Why We Stand

Does that include the religion of secular humanism and the belief system that comes with it? And don't tell me it isn't a requires faith in many unproven things.
The question is why he claims there should be no prayer. Obviously he doesn't have any arguments to support his stance. Quick, run out and stop all prayers at schools because some guy told him what to think.
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A view of yourself in the mirror, unable to articulate argument?
No type of religion should be allowed at any public school.... This includes prayers before and after games
That's a strong edict. Why? Why do you view prayer in way that is negative, and what in your opinion is good speech? Would you be in favor of banning the clergy from campus visits? What do you say to people that enjoy prayer before events? How do you define prayer? Is a moment of silence a form of prayer? The pledge of allegiance says one nation under God, should we revisit the pledge and say one nation without God? If speech speaks God into existence, should the word God be eliminated at school? How about using church facilities for graduation ceremonies? What if church congregations provide school supplies for youngsters? Should schools accept contributions from churches in the form of hot breakfasts? Should that be banned too? What about student led prayer? Do you consider yourself an agnostic or what? What types of speech are you in favor of at school?
Once prayer is eliminated what will you replace it with? Should children be taught that God doesn't exist? Do you dismiss other types of mysteries? How about Harry Potter books? The death and rebirth of many of its characters, where do you think this comes from? Explain to us where the idea of prayer comes from? If you agree this thought comes from religion, do we ban Harry Potter books? How many years has mankind engaged in prayer, and why should it eliminated before any event where mankind is? How do you explain why prayer has survived for a very long time, yet now it should be eliminated?
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Guess what new guy. My dad fought in WWII long before you were born. Then he came back home and fought for a 40 hour work week and over time pay you probably enjoy. After working the night shift, he got off and opened his business and worked until the afternoon when he finally got some shut eye. He was what you might call a clueless democrat. He served his country. Worked like a beast and put 5 kids thru college and would laugh at your making a big deal out of someone taking a knee during a song.

The Star Spangled Banner is just a song?
Arlington National is just a piece of land?
Same with the 9/11 memorial?
How about Pearl Harbor? Just a port?
Our flag is just a colored cloth I suppose?

I honestly try not to engage with political or such preposterous posts but come on.

By the way, my Dad and his brothers all raised in the depression, all served in WWII, and all hard working Democrats so don't go there.
The Star Spangled Banner is just a song?
Arlington National is just a piece of land?
Same with the 9/11 memorial?
How about Pearl Harbor? Just a port?
Our flag is just a colored cloth I suppose?

I honestly try not to engage with political or such preposterous posts but come on.

By the way, my Dad and his brothers all raised in the depression, all served in WWII, and all hard working Democrats so don't go there.
Did some of our fallen heroes lay down their lives for a country that flies the red, white and blue? Or were all of those dutiful men thoughtless fools that died in vain? Did they all turn and run from danger because their friends were being killed? Did they cowher on a knee and protest the unfairness of war? Does the flag symbolize a unified country and anyone who is bitter can reject it's significance because they feel life is difficult and tragic? Does the tragedy of life give people the right shake their fist at all symbols worthy of blame? Why choose the flag ceremony to protest your grievances? What did the flag do to these people, did it kill them? How many cops chanted the star bangle banner before they shot an unarmed civilian? Were the cops wearing a flag cape?
I always stand for the anthem, but I also respect the rights of anyone to not stand. And this argument about doing it on your own time is stupid.

1) The anthem is played BEFORE the game. The players are not interrupting the actual game.
2) They have a Union. Their union can collectively bargain for them to do this. The league cannot unilaterally prohibit them from kneeling, sitting or staying in the locker room.
3) They have a constitutional right to not stand.

Now, I also respect the views of people who don’t like it and decide to stop watching or going to games. While the players have the right, they are not immune from the consequences of their actions.

The bickering and fighting over this issue from both sides is ridiculous.
Thanks as always! FYI on Pius they have been what I would call "middle of the road" in the now defunct West Central conference. I do, however, think they could contend for second in what you describe as a very transitional MEC season (outside of the Maryville machine). The MEC's loss this year is the Suburban Blue's gain as I am (letting out one of my 2018 teams to watch) very high on Smithville this fall.
Just thought I'd redux this post from August..................cannot wait for Friday November 2!
The bickering and fighting over this issue from both sides is ridiculous.
This. I love sports, especially the NFL. The game, not the business. I’m in first of about 10 hrs of vegging out on Redzone and the Chiefs tonight. I hate politics. Politics are so bad that Donald Trump actually got elected president. If you don’t like him, blame your own party or favorite candidate. Just let that sink in. Donald. Trump. Seriously. That’s how bad politics are right now. The NFL and sports are awesome. It’s better when the two operate independently of each other.

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