Who needs schools?

Neutron Monster

Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2014
How about stop wasting taxpayer money, be better managers and do the same or more with a bit less money.

Even with a 1 1/2% decrease the Kansas schools will have a lot more state money than they did 3-4 years ago won't they ??
Cutting school funding? That should really attract new industry to Kansas. what a debacle.
The governor is a total fool.
He is cutting from an inflated level. Here in Webb City we spend right at $8500 per student. Average in Kansas is over $11,000 per student.

Are kids in Kansas so stupid it takes 30% more money to educate them than it does across the state line in Webb?
I am sure that the big business people will begin to hire more and more people and pay them an above average wage now that their tax base has been lowered, This type policy has been proven successful every time. Trickle trickle
Originally posted by Stevedangos:

He is cutting from an inflated level. Here in Webb City we spend right at $8500 per student. Average in Kansas is over $11,000 per student.

Are kids in Kansas so stupid it takes 30% more money to educate them than it does across the state line in Webb?
How much do we spend on prisoners and soldiers? Why are people so quick to cut school funding but won't touch the two biggest wasters of tax dollars?
Originally posted by Stevedangos:
How about stop wasting taxpayer money, be better managers and do the same or more with a bit less money.

Even with a 1 1/2% decrease the Kansas schools will have a lot more state money than they did 3-4 years ago won't they ??
1. If the governor really thought they were overspending on schools, why didn't he fix that and the time and lower taxes even more? Your argument is specious. He didn't think this. He just has a hole and he's afraid to admit he was wrong in the first place so he's fixing in a stupid way.

2. There's this thing called inflation that you have to account for in this sort of analysis. Using nominal dollars as a judge of how spending changed is misleading.
Originally posted by JakeFrmStateFarm:
Originally posted by Stevedangos:

He is cutting from an inflated level. Here in Webb City we spend right at $8500 per student. Average in Kansas is over $11,000 per student.

Are kids in Kansas so stupid it takes 30% more money to educate them than it does across the state line in Webb?
How much do we spend on prisoners and soldiers? Why are people so quick to cut school funding but won't touch the two biggest wasters of tax dollars?
There's money to be saved in most states by rationalizing spending on the criminal justice system, yes. It's probably the #1 waste of money at the state level in the US.
Originally posted by vbsideout:

I am sure that the big business people will begin to hire more and more people and pay them an above average wage now that their tax base has been lowered, This type policy has been proven successful every time. Trickle trickle
This is one of the best parts of this whole Kansas tax reform - we have actual data on how the economy has done since the tax cuts. It's lagged the rest of America! That's the crux of the problem - they pretended that these tax cuts would cause some massive spike in economy activity that would cause economic activity to whoosh up.

The truth is, in America, the level of tax rates are such that marginal changes in them do not cause some massive change in economic output. There is some effect but it's generally always overstated by the right. The cuts are not as impactful as people pretend they are, nor are tax increases as onerous as is generally stated.
Originally posted by Stevedangos:

He is cutting from an inflated level. Here in Webb City we spend right at $8500 per student. Average in Kansas is over $11,000 per student.

Are kids in Kansas so stupid it takes 30% more money to educate them than it does across the state line in Webb?
Kansas spends less per pupil than MO overall.

Kansas's spending is already down around 16% on an inflation adjusted basis over the last 6 years.

They've been cut already.

You're missing a pretty big piece in your worthless analysis. The majority of school age students in MO and KS live in big metro areas where the cost of living and education is higher than it is in Webb City.
For once I would have to agree :),,,,,,,,,,,,,the amount of money we spend on a prisoner to keep them locked up is just nuts.

Spend three times the amount on a prisoner than we do a student, most of the prisoners are already a lost cause
Originally posted by Stevedangos:
For once I would have to agree :),,,,,,,,,,,,,the amount of money we spend on a prisoner to keep them locked up is just nuts.

Spend three times the amount on a prisoner than we do a student, most of the prisoners are already a lost cause
It's more about why do we spend so much to lock up non-violent (drug) offenders. Let's put people in a place where they have nothing to do except do drugs, of which there is nearly always a readily available supply in prison!
Originally posted by Neutron Monster:

Originally posted by Stevedangos:
For once I would have to agree :),,,,,,,,,,,,,the amount of money we spend on a prisoner to keep them locked up is just nuts.

Spend three times the amount on a prisoner than we do a student, most of the prisoners are already a lost cause
It's more about why do we spend so much to lock up non-violent (drug) offenders. Let's put people in a place where they have nothing to do except do drugs, of which there is nearly always a readily available supply in prison!
They are already DRUG OFFENDERS! Being in prison has little affect on that. It doesn't stop us from releasing these as "rehabillitated" citizens either even though there is no change! Random drug testing of prisoners and adding to sentence time for failing would solve most of that problem.
your solution is to spend more on prison????


The actual solution is more focus on treatment and much less focus on jailing people for simply using drugs. It's much more effective in lowering recidivism and cost.
They already random drug test in the Federal system , not sure about the state . Sanctions vary depending on the type of drug detected , marijuana vs. heroin etc..... tobacco is a much bigger contraband issue since the Feds removed it from the inmate population years ago. Oh yeah , some are rehabilitated through mandatory drug education programs and religious services.
Best solution just copy Singapores penalties for drug use or possession

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