that has not killed as many as the streets have in a city.
It is true that there have been more shooting deaths in KC since March than COVID deaths. I’d be really pissed if I had a kid who couldn’t go to school or play sports for fear of a disease that has not killed as many as the streets have in a city.
How many people would need to die in order to justify closing school or sports?
Die of what? Preventable diseases? Like Nicotine? Alcohol? Suicide? Overdose? Car crash? Obesity? Shut it all down!!!!
Sorry, I Should have been clearer. You said, "I’d be really pissed if I had a kid who couldn’t go to school or play sports for fear of a disease that has not killed as many as the streets have in a city.". I just meant to ask you how many people would have to die of the disease in order to justify closing schools or sporting events?
Sorry, I Should have been clearer. You said, "I’d be really pissed if I had a kid who couldn’t go to school or play sports for fear of a disease that has not killed as many as the streets have in a city.". I just meant to ask you how many people would have to die of the disease in order to justify closing schools or sporting events?
Well let’s see, that would depend not just on numbers of deaths. Where are these people dying? Who is dying? KC school children shouldn’t be shut down because 20,000 nursing home residents die in New York. We have more murders in KC than deaths with Covid.
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Looking at MLB as one of the only major sports currently being played where players are not isolated in "the bubble". Several baseball teams have had outbreaks and had to cancel games or series. The Cardinals are still not playing. So what happens in college or high school football (not opearting in a bubble) when a team has an outbreak like MLB has experienced? Do they just cancel the game or is it going to be played later? That is what I was suggesting that these governing bodies need to layout.

For example, if a team like Webb City, Kearney, or some powerhouse is having a great season and has an outbreak or plays a team that has an outbreak and the game cannot be played. Will that game just be postponed and played later? Will it be canceled altogether?

If situations like this example result in other games being postponed for a team and played at later dates, then it is a domino effect on when the playoffs start and makes for a very lengthy season.

If situations like this example result in games being canceled, will it cost teams a chance at a playoff birth? How would they determine a playoff birth or seed if a team doesn't play a full schedule but has an equivalent record?

If outbreaks gets so bad, do they halt the season and resume in early spring?
I think bringing the old district system back makes the most sense, top 2 advance to a bracket bottom two play two games against losers from another district if you lose in the first round you play against another loser everybody gets at least six games and we are done in October before it gets cold and you have a true champion

Bringing back the Pre-1968 season makes even more sense. Play 8 games and be done. Or 5 conference games and an add on. Why the need for a playoff?
Just don't see how high school can still have sports if colleges can't.
Logic dictates high schools should be shut down. Colleges have millions of dollars to throw at this and they can't handle it. What's a school with 100 kids going to do ? They don't have the resources to fight it.
The adults need to take over
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Logic dictates high schools should be shut down. Colleges have millions of dollars to throw at this and they can't handle it. What's a school with 100 kids going to do ? They don't have the resources to fight it.
The adults need to take over
Doesnt that also mean the school with 100 kids have less people to deal with? Making it easier to keep social distancing?
Doesnt that also mean the school with 100 kids have less people to deal with? Making it easier to keep social distancing?
If they had the square footage sure. Reality is most small schools are...well...small.
And they have no room in budgets for any extras.
And parson just destroyed their budgets anyways.
The reality is, if you're not testing you wont have a problem. College, MLB, NFL all are going to test their players regularly and they're going to turn up positives, with a high percentage of those being asymptomatic, and there will be issues much like what the Cardinals are dealing with now.

And of course the imagination warriors are going to be upset about that idea, thinking of all the what if's and should be's of the situation. But at the end of the year if it does all go off, there will be few if any deaths even remotely linked back to a high school sports
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Logic dictates high schools should be shut down. Colleges have millions of dollars to throw at this and they can't handle it. What's a school with 100 kids going to do ? They don't have the resources to fight it.
The adults need to take over
Colleges are closing down football for the almighty dollar. Why play now when you can play for fans and dollars in the spring. It’s not Covid for big-time colleges. It’s money. For high schools, not so much.
Colleges are closing down football for the almighty dollar. Why play now when you can play for fans and dollars in the spring. It’s not Covid for big-time colleges. It’s money. For high schools, not so much.
That may be a factor but i was told by someone close to the mizzou program that the heart congestion that comes from covid is scaring them
How many people would need to die in order to justify closing school or sports?

So far in California, 1 person under 17 has died of COVID out of the 53,136 that have tested positive, and out of the estimated 600,000 to 700,000 that have had COVID..and never had symptoms. 75% of all covid deaths are people over 65.
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Bringing back the Pre-1968 season makes even more sense. Play 8 games and be done. Or 5 conference games and an add on. Why the need for a playoff?
The system above would be max 8 games and after the 5th week the amount of teams play would reduce significantly
This virus isn’t going anywhere. It will be here in the spring as well. Then what. No vaccine is going to be 100% effective either. Then what. I vote to play.
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Logic dictates high schools should be shut down. Colleges have millions of dollars to throw at this and they can't handle it. What's a school with 100 kids going to do ? They don't have the resources to fight it.
The adults need to take over
Do you think they can’t handle it? Or their attorneys won’t support the decision and they can’t get insurance policies to cover the liability?
Do you think they can’t handle it? Or their attorneys won’t support the decision and they can’t get insurance policies to cover the liability?
Probably a combo of both with the financial liability the number one fear. No way will insurers pay out on covid. They're in it to make money..not for the welfare of people.
It is true that there have been more shooting deaths in KC since March than COVID deaths. I’d be really pissed if I had a kid who couldn’t go to school or play sports for fear of a disease that has not killed as many as the streets have in a city.

Less than 3% of the total COVID deaths are people under 44 years of age. Can we just ban anyone over 44 from playing high school football and move on?
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Less than 3% of the total COVID deaths are people under 44 years of age. Can we just ban anyone over 44 from playing high school football and move on?
Stop it with facts. How about under 65 with no underlying health conditions? The world has shut down and lost its ever loving mind over a virus that is lethal to the sick elderly. And the reason is becoming incredibly transparent...the cost-benefit of playing isn’t there. Meaning...they’re scared to death of being sued. Maybe the judicial system needs to step up to help out the country.
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