Well it is official Pubs are going to support Trump and the election lie.


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2005
Home of the Cubs!!
They no longer want to try to win on Policy debate... they would rather try to win by supporting Trumps stolen election claim... Ousted for supporting Trumps policy 93% of the time. They replace her with a more liberal Pub who only supported Trumps policies 60% of the time voted against the tax cuts and is working with Dems to repeal the SALT cap. Tell me this is not about the election lie.

Cheney is setting herself apart from the rest of the Republicans. She is betting on 2024 the Republicans who supported Trump are all in one bucket and if he is shown to be the cancer we all know he is, she will look a lot better to Republican voters.
Cheney is setting herself apart from the rest of the Republicans. She is betting on 2024 the Republicans who supported Trump are all in one bucket and if he is shown to be the cancer we all know he is, she will look a lot better to Republican voters.

Yeah and 2024 is a long ways away a lot can happen in that time. I just wish it was any other Pub besides Cheney, while I don't agree with Trump I do agree I think she is old school war hawking Pub...

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