What's YOUR Thing!?

You werent around! But I do NOT have that law firm on retainer. That is for THE MOX and only THE MOX!
Use the Mox Law firm
Bosko’s thing is spraying jock rash powder on his inner thigh inflammation every time he wears shorts. Swamp nut is the scourge of every fat man.
Do you know how to read!? This thread is about your thing as in, catch phrase! Your one liner! NOT something you are physically doing!!! NICE TRY BOZO!! But I must agree, swamp nuts are a terrible thing.
Better than your thing being obese, amirite @BoosterBosko ?
Excuse me??? LOTS of INCORRECT items in such a small post. Let me explain.

1) Your "things" here on MoSports are CATCH PHRASES!! ONE LINERS!!! THINGS YOU SAY!! These are not things you DO or are apart of your actual person!!
2) I feel like I've had to say this before on here but I'll say it again. The BMI is what determines if you're obese, overweight, etc. The BMI is an absolute JOKE!!! So congrats on attempting to insult me using something that is a JOKE!!!

With the MO entering the football offseason and PA's offseason starting next week, figured now would be a good time for us to establish what our respective "things" are. Obviously this doesn't bar another poster from using your "thing" but it does give you the rights to call em out for using it! HA!

Use this thread to claim yours! The below list is just beginning of what's already been claimed/established;

Bosko - Bozo, nincompoop, CLOWN (but only in regard to @HomeyR because he is THE MoSports CLOWN), little "chat", NICE TRY, NERD ALERT
@mosofan - knucklehead
@thetophat2021 - WHOA NELLY
@all the past and future Rawmeats - Peppery
@Joey and all his usernames - jacktard and track times. As DUMB as a TOOTS post
@Eagles_Ball - obtuse
@TadQueasy - Jackwagon and Dingbat
@_slo_mo_ - old boomer and goober
@J. Kane - Two chicks at the same time
@Veer2Eternity - I hate most people
@HHSX2 - Bonehead
@Mitsurugi san - Woooooo
@ChaoticFanatic - Cloggeroftoilets, Busterofseams, Raiderofcabinets, One-manEclipse, PicnicTable4one
@Toots_mcgee - Ok Tough Guy, Bahahahahaha, No such thing as a good ref, Gerry Bourtier was a champion
@J.Moxon - The Mox is just one man
@Albert C. Slater - Preppy
@Gollum_In_A_Tux - Fishhhhhh
@StefanDjordjevich - The Godfather
@shoot90draw - Holy moly
I would like to request “Debunked”,,,,,,,could use a lot of it on this board 😎
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Excuse me??? LOTS of INCORRECT items in such a small post. Let me explain.

1) Your "things" here on MoSports are CATCH PHRASES!! ONE LINERS!!! THINGS YOU SAY!! These are not things you DO or are apart of your actual person!!
2) I feel like I've had to say this before on here but I'll say it again. The BMI is what determines if you're obese, overweight, etc. The BMI is an absolute JOKE!!! So congrats on attempting to insult me using something that is a JOKE!!!

So your BMI is high because you are so muscular? Bahahahahaha Bahahahahaha
You are so strong you can handle a three way with both your blow up dolls.
Again, these "things" are NOT things you PHYSICALLY do! Catch phrases, one liners, and things you say. So are you saying one of your new catch phrases is "I like to hit the like button" and NOT the physical movement of clicking the like button?
What if I always start with "calpreps projections suggest..."
Again, these "things" are NOT things you PHYSICALLY do! Catch phrases, one liners, and things you say. So are you saying one of your new catch phrases is "I like to hit the like button" and NOT the physical movement of clicking the like button?
You're being kind of obtuse (NOT obese) about these things thing.

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