White supermacist with AR kills 10 in Buffalo


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2020
Now who is going to replace him? Good guy with gun killed at the scene. 18 year old killer.

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5 years after we still don't know anything about the Mandalay Bay shooter, but 5 seconds after this happens we get a 18 year old's "manifesto" yeah nothing fishy about that.
Perhaps because this Invicto wannabe showed himself slaughtering people live online. But MG will say he could have done this with his feet or a Billy club. One thing about ARs they don’t leave a lot of survivors. Congrats tough guy.
Perhaps because this Invicto wannabe showed himself slaughtering people live online. But MG will say he could have done this with his feet or a Billy club. One thing about ARs they don’t leave a lot of survivors. Congrats tough guy.
There were 20 people shot in Milwaukee after the Bucks game. I guess as long as it's black people shooting back people it's just fine and dandy
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There were 20 people shot in Milwaukee after the Bucks game. I guess as long as it's black people shooting back people it's just fine and dandy
Once again. They didn’t televise it online nor write the N word on their gun and espouse the great white replacement theory championed by tiny Tucker, the trust fund twit.

Don’t worry. The GOP (Guns Over People) will never relent. And you won’t change your mind until it affects you personally. No BG checks. Teenagers carrying AR-15s, trying to be the next Kyle R and get to visit Trump at Maralago and be on Fox. Heroes.
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Once again. They didn’t televise it online nor write the N word on their gun and espouse the great white replacement theory championed by tiny Tucker, the trust fund twit.
What difference does it make???? Were they shooting black people in Milwaukee because they liked them ???????
As always, grasping for any straw you can find. Interesting that you seem to like baiting people into arguments you can't win. Sometimes you're actually funny, but it's usually when you're not trying to be.
We both know that a huge motivating factor for young people is fame. It’s evident everyday. In surveys they often choose fame over achievement and riches. Social media is their church.

You also know that every teenage boy in America saw the attention your boy Kyle got from Fox News and online Trumpers throughout the country. He became a celebrity for traveling to a different state and killing two people with an AR-15.

But you carry on with the hilarity.
Perhaps because this Invicto wannabe showed himself slaughtering people live online. But MG will say he could have done this with his feet or a Billy club. One thing about ARs they don’t leave a lot of survivors. Congrats tough guy.
Typical leftwing response.....Don't twist my darn well know that over the course of time my point was that Feet hands and clubs kill more people than a AR15...I never once alluded that Ar15 if used wasn't a efficient weapon in Defense of a person's life or if used in violence. But the fact remains a AR15 is used less often and kills less people than Clubs, Feet and Hands. You can't refute that with your misshapen emotional response. Way less people die from a AR15.

Nice that you can always be counted on to bend and distort a persons post and analysis. You speak with forked tongue a lot. Doing so doesn't help your cause or persuade those with a moderate amount of competency.
It is their Constitutional right to carry a gun...Fire Arms are patriotic...our country was founded on them and the use of them to throw off the yoke of tyranny.

I guess buying a Car and taking photo's in front of those cars are Grooming tactics in Toots world....Car's kill a lot more people than Guns..Grooming those children at 14/15/16 years old with those photo's of them after Parents Purchasing those vehicles for them. Again your bent warped way at looking at things is comical and also very strange.
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Wanna fix Gun violence Toots...fix poverty and illegal guns in Cities with restrictive gun laws. Stop acting like Back Ground Checks and AR15 are the issue and actual work to instill a moral and ethical system within those regions as opposed to just throwing money at more social programs and spreading the idea that conservatives are the reason for their issues.

I understand you want to deflect from where gun violence actually occurs and what demographic is actually doing the killing and blame it on the outlier white nationalist who uses a AR15 on a very very rare occasion. That's your schtick..of falsehoods.

But that is far from the truth or the statistical threat. If you want to avoid gun violence it's pretty clear you just have to avoid certain area's in big Blue Leftwing Democratic cities.....with their failed policies on illegal gun violence and their laughable war on poverty.
5 years after we still don't know anything about the Mandalay Bay shooter, but 5 seconds after this happens we get a 18 year old's "manifesto" yeah nothing fishy about that.
20 seconds on Google and find the answer from 2019.
On to your next deflection.
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Perhaps because this Invicto wannabe showed himself slaughtering people live online. But MG will say he could have done this with his feet or a Billy club. One thing about ARs they don’t leave a lot of survivors. Congrats tough guy.
someone carrying a semi automatic .223 caliber weapon doesnt make them a killing machine. Us Army trained riflemen average about 1 kill for 60,000 rounds fired.

Its just a lot easer to hit someone when they are standing in line at a grocery store. He could have killed the same 10 people with a couple of old Smith & Wesson revolvers

They need to teach security guards these days to go for a head shot. Even cheap tactical vests stop a handgun slug pretty easy
A teenager carrying that weapon into a volatile situation in which he had no business being there is in no way shape or form self-defense. And never will be. It’s like Matt Gaetz inviting himself to your teenage daughter’s sleep over and him claiming she seduced him. He went there with a dream and he got to live it. Kill kyle kill.

No teenager in America should have access to that or similar weapons.
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The problem with this issue is that liberals try to make these things a systemic social problem instead of localizing it to a racist idiot. Then, like Democrats, they try to make unconstitutional social laws to combat localized problems. All to make government bigger and to give government more control. If you want to use this same approach then there should be laws make to keep Democrats from being in control of our country based off of the complete moronic idiot running our country and murdering our economy. BTW, thank you, again, to all who voted this catastrophe into office. You handed a mentally unstable idiot a governmental M-16 and he's used it against our country.
A teenager carrying that weapon into a volatile situation in which he had no business being there is in no way shape or form self-defense. And never will be. It’s like Matt Gaetz inviting himself to your teenage daughter’s sleep over and him claiming she seduced him. He went there with a dream and he got to live it. Kill kyle kill.

No teenager in America should have access to that or similar weapons.
A weapon he needed to keep a bunch of Thugs from killing him....Weapons are Weapons he could of had a 30.06 a hunting rifle with a 10/20/30 round mag for protection and the outcome would of been the same. But in your mind it would of been a different situations, guess you just have such a limited knowledge of weapons that you can't make a educated determination on the subject. I'm glad the Constitution stands strong against you radical's who want to keep people of all ages away from legal weapons.

The AR15 is the perfect weapon a 15/16/17/18 year old should transition to after first being acclimated to firearms with the .22. AR15 is light weight, has a easy and safe operating system, is highly accurate and built to fit all frames and sizes.

The fact you have on multiple occasions with a warped analysis claimed he went there to live out a sick fantasy to kill people clearly tells a person more about your mental make up than his. He was on record before the incident explaining in detail why he went to the was to help people and protect peoples property from the type of punk and thugs who attacked him. I get that you clearly lean to the dark triad personality type and thus all your point of views skew to this mental make up but that doesn't mean that others are motivated in the same manner that you are.

Proof once again that it's not AR15 and Teenagers running around killing people with guns on a mass scale....but Toots can't stop spewing the Dogma he has been indoctrinated into.
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Why did Kyle Rittenhouse need a gun? What harm can mob of unarmed people really do?

Kyle Rittenhouse took down a mob of arsonists, rapists, then defeated the big tech progressive machine. The kid should have never been on trial in the first place.

This is not a credible position, if you are blaming Kyle for going to the riots but not rioters for rioting in the first place or the provoking of riots based on the lies told about Jacob Blake.
The people to blame for Kyle Rittenhouse shooting are the following:
The criminals that attacked him. The media who fueled the riots and with propaganda. The government officials who surrendered Kenosha to the mob and Jacob Blake.
Jacob Blake's girlfriend and D. Wright victimized women in brutal ways. Nobody knows the names of their victims, because it just doesn't matter.
Your silly thought is destroyed by one simple fact. THOUSANDS of people were there. Only TWO people died that night. Both killed because Kyle took a powerful weapon to a place he didn’t belong. The only reason those people paid attention to Kyle was because he was so inappropriately carrying an instrument of war. And THEY end up dead. Kyle is your hero because he killed people. Congrats.
Your silly thought is destroyed by one simple fact. THOUSANDS of people were there. Only TWO people died that night. Both killed because Kyle took a powerful weapon to a place he didn’t belong. The only reason those people paid attention to Kyle was because he was so inappropriately carrying an instrument of war. And THEY end up dead. Kyle is your hero because he killed people. Congrats.
Your point is destroyed by the fact that thousands of people where there many rioting, so he had every right to be there and be armed that is the Law....Kyle was well within his rights to help people and he did including rioters who he provided medical first aid for. He was armed with a self defense weapon that saves lives obviously because he had the forethought to protect himself from the criminal thugs that made up a portion of the rioters.

It's interesting that you want to blame the victim of a violent attack for protecting himself. With your logic then everyone who is raped, assaulted, or harmed in a public location that they had legal right to be there is to blame because they didn't belong there.
Your point is destroyed by the fact that thousands of people where there many rioting, so he had every right to be there and be armed that is the Law....Kyle was well within his rights to help people and he did including rioters who he provided medical first aid for. He was armed with a self defense weapon that saves lives obviously because he had the forethought to protect himself from the criminal thugs that made up a portion of the rioters.

It's interesting that you want to blame the victim of a violent attack for protecting himself. With your logic then everyone who is raped, assaulted, or harmed in a public location that they had legal right to be there is to blame because they didn't belong there.
Do you really believe he would have had people after him if he hadn't brought the rifle? He would have been a nameless punk kid in that crowd had he NOT brought that weapon with him.
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Do you really believe he would have had people after him if he hadn't brought the rifle? He would have been a nameless punk kid in that crowd had he NOT brought that weapon with him.
Yes...clearly you must be insane if you attack a Person who is open carrying, so attacking a unarmed person would be about a 100% certainty! He was attacked because he was at a business trying to discourage the looting and destruction, not because he had a gun. Protecting property is A noble cause. Of course you are on the side of hiding and letting the rioters...loot, burn, destroy property and run amok. I understand that is the easier cowardly course of action to take but some people are not wired to just roll over and take it.

And if you attack a person who is legally carrying a legal fire arm then you are the problem and the outcome you get is what you deserve and put in motion.
Black gangbanger shot 10 and killed 2 at a Chicago McDonalds last night with a handgun. Another mass shooting that draws no attention because it was just a black guy shooting other black guys
Yet here you are talking about it.

I know the irony will be lost on you.
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The way these guys post, it sounds like they are jealous of the kid who got to kill 3 people and then hang out with their leader.
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Keep it up and all you'll have in the schools are trans-queer "anti-racists." Good luck finding enough funding to keep the lights on then. Oh btw I thought CRT was a figment of our imagination? Of which that bigoted crack science called "anti-racism education" is obviously a huge part.

It's so much easier to understand the left when you get that they lie about everything.
Man it must suck living your life so angry because you can’t control women’s reproductive systems nor educators every spoken word. You are truly a sad, frustrated old white guy.
Stellar display of anti-racism in your reply.

Nothing in mine implied anger, but you sure are guilty of ageism and gender assumptions. Good job commie.
White man persecution syndrome. You are so mistreated. So unfair.
LOL if she thinks that anti-racism education will work. Preaching, attacking and trying to indoctrinate people who have racist ideologies doesn't work and often has the effect of radicalizing those belief's. The hubris that some educated people have that they can Wordsmyth away the ill's of the world is mindboggling and makes me wonder how psychologically unbalanced they are with their narcissistic tendency's.
Whatever you say, as long as you recognize that your embrace of supporting "anti-racist" (LOL) education makes a mockery of your many denials that CRT is being pushed in public schools. You lie. Typical lefty.
You are really stupid. It’s not really being taught as a core subject. If individual teachers are sending anti racist messages in their daily work I applaud them and you should also. Many kids apparently arent getting the message at home, which was the entire point of the ladies post. Please stop being stupid. No one is lying about anything. Grow up.
You are really stupid. It’s not really being taught as a core subject. If individual teachers are sending anti racist messages in their daily work I applaud them and you should also. Many kids apparently arent getting the message at home, which was the entire point of the ladies post. Please stop being stupid. No one is lying about anything. Grow up.
teachers sending any kind of racial message need taken out of the classroom. Kids are getting the message at home that their parents want them to get. Unless a school wants to start an elective class entitled "Racism in America" its none of their business what any students political, gender or racial views are. Teachers are not the social compass of society. If you are hired to teach math just teach the class and go home and mind your own business. You are NOT a students parent !!!
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teachers sending any kind of racial message need taken out of the classroom. Kids are getting the message at home that their parents want them to get. Unless a school wants to start an elective class entitled "Racism in America" its none of their business what any students political, gender or racial views are. Teachers are not the social compass of society. If you are hired to teach math just teach the class and go home and mind your own business. You are NOT a students parent !!!
Bulls hi+. Character development is a huge part of being a good citizen and a very important aspect of education. You truly are clueless.
Character development shouldn't be part of a teachers job...that is the parent's job. If they ain't getting it at home so be it. And teachers being in charge of Character development is like bank robbers being in charge of bank security.

We get horror stories in therapy from children/teens about how their teachers treatment of them and what they do to them than we get about their parents. I liken public education to the Vatican.
Please don’t be a teacher ever. A kid calls another kid the N word and you clowns would say “that’s ok, Tommy. Your dad says it so you can too.” Your dad’s a thief so go ahead and steal out of the gym lockers!! It’s perfectly fine to cheat while I’m not watching, Sandy! Be as rude and belligerent as you want, Roger! It’s all good. It will help toughen up your classmates!!
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