Welfare List Enclosed

Well there you have it,

58% of farmers receive no subsidies and the bottom 80% receive $575 per year.

I'm with Veer, damn farmers, who do they think they are ? Farming is so lucrative, 2% of the American population are doing it, what the hell, you would think as good as they got it, more people would get in on that gravy train.

I think I will show them guys I don't need their freeloading anymore, I'll just quit eating!!!!

Thanks for changing my mind Veer, damn farmers !!
42 percent of farms receiving subsidies in the midst of a generational agriculture boom is lunacy.
42 percent of farms receiving subsidies in the midst of a generational agriculture boom is lunacy.

I would agree with that statement, however, farm policy cannot be rewritten overnight, nor should it be. Farm commodity prices have been higher the last four years, and farmers have been profitable. This following decades of prices being below breakeven. Once again, this year in the Midwest, farmers have planted their corn, (mandated crop rotation) with prices that will in all likelihood result in a loss.

Is there waste and misuse of funds in the Department of Agriculture's policies? Yes
Is it worse than other government entities? I don't know

We in America spend less of our household income on food than any other country, yet millions are still on foodstamps. Even with the government keeping food prices low (through farm subsidies), millions still cannot afford it. Then the taxpayer gets hit again subsidizing entitlement programs.

I am tiring of discussing how all the evil farmers are getting rich. As stated before, I work in the industry and know for the most part, that is not true, hence my sarcasm in above post.
I would agree with that statement, however, farm policy cannot be rewritten overnight, nor should it be. Farm commodity prices have been higher the last four years, and farmers have been profitable. This following decades of prices being below breakeven. Once again, this year in the Midwest, farmers have planted their corn, (mandated crop rotation) with prices that will in all likelihood result in a loss.

Is there waste and misuse of funds in the Department of Agriculture's policies? Yes
Is it worse than other government entities? I don't know

We in America spend less of our household income on food than any other country, yet millions are still on foodstamps. Even with the government keeping food prices low (through farm subsidies), millions still cannot afford it. Then the taxpayer gets hit again subsidizing entitlement programs.

I am tiring of discussing how all the evil farmers are getting rich. As stated before, I work in the industry and know for the most part, that is not true, hence my sarcasm in above post.

Then don't ever complain about regulation or government interference again. And the next time you see a fancy tractor with AC and all the bells and whistles ask the farmer if he paid sales tax on it. Talk about subsidies.
I know you are an intelligent person Duck,

But with all do respect, you know naught about farming. Please quit embarrassing yourself.
I know you are an intelligent person Duck,

But with all do respect, you know naught about farming. Please quit embarrassing yourself.

Show me where I was wrong, oh wise man.
I guess when I negotiated a price for my tractor thinking I was going to have to pay sales tax 3-4 years ago and then was shocked that I saved hundreds of dollars with no sales tax, I must have been dreaming????

With all due respect Aggie, Bahaha.
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Any relation?

I'm ok with some help for farmers. The guy I work with has 120 acres of corn and is on that list for $1200. That's barely enough to put up fuel in the tractor while working on erosion control.

The conservation subsidies are a good thing IMO. Much like having a smart board or laptop in a classroom.

The stuff that gets questionable is for example, put 63670 in the zip. Kertz farms divided up into five different entities and they play the system. They are not struggling. If you can afford a new Diesel dually every year while trying to buy out the small farmers, you don't need subsidies. Comes to a point where you should be cutoff from the help.

Small time farming is harder and harder to come by.
Show me where I was wrong, oh wise man.
I guess when I negotiated a price for my tractor thinking I was going to have to pay sales tax 3-4 years ago and then was shocked that I saved hundreds of dollars with no sales tax, I must have been dreaming????

With all due respect Aggie, Bahaha.

That somewhat proves my point. If you thought you were going to pay sales tax on a tractor, you know naught about farming.
In addition, if you saved hundreds of dollars on sales tax, you didn't buy a tractor, you bought a lawn mower. Now we see who is working the system.

Sales tax on a real tractor, a tractor capable of pulling the equipment a farmer needs to feed the 98% of people that don't farm, would run between $20,000 to $35,000....yes, just the tax.

Do you think farmers want to spend $300,000 to $400,000 on a tractor? No they don't, but that's what they cost. And yes AC comes standard :D

Why buy such a big tractor you say, my grandpa got along just fine with his 720JD. Yes he did, and he farmed 80 acres. Now, in order for the 2% to feed the other 98%, farmers have to farm thousands of acres, therefore needing big equipment, pulled by big tractors.

Tell me how you get along next time you go to the tractor dealership and ask for a 250HP tractor capable of pulling a Kinze 12/23 split row, and by the way, I don't want a cab or AC.

They will laugh you off the place.
That somewhat proves my point. If you thought you were going to pay sales tax on a tractor, you know naught about farming.
In addition, if you saved hundreds of dollars on sales tax, you didn't buy a tractor, you bought a lawn mower. Now we see who is working the system.

Sales tax on a real tractor, a tractor capable of pulling the equipment a farmer needs to feed the 98% of people that don't farm, would run between $20,000 to $35,000....yes, just the tax.

Do you think farmers want to spend $300,000 to $400,000 on a tractor? No they don't, but that's what they cost. And yes AC comes standard :D

Why buy such a big tractor you say, my grandpa got along just fine with his 720JD. Yes he did, and he farmed 80 acres. Now, in order for the 2% to feed the other 98%, farmers have to farm thousands of acres, therefore needing big equipment, pulled by big tractors.

Tell me how you get along next time you go to the tractor dealership and ask for a 250HP tractor capable of pulling a Kinze 12/23 split row, and by the way, I don't want a cab or AC.

They will laugh you off the place.

Ass-ume things and you be wrong. I bought a real tractor. A 35 year old tractor. I saved hundreds. I have used it for everything except mowing. One of the best purchases I have ever made. Do I grow and harvest crops? No. Neither do a lot of people who are being subsidized in the same manner I was. It's ridiculous.

Can a construction company buy heavy equipment and certain supplies with no sales tax? Why should a rancher/land owner/farmer?
Ass-ume things and you be wrong. I bought a real tractor. A 35 year old tractor. I saved hundreds. I have used it for everything except mowing. One of the best purchases I have ever made. Do I grow and harvest crops? No. Neither do a lot of people who are being subsidized in the same manner I was. It's ridiculous.

Can a construction company buy heavy equipment and certain supplies with no sales tax? Why should a rancher/land owner/farmer?

I will not argue that there are price supports and government subsidies that help keep food cost low. I have stated such. Is it right or wrong? Everyone has their own opinion.

I never argued farmers didn't receive assistance, just that farming isn't an easy, get rich quick scheme like some think it is.

I do however, agree with you on the sales tax issue.
As long as a huge chunk of the farm bill goes to food stamps who the hell cares if the farmer gets a little? Although, this crap of having the wife, kids and the dogs file claims for the same family should end.
I actually don't have a problem with farmers who grow our food not paying sales tax on a tractor. But if your "crop" is hay and you don't sell cattle for a living, why the hell do you need a tax break?
As long as a huge chunk of the farm bill goes to food stamps who the hell cares if the farmer gets a little? Although, this crap of having the wife, kids and the dogs file claims for the same family should end.
Who is the producer of the products sold for food stamps?

There is a reason food stamps sit in the ag bill - they have been designed to help more than the poor.
I actually don't have a problem with farmers who grow our food not paying sales tax on a tractor. But if your "crop" is hay and you don't sell cattle for a living, why the hell do you need a tax break?
I do, for profit businesses should be under the same tax regime.
I will not argue that there are price supports and government subsidies that help keep food cost low. I have stated such. Is it right or wrong? Everyone has their own opinion.

I never argued farmers didn't receive assistance, just that farming isn't an easy, get rich quick scheme like some think it is.

I do however, agree with you on the sales tax issue.
There is a real need for the government to ensure we have a safe, adequate food supply. I don't disagree with that.

But, the current ag bill is more of an exercise in splitting up pork than it is an exercise in ensuring an adequate food supply.
Who is the producer of the products sold for food stamps?

There is a reason food stamps sit in the ag bill - they have been designed to help more than the poor.
That would be why I said that I don't mind the farmer getting a piece. Keeping grain prices lower and competitive helps the govt. also.
Set, Spike?

I think it's quite comical the GOP is supposedly all about free markets except when it comes to reality.

And their

I think you're ignoring my first post......but that's ok. lol
Look inside the numbers and it is obvious that the great majority of money is going to the big corporate farming operations. Another example of protecting the interest of the rich and loopholes that exist in the corporate world at the expense of the middle class taxpayers.
75% of all subsidize go to the 10 largest farm corporations. Are Tyson Foods and Riceland Foods not profitable enough without receiving free money from the government? Do Ted Turner and Michael Rockefeller deserve farm subsidize to not grow crops on their millions of acres in Montana and Idaho? What a screwed up country we live in!!
Whining liberals don't understand the goals of our country. How can Mitt and the boys put in an auto elevator in their house if they have to pay their fair share of taxes?
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Hypocrite much?
That's not me either.
Don't ASS-ume.

I asked if it's your relations. It couldn't possibly be relations could it?

That's a lot of dollars coming in for conservation. Must have a pretty nice size piece of property huh? Run cattle on it by chance?
Let's see you in the $15 thread you gripe about teachers like me, duck and veer not working enough. Then complain about teachers working more than those working 9-5. It's cute though. SMDH
Oh and I forgot Mr. Tough Guy who drove off like a little b because his buddy got mugged, but wants to act like Mr. Internet Tough Guy.
Let's see you in the $15 thread you gripe about teachers like me, duck and veer not working enough. Then complain about teachers working more than those working 9-5. It's cute though. SMDH

Best part of that is he posts during 'work hours' as much as anyone on this board.
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Let's see you in the $15 thread you gripe about teachers like me, duck and veer not working enough. Then complain about teachers working more than those working 9-5. It's cute though. SMDH

Find me a that thread about veer and duck. I said most teachers.
Best part of that is he posts during 'work hours' as much as anyone on this board.

It's a fantastic world we live in. And most people can multitask. I did say most.

So how do you guys spend that $5k+ of tax payer money a year? Throw a big family BBQ? Few kegs?
Oh and I forgot Mr. Tough Guy who drove off like a little b because his buddy got mugged, but wants to act like Mr. Internet Tough Guy.

Find me that thread as well. I don't think that was exactly how it went down.

lol little b?

Are you off the meds this morning? #angerissues #morelikelymomissues
Well there you have it,

58% of farmers receive no subsidies and the bottom 80% receive $575 per year.

I'm with Veer, damn farmers, who do they think they are ? Farming is so lucrative, 2% of the American population are doing it, what the hell, you would think as good as they got it, more people would get in on that gravy train.

I think I will show them guys I don't need their freeloading anymore, I'll just quit eating!!!!

Thanks for changing my mind Veer, damn farmers !!
I thought you Christian conservatives didn't use that kind of language, oh wait you profess not to be a conservative, all the while spewing their crap. Potty mouth. :(
I thought you Christian conservatives didn't use that kind of language, oh wait you profess not to be a conservative, all the while spewing their crap. Potty mouth. :(

So sticking up for farmers against unfounded, uneducated, false accusations makes me a "Christian conservative"..... Got it
You don't think you are a Christian Conservative? You have defended pretty much everything they have, except global warming.

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