Who is the NBA boycotting?


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2020
They are boycotting the audience who has largely signed off.

They are boycotting the owners that pay their salaries. This makes no sense, the owners have largely signed on to every demand they have ever made. In terms of messaging, social justice, donations to various leftist organizations.

They are boycotting their own job. Which makes no sense.

I've heard a lot today about the sacrifice that LeBron James is making.

The sacrifice is really the other players because LeBron James will be the first-ballot Hall of Famer. He's either the first or second basketball player that has ever lived.

He will make more money from the SJ activism in the long run as we saw from Colin Kaepernick than he ever made playing in the NBA.

LeBron James is not taking the hit. It's the 7th man for the Milwaukee Bucks. Yet he is celebrated. Lol

The people that lose from this are also the ones down the line that lose viewers. Casual NBA viewers are not coming back. They're not.

The Lakers released a statement. "We stand with the players and they're demand for the end of racial violence". Wow. Just like every sentient human being on planet earth, Well done SJWs. Well done Democrats and Biden numskulls.

NBA do you mean you want an end to racial violence? Congratulations. You are stupid. Yes, we do.
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The end of the NBA can't happen fast enough...The faster it happens the better American will be. NBA players exist only to entertain the's that simple. They the players have the right to spew what ever bunk and disdain they have for American and the Fans while raking in Millions while sucking at the tit of China a truly oppressive regime.....But sports fans also have the Right to move on to something else to fill the entertainment void. I could see the NBA going the way of vaudeville.......

Clearly the owners,players and Press live in a bubble of Leftist fantasy's as the ratings and popularity of the Sport declines. Most fans of anything that entertains ie.. Movies, Music or Sports don't want Political activism in their escapism. Sure the Players have a right to a opinion and to be active in what ever cause they want.....just don't bring it to the JOB!!! Because the people you rely on for your income might not respect,believe in or even want to hear the opinion you are puking out.

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