What has happened to fans..seems to be getting worse.

I went to the Chiefs Broncos game on Christmas two years. It was my first and probably only NFL game I’ll go to. I knew being a broncos fan I was gonna be getting a hard time from fans but I never expected what I got. Being told to kill myself, constantly cussing me out. People running up to me after the game screaming f you. I truly couldn’t believe how they were treating me and my friend on Christmas of all days. I’d get cussed out and would just say merry Christmas and that would piss them off even more. I honestly different feel safe there and will definitely never go back. Lost all respect for chiefs fans that day. But I imagine it’s like that at most places. This is one of the reason I don’t really care for the NFL anymore and enjoy HS so much more. Been to some pretty intense Barry county brawls in Cassville and never once felt unsafe leaving.
I went to the Chiefs Broncos game on Christmas two years. It was my first and probably only NFL game I’ll go to. I knew being a broncos fan I was gonna be getting a hard time from fans but I never expected what I got. Being told to kill myself, constantly cussing me out. People running up to me after the game screaming f you. I truly couldn’t believe how they were treating me and my friend on Christmas of all days. I’d get cussed out and would just say merry Christmas and that would piss them off even more. I honestly different feel safe there and will definitely never go back. Lost all respect for chiefs fans that day. But I imagine it’s like that at most places. This is one of the reason I don’t really care for the NFL anymore and enjoy HS so much more. Been to some pretty intense Barry county brawls in Cassville and never once felt unsafe leaving.
Sorry to read this. They're idiots.
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I went to the Chiefs Broncos game on Christmas two years. It was my first and probably only NFL game I’ll go to. I knew being a broncos fan I was gonna be getting a hard time from fans but I never expected what I got. Being told to kill myself, constantly cussing me out. People running up to me after the game screaming f you. I truly couldn’t believe how they were treating me and my friend on Christmas of all days. I’d get cussed out and would just say merry Christmas and that would piss them off even more. I honestly different feel safe there and will definitely never go back. Lost all respect for chiefs fans that day. But I imagine it’s like that at most places. This is one of the reason I don’t really care for the NFL anymore and enjoy HS so much more. Been to some pretty intense Barry county brawls in Cassville and never once felt unsafe leaving.

Well...nope not going to dirty the water on this one LOL.
Hey you want to see some really cool fans go to a dirt track race...those families will spend every last dime they have to get in and well sky is the limit for beer. But they work hard for that and usually are pretty fun to be around. And that is their family vacation they don't put up with no crap LOL.
Heck yea Bullit race fans are the best fans.
Marv Levy was coaching the Bills when I took my son. I'm sad it's gotten worse.
I remember ole Marv flipping the officials off with his arms and cursing at them when the Chiefs mauled them on MNF way back in 1991 (the full game replay is available on youtube). Having attended many, many sports events across the Nation would say it may be worsening in some places but overall this kind of behavior has been around since I can remember (another real, real bad classic was when a ref was severely injured when a Vikings fan threw a bottle at him after Dallas shocked them in a divisional playoff game on a questionable Drew Pearson catch).
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Hey you want to see some really cool fans go to a dirt track race...those families will spend every last dime they have to get in and well sky is the limit for beer. But they work hard for that and usually are pretty fun to be around. And that is their family vacation they don't put up with no crap LOL.
Most of my offseason revolves around dirt track racing and definitely agree with this especially at the big National events we hit in Ohio, Nebraska, Iowa and at Lucas Oil Speedway in Wheatland (if any of you haven't been there do yourselves a favor) BUT there have, especially up at Knoxville IA, been a few incidents over the years but the percentages compared to NFL games is miniscule.
Most of my offseason revolves around dirt track racing and definitely agree with this especially at the big National events we hit in Ohio, Nebraska, Iowa and at Lucas Oil Speedway in Wheatland (if any of you haven't been there do yourselves a favor) BUT there have, especially up at Knoxville IA, been a few incidents over the years but the percentages compared to NFL games is miniscule.

Monett has an older dirt track, I have been going for years, love to watch.
Is it the type of track where the cars go flying off the dirt, catapulting through the chain-link fence and into dumbounded fans?

they fly off the track because around the corners there is no fence and no barrier. You will see them join the race later. We have never had one come thru the fence but I have seen one roll almost to the top of it. In this picture of a race there, you can see Walmart and Dollar General in the back ground.


But Duck do you think this is the way it should be? I know things are going to happen, hey I am a grown man, things happen, but should we as a society not expect more from Adults or is this the path we are going down and decided is now the norm?

I think that sort of behavior should warrant those fans being tossed and possible banned. If people saw there were consequences for unruly behavior maybe they would learn to control themselves.

I dont like it. Honestly, I just stopped going. I go to some college football games still, but no pro sports. I can see plenty on TV without paying an A-hole to park my car on his lot.
STLdan, Hill's only provocation on that play was the fact that he had just scored his 3rd td. Your hatred of the Chiefs has led you to defending drunk yankee hoodlums and hodlumettes.

Sorry (not sorry) Stl can't keep a Team.
....,,,Today making a touchdown is celebrated like you just won a million dollars...

They don’t have to even score. Just let’em pick up a first down or finally get a sack after being shut down for 3 1/2 quarters and they are down by 28 points. They’ll strut out to the middle of the field all by themselves like they are the cock of the walk. Kelsey is a talent but he is one of the worst.

Barry Sanders .... one of my all time faves.
Are we forgetting Billy "White Shoes" Johnson? The Fun Bunch? The Greatest Show on Turf TD celebrations? Lets have perspective here. Prime Time Sanders dancing? Mark Gastineau?
they fly off the track because around the corners there is no fence and no barrier. You will see them join the race later. We have never had one come thru the fence but I have seen one roll almost to the top of it. In this picture of a race there, you can see Walmart and Dollar General in the back ground.


I grew up 15 mins from the track in Farmington. Went to HS with a couple guys that ran sprints there. Spent a lot of Friday nights there as a teen, and occasionally Pevely when the Outlaws came to town. Those pics make me miss it! Had a ton of fun.
I grew up 15 mins from the track in Farmington. Went to HS with a couple guys that ran sprints there. Spent a lot of Friday nights there as a teen, and occasionally Pevely when the Outlaws came to town. Those pics make me miss it! Had a ton of fun.
Does Ken Schrader still own I-55 in Pevely? Been a good decade since we've been there.
I went to the Chiefs Broncos game on Christmas two years. It was my first and probably only NFL game I’ll go to. I knew being a broncos fan I was gonna be getting a hard time from fans but I never expected what I got. Being told to kill myself, constantly cussing me out. People running up to me after the game screaming f you. I truly couldn’t believe how they were treating me and my friend on Christmas of all days. I’d get cussed out and would just say merry Christmas and that would piss them off even more. I honestly different feel safe there and will definitely never go back. Lost all respect for chiefs fans that day. But I imagine it’s like that at most places. This is one of the reason I don’t really care for the NFL anymore and enjoy HS so much more. Been to some pretty intense Barry county brawls in Cassville and never once felt unsafe leaving.

I have been to three NFL games. My first game there was a fight with fans in the row in front of me during the first series of the game! Crazy. Next game there were people smoking pot a few rows behind. Third game was a few years ago against Denver on Thursday night football. Charles fumbled towards the end of regulation and the Broncos ran it back to take the lead. The fans were screaming at the coaches and I remember hearing one person call Andy Reid something that cant be repeated and then say they hope he dies of a heart attack. I much prefer to watch the games from the comfort of my own couch.

This has not been my experience at MLB games. I have been to playoff games at Busch as a Cubs fan and was treated very well by everyone.
I saw this happen live last night and thought holy cow these people don't have any class, but seems to be happening more and more. I have seen more fans giving the finger and acting a fool in NFL stadiums, you would think for the money they have to spend you would see a better class of people. Won't be long before we are seeing this kind of childishness in the high school level....oh wait there is the Webb City podcast...

What a waste of a good beer.

What happened to just doing your TD dance in the end zone and going about your business instead of going over and jawing at drunk fans? Bring back the Icky Shuffle or the PrimeTime dance
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Chief fans were/are the worst fans to be an opposing team fan at. And I've been to my share of NFL stadiums as an opposing fan.

It seems to be. I had to have a uncomfortable conversation with my son after the first game. He was only 6 at that time.
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I haven't had any issues with MLB and we've taken kids. I've even worn opposing team shirts to Kauffman and also at Texas Rangers and no one gave us any grief at either place.

On the other hand - a couple years at Webb right after walking into the stadium with my kids this fellow jumped in front of us and yelled 'Carthage sucks!!' at us. So go figure.
Way back in 2007 I went to the MU kU game at arrowhead. They were ranked 1 and 2. It got moved to Saturday night and was hyped all week. It was the most intimidating sporting even I have ever been to. The parking lots were like walking through a third world country........fires everywhere. Everybody was drunk and looking to fight. I've been lunch (unlucky) to have attended a lot of sporting event, but I've never see anything quite like that. I thought maybe they were going to try and fight the civil war again right there in the parking lot.
Way back in 2007 I went to the MU kU game at arrowhead. They were ranked 1 and 2. It got moved to Saturday night and was hyped all week. It was the most intimidating sporting even I have ever been to. The parking lots were like walking through a third world country........fires everywhere. Everybody was drunk and looking to fight. I've been lunch (unlucky) to have attended a lot of sporting event, but I've never see anything quite like that. I thought maybe they were going to try and fight the civil war again right there in the parking lot.

BS. I was at that game and the same matchup at Camarohead in 2008.

Outside of sporadic smack talk, it was harmless.
In the late 80's I witnessed a guy dressed as Santa sucker punch a guy in a Bunny outfit in the restroom near the bleachers at Wrigley field during an early season series vs STL. To say it was surreal is an understatement.

At the same game, this dude they call "Ronnie woowoo" stood by me for an entire half inning chanting "Cubs woo Cubs woo" over and over.
In the late 80's I witnessed a guy dressed as Santa sucker punch a guy in a Bunny outfit in the restroom near the bleachers at Wrigley field during an early season series vs STL. To say it was surreal is an understatement.

At the same game, this dude they call "Ronnie woowoo" stood by me for an entire half inning chanting "Cubs woo Cubs woo" over and over.

I tell ya, it is jus like when I was a boy and my pappa would bring in them Gladiators, it is no difference than then it's now. I'm just kidding. I do know a lot depends on where you sit. I refuse to go to arrowhead and sit in the upper deck. I have seen a few very bloody fight. Lower deck, folks seemed to be more sober (or better at hiding it) and a lot friendlier. But currently I will not spend a penny on NFL anything. I'll watch a game, but no money going to that selfish situation. Soldiers defend our country for $30,000 a year, NFL players want $5,000,000.00 rather than 3 million because they might harm their body. I want to buy a team and then find 30 players in category "starter" and 40 in category "backup" that all take the same pay, then go win Championships. $177,000,000.00 / 70 = ...Starters get about 3.25 million, back ups get about 2 million. If we cwould go win 3 in a row they would all make HUGE money with endorsements....These silly guys all claim to want to be a champion but then all they want is $$$$$.
You must have been in a lot and section full of one team. 2008 they did the parking different because of the problems in the lots in 2007. Also, (and it's on me) our tickets were in the middle of a kU section.......being from Missouri it wasn't so well. At least one thing worked out. My wife who didn't really care at all about MU kU rivalry left that night with a completely different feeling after enduring the mouthing we took at the game. She started out lecturing me about not getting in a fight and in the end........I'm pretty sure she was ready to go.
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I tell ya, it is jus like when I was a boy and my pappa would bring in them Gladiators, it is no difference than then it's now. I'm just kidding. I do know a lot depends on where you sit. I refuse to go to arrowhead and sit in the upper deck. I have seen a few very bloody fight. Lower deck, folks seemed to be more sober (or better at hiding it) and a lot friendlier. But currently I will not spend a penny on NFL anything. I'll watch a game, but no money going to that selfish situation. Soldiers defend our country for $30,000 a year, NFL players want $5,000,000.00 rather than 3 million because they might harm their body. I want to buy a team and then find 30 players in category "starter" and 40 in category "backup" that all take the same pay, then go win Championships. $177,000,000.00 / 70 = ...Starters get about 3.25 million, back ups get about 2 million. If we cwould go win 3 in a row they would all make HUGE money with endorsements....These silly guys all claim to want to be a champion but then all they want is $$$$$.

Nice so the owners just keep most of the money and we’ll tune in to watch these kids wreck there bodies for life

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