What posters are down with what's goin on Down under?


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2001

If the Leftist have their way it's coming....
we marched native Americans across the country on the trail of tears and 4,000 died along the way. We herded Japanese/Americans into internment camps.
We hunted down and whipped slaves and lynched people because of skin color. Some of our founding fathers were slave owners and raped their female slaves. But you still think their ideas are gold. But hey, get all worked up about Australia, bruh. Such a deep thinker.
Clearly you don't seem to understand that Repeating the Mistakes of past generations means we have learned Nothing and have not advanced at all. Why would we want to ignore the Best qualities and Principles of our Forefathers and embrace the vile and disgusting traits?

What is going on in Australia is clearly fascist in nature. To point out the sins of the past is a rather lame attempt at a Strawman. The issue is that now in this day and time with our evolved set of morals and values of individual freedoms and rights we are violating them and being no better than those people of the past.

I'm so dumbfounded that you are so Binary in your line of thinking. How you completely throw out the Baby with the Bath water. Clearly the Foundation of the Constitution and Bill of Rights when applied to all is the greatest document in recorded history. While the Founding Fathers where complex and flawed men they drafted a set of standards that have not been equaled in regards to individual freedoms and rights. Even though some of them not all of them at the time thought these values only applied to certain segments of the population. A error that was corrected thank God.

I'm not going to turn my back on the American way an the basic principles of the Constitution and Bill of Rights, because some of the Founding Fathers where men of their times with flaws and beliefs that we have moved beyond do to greater awareness that was and is based upon their founding core values.

It is obvious that you want to dismiss and discredit all the golden values they entailed because they lived and adhered to a different set of historical values and standards that was not uncommon around the world for that era.

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