UnitedHealth Group CEO concedes health system 'does not work as well as it should' following shooting backlash


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2005
Home of the Cubs!!
It is sad day in the our country that a man has to lose his life for a company as a whole to realize that maybe just maybe they are not doing what is best.

No one would design a system like the one we have. And no one did. It’s a patchwork built over decades," Andrew Witty wrote. "Our mission is to help make it work better."

In a New York Times op-ed published Friday morning, UnitedHealth Group’s CEO addressed boiling frustrations, threats and vitriol aimed at health care insurers, conceding, “We know the health system does not work as well as it should.”

I hope that does not end up being the reason we see significant change in health care.
Hold on a minute

I thought “ Obamacare” took care of all of our healthcare problems???
It just gave insurance to all it never addressed the actual problem. In my humble opinion you should be able to see a doctor on a normal visit and the cost be reasonable enough that you do not need insurance and be able to afford out of pocket.

I recently just had a hearing test done that is it and it is going to cost me and my insurance company over $3500 for the to ask me can you hear that and then a doctor to look in my ears and say yep just normal hearing loss....the whole visit took less than 20 minutes the doctor actual visit was less than 3 minutes the test was the longest.
It just gave insurance to all it never addressed the actual problem. In my humble opinion you should be able to see a doctor on a normal visit and the cost be reasonable enough that you do not need insurance and be able to afford out of pocket.

I recently just had a hearing test done that is it and it is going to cost me and my insurance company over $3500 for the to ask me can you hear that and then a doctor to look in my ears and say yep just normal hearing loss....the whole visit took less than 20 minutes the doctor actual visit was less than 3 minutes the test was the longest.
Over 8% of the population is still uninsured

But I agree completely, the best thing for skyrocketing healthcare costs would be to do away with health insurance completely. Care would have to be priced so that people could take out their billfold and afford to pay for treatment at the end of a doctors visit.

A few months ago a nurse was dumbfounded that I would not consent to care without a written quote for cost of treatment. “Your Insurance will cover it” was her initial response. I need to know if a procedure is going to cost me $100 or $100,000 before I consent to have it done!!!!!
Over 8% of the population is still uninsured

But I agree completely, the best thing for skyrocketing healthcare costs would be to do away with health insurance completely. Care would have to be priced so that people could take out their billfold and afford to pay for treatment at the end of a doctors visit.

A few months ago a nurse was dumbfounded that I would not consent to care without a written quote for cost of treatment. “Your Insurance will cover it” was her initial response. I need to know if a procedure is going to cost me $100 or $100,000 before I consent to have it done!!!!!

There are systems where you would know that up front.
these dudes have been programmed now. Gonna be tough to get away from the worst health system in the industrialized world.

Israel has a model that works. Why won't it work here?

Because Socialism! Communism! Marxism! Michael McDonald, formerly of the Doobie Brothers! Those are all some scary ass words, dude.
Obamacare doesn't suck. It gives me coverage after an 8k deductible. It pays for yearly checkups. I've got Dental and Vision, also with checkups. I got a colonoscopy at no charge. I've paid less than a Benjamin a month for this coverage for the last 5 years. Before that, I was paying almost 80$ a week in insurance premiums at my last position.
It's not perfect, but I have a friend who would have lost his small business after his wife suffered through a battle with cancer if he didn't have the coverage.
Obamacare doesn't suck. It gives me coverage after an 8k deductible. It pays for yearly checkups. I've got Dental and Vision, also with checkups. I got a colonoscopy at no charge. I've paid less than a Benjamin a month for this coverage for the last 5 years. Before that, I was paying almost 80$ a week in insurance premiums at my last position.
It's not perfect, but I have a friend who would have lost his small business after his wife suffered through a battle with cancer if he didn't have the coverage.
Its not the insurance that is the problem, its our healthcare cost overall our cost this is way to how which forces you to need insurance just to see a doctor. You should be able to go on a basic doctor visit and not need insurance its crazy that a 10 minute doctor visit will cost over $300. Health insurance reported nearly $25 billion in profits in 2023, $24 billion in 2022, just think if we the consumer were given that money instead of insurance companies.
Now I understand having catastrophic healthcare insurance just for those things like cancer such that can be a huge cost. But for a yearly checkup $300 is way to much.
It was not that long ago 1997 me and my wife saved up and paid cash for us to have our first kid no insurance cold hard cash. Now when my grand babies were born my daughter paid more in just the deductable than we paid in cash and we had to have an emergancy C-section hers was a basic delivery.
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