What was the farthest you travel for a high school football game?

I was on business travel a couple years back and my friend/coworker and I thought we’d drive by the new Viking stadium and possibly get a tour. As it turned out, the Minnesota HS Semifinal games were being played. As nice as that was, it still didn’t compare to watching TX HS championships at Jerry’s house in Dallas. Got to see a couple of the Minnesota semis, all the MO and TX ships that year.
Lexington to Monroe City for Sat aft play off game. Chillicothe to Cassville for a sat aft play off game.. on a school bus. We lost, and everyone on the fans bus with me wanted to know why we lost. I wanted to yell at them to leave me alone, but I didnt lol.
I was at that Lexington/Monroe City game. It was my senior year in high school at Monroe City.
I was at that Lexington/Monroe City game. It was my senior year in high school at Monroe City.
The was what, Three half back passes for touchdowns in that game? It was ridiculous lol. Monroe city had that RB that went to Mizzou, if my memory is correct. He was a man among boys in that game.
Did you catch that Duncanville/North Shore game last season?
Never seen anything like it. Many say the best high school football game ever.

Two of my college buddies live in Grandview, TX. Both moved their families there because of work. Kids in the lower levels of the program.

Watched their state game last year as a Class 3 team, good lord. Even came out of a infalted, red eyed, smoke shooting Zebra head......
The was what, Three half back passes for touchdowns in that game? It was ridiculous lol. Monroe city had that RB that went to Mizzou, if my memory is correct. He was a man among boys in that game.
Michael Washington. Great guy.

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