US " GDP Growth " under the last seven US Presidents


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
Jimmy Carter-----------------3.25%------# 3--Jim Carter was a good one and still going and 90 plus year old.
Ronald Regan----------------3.48%------# 2-- Ron Regan will go down as one of greatest president
George HW Bush------------2.25%------# 4-- " Read my lips " George Bush
Bill Clinton--------------------3.88%------# 1---Bill Clinton is number 1 but he had an affair
George W. Bush--------------2.2%-------# 5--George Bush had a bad second term
Barack Obama----------------1.62%------# 6-Obama did alright and stayed " Scandal free "
Don Trump--------------------0.45%----- # 7--Poor Don is last among our last seven presidents on GDP Growth and history may not be kind to Don Trump because of his daily " Scandals " and being impeached however Don remains. the Darling of the 35 %

The above should be Facts ready. Anyone disagree " Bring it on ".
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I can only disagree with the “Scandal Free”
I could be wrong on Obama being scandal free, could someone name a scandal under the Obama administration?

Chris Gardner Trump is your Dude, can you defend Trump's last place finish among our last seven presidents? GDP is usually how a president is judged, Not the Stock Market As a rule, last place do not receive a trophy. Do we have any of the 35% wanting recognition for Trump when comparing Trump with other presidents like Clinton, Carter, Regan, the Bushes and Obama?
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I could be wrong on Obama being scandal free, could someone name a scandal under the Obama administration?

Chris Gardner Trump is your Dude, can you defend Trump's last place finish among our last seven presidents? GDP is usually how a president is judged, Not the Stock Market As a rule, last place do not receive a trophy. Do we have any of the 35% wanting recognition for Trump when comparing Trump with other presidents like Clinton, Carter, Regan, the Bushes and Obama?

The big difference in any presidency is how the media portrays them. But I will say BHO was as smooth as butter. Here are six things that happened under him.
1st, you have given no support for your claims.
If they are accurate, I would assume this virus thing might have something to do with it. If you look pre-shutdown I suspect there might be a different narrative.

Does this "chart" include the last quarter? Who compiled it? When does each Presidents reign begin?

And, Trump isn't my dude? I vote for ideas not people.

Chris, Trump is indeed your " Dude ". We have never heard you condemn Trump for any of his Lies or misleading statements however You may not be informed on Trump's lies and misleading statements. Do your research about Trump's GDP for his four years as president instead of asking someone else to do it for you.

NO, the third quarter GDP is not counted on the advance GDP report. The third quarter GDP is not official ,yet I'm not sure the the second quarter was counted either. Trump's second quarter GDP was down 31% which is about a push for both 2nd and 3rd Quarters. The market is in ' Free fall " @ the present and could wipe out all of Trumps stock market gains but the market could change when Biden is elected on Nov. 3. I don't see a Biden presidency as a lock but is favored.

You speak of " Shutdowns ". Theses Shutdowns took place under Trump's watch! Trump is responsible for everything while he is president---( Good or Bad )

Chris, i heard a good one today, " Lets' get that Turd out on Nov. 3RD ".
Jimmy Carter-----------------3.25%------# 3--Jim Carter was a good one and still going and 90 plus year old.
Ronald Regan----------------3.48%------# 2-- Ron Regan will go down as one of greatest president
George HW Bush------------2.25%------# 4-- " Read my lips " George Bush
Bill Clinton--------------------3.88%------# 1---Bill Clinton is number 1 but he had an affair
George W. Bush--------------2.2%-------# 5--George Bush had a bad second term
Barack Obama----------------1.62%------# 6-Obama did alright and stayed " Scandal free "
Don Trump--------------------0.45%----- # 7--Poor Don is last among our last seven presidents on GDP Growth and history may not be kind to Don Trump because of his daily " Scandals " and being impeached however Don remains. the Darling of the 35 %

The above should be Facts ready. Anyone disagree " Bring it on ".

Not sure where you got your info. Here's a Bloomberg chart. I've found 3 other reputable charts that agree with this almost exactly. To be fair, the '07-'08 housing market crash was shown in the Obama and Trump administration's numbers. Clinton was a big part of causing this and benefited from it. His number are showing of it. Trumps numbers have a pandemic market crash with economic unsurety in them or they would be significantly higher just looking at the markets response to his administration. Fortunately the markets don't respond to the misleading fake news attacks that many swallow without questioning that Trump has dealt with since his election.

Not sure where you got your info. Here's a Bloomberg chart. I've found 3 other reputable charts that agree with this almost exactly. To be fair, the '07-'08 housing market crash was shown in the Obama and Trump administration's numbers. Clinton was a big part of causing this and benefited from it. His number are showing of it. Trumps numbers have a pandemic market crash with economic unsurety in them or they would be significantly higher just looking at the markets response to his administration. Fortunately the markets don't respond to the misleading fake news attacks that many swallow without questioning that Trump has dealt with since his election.


Pete, the information I posted on the GDP for the last seven president came from the " Federal Reserve " . If Trump is not reelected, I expect Trump's GDP numbers and rating to hit rock bottom. I have an account with Charles Schwag. Trades are almost free. The market has been hit hard this past week and more may be on the way. I am out of the market except for Google, Apple and Amazon. it is my opinion, the market does better when Democrats are in power judging from past history. I am very concerned about the uncertainty of the market @ the present. Unemployment is high, Covid-19 @ an all time high and Interest rate can't go any lower. How can anyone get us out of the mess we are in. I can't see why anyone would want to be president after this Trump mess.
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