US record high trade deficit. Thanks Trump!

You are right about falsehoods (since "false truth" is an oxymoron) on both sides. I'm not arguing that at all. But just because the other side does it too is not justification enough for me. It may be for others. Also, this business about "sides" is also foolish, though I guess it's the easiest way to talk about it. But here is the biggest issue of talking that way: I don't claim a "side." I don't vote for a thing just because it has a D or an R or some other initial next to it. Some Republican policies and ideas make sense, but some are batshit crazy. Some Democratic policies and ideas make sense, but some are batshit crazy. It all boils down to this with respect to my behavior when interacting with other human beings: If I have taught my kid not to do something, then I should also not do that thing. I don't know what other people teach their kids, but I teach mine to be honest, forthright, and respectful to people regardless of what mode of communication you are using (conversation, online interactions, etc.). I fail in this at times as we all do, but I try not to make it a habit, even though this is just some internet backwoods forum that ultimately will have no importance.
I will be the first to admit I’m slow but you do realize my sarcastic “ false narrative” was a reply to a video of sarcastic false narrative???
I will be the first to admit I’m slow but you do realize my sarcastic “ false narrative” was a reply to a video of sarcastic false narrative???

I do realize that. Both falsehoods are stupid. Stupid + Stupid = Endless diatribe by guy who loves to hear himself talk.