
I have mixed feelings on unions,,,, back 100 years ago they helped bring fair pay and decent working conditions to people who were basically slave labor

But in the last 50-60 years they have changed into organizations that remind me a lot of career politicians
They have had to become politicians because that's the only way anything gets done. They figured out a long time ago that politics is where you have to go to get results and it takes lots of money to have any affect. It's a sad but true reality in the world today and has been for a long time. They figured how to get in the game years ago because you can bet big business is in it to win it and they seem to be doing so.
Agree with 3R. They have had to become politicians. I don't think we have to go back 100 years to find where unions have been beneficial. Even with OSHAA and other government oversight organizations, we still have to whistle blower laws because there are still employeers who treat their employees poorly.
You know what bothers me, and this is definitely a side note (sorry ag-man for hijacking your post). But how in the heck do we still have conservatives winning the battle of the political sayings (I know there is a term, but I am too tired and sick to remember) in the main stream media. Why do we still have news agencies calling it right to work or Obamacare. It is not a right to work state. If nothing else, it's a right to work for less.
As for the original post, you don't think it is important to know if the person you are working with believes in the same thing you do as far as job security and benefits?
Originally posted by Buck Commander:

Originally posted by ag-man:
Strong arm tactics, harassment, intimidation. What's not to love?
Peace be with you.
Originally posted by ag-man:
Strong arm tactics, harassment, intimidation. What's not to love?
The Washington Free Press - now there's a beacon of unbiased journalism!! All I can say is...

PEACE BE WITH YOU!! Quran 25:63
This post was edited on 10/10 6:28 PM by Bogey Man
If you guys think that an employer paying a wage for a job well done is not the way it should be, so be it. If you think a union should be able to coheres, intimidate and harass workers for trying to make a living, that says more about you than I.
Those who choose to opt out of paying union dues should get the wages and benefits of other non union workers in their so called "right to work" state. Why should they get the wages and benefits the union negotiated when they choose not to support that union?
Originally posted by ag-man:
If you guys think that an employer paying a wage for a job well done is not the way it should be, so be it. If you think a union should be able to coheres, intimidate and harass workers for trying to make a living, that says more about you than I.
Peace be with you.
Originally posted by ag-man:
If you guys think that an employer paying a wage for a job well done is not the way it should be, so be it. If you think a union should be able to coheres, intimidate and harass workers for trying to make a living, that says more about you than I.
"Is it not a fact that every time a messenger went to you with anything you disliked, your ego caused you to be arrogant."
Quran 2:87

"Peace be with you." Quran 25:63
I agree with you on that 3R, they should be getting what their position commands on the open market, not arguing that.

My point being, how would you like to join a club or organization that employs these tactics to try to gain enrollment?
Big business has done worse and have always been more crooked. Even when they get caught and admit what they've done no one goes to jail and the big fines they pay come out of company money, NOT their own pocket. Jamie Dimon and MANY others should have served some serious prison time and had to pay the fines out of their own pocket! They wiped out retirement plans for a LOT of people and got off scott free!
Ag is not ignorant and for you to call him such, says more about you and your lack of integrity than him.
Your condescension is duly noted, and I am sure there will be a special place for you in whatever version of a negative eternity you believe in.
Originally posted by Expect2Win:

Ag is not ignorant and for you to call him such, says more about you and your lack of integrity than him.
Your condescension is duly noted, and I am sure there will be a special place for you in whatever version of a negative eternity you believe in.
Ag is ignorant, and for you to either not see it or dismiss it says a lot about you.

I really have nothing further to say to you except peace be with you. I accept that you are an ignorant tool and nothing I can do or say will change that.
Yep, I am the tool. Go work your 10 jobs, earn your 3 degrees and the other bs you post on here. Next thing I know you'll post my picture, with some disparaging remark.
You truly are a self important jerk. You are no better than JR.
I am sure you'll have a new username next month anyway. Truly admire that you stuck with this moniker as long as you have, considering the racist idiots the Duck/Buck Commanders have proven themselves.
Not you ducky!

The racist homophobic idiots on Duck Dynasty own the companies Duck Commander and the lesser known Buck Commander. The reason I listed Duck/Buck, was because Hammy, et. al would know who actually owns the company that he used for his latest moniker.
Originally posted by Expect2Win:

Yep, I am the tool. Go work your 10 jobs, earn your 3 degrees and the other bs you post on here. Next thing I know you'll post my picture, with some disparaging remark.
You truly are a self important jerk. You are no better than JR.
I am sure you'll have a new username next month anyway. Truly admire that you stuck with this moniker as long as you have, considering the racist idiots the Duck/Buck Commanders have proven themselves.
Peace be with you friend.
Originally posted by Bogey Man:
Unless you have been in a union, you are in no position to judge.
I have...multiple unioins. I have been a union steward, served on the contract negotiation team. A was being looked at for business agent when I moved to management/supervision. I would not wish the union experience on anyone worthy of their employment.
Don't really care one way or the other on this topic, unions are on their way out. Just curious why anyone on this board cares? It's a fact that unions have made a positive impact on the labor force in the past...wages, vacation, hrs worked etc. but is that true today?
A very small portion of the general public work in union jobs yet the rest of US are expected to pay for those who do.
Not trying to be a downer here folks, just a realist but we no longer live in the 30s.
American companies no longer have to depend on a huge, highly paid, under educated work force to get the job done.

Here are just a few examples of jobs or products that are no longer need.
01) Cashiers, replaced by automated billing
02) Banks/Tellers, replaced by your phone
03) Credit Card associated jobs, replaced by your phone
04) Camera Workers, Video Recorders Workers, Watch Workers, Memo Pad Workers, Calender Workers, Stationary based GPS Device Workers, CD producing Workers, Home Computers Workers, Telecommunication Workers, Home Phones Line Workers, DVD producing Workers, Paper Address Book Workers, Paper Card Workers, Professional Photographers etc...

All being replaced by your "phone".

06) In the Auto Industry Computer Assisted Robots
A Workers that Weld...Robotic Welding
B Workers that Paint...Robotic Painting
C Workers that Sand...Robot Sand Blasters
D Workers that Revet...Robot spot welding
E Workers that Heat, Cool the Work Space...Robots do not get hot or cold
F Workers that are in Sales and Marketing... Internet is replacing

A "Cheap Labor Force Abroad"; China, Japan, South Korea, India etc...
Folks "Willing to Work for Nothing"here; Home Painters, Roofers, Yard Care etc...
Consumers willing to "Sale Out" the Country in order to save a Buck.

Please tell me how you plan to over come all of the above and the thousands of other jobs that future technology will replace.
I only expect that workers who work where there is a union and get the same pay and benefits as union workers should pay the union dues for the union that negotiated the contract. How is it fair for them free load and get the same thing union workers do?If your whole plant/business is non union and that company provides you a good wage/benefit package more power to you. If you think most big companies will give you what the unions gained over the years when they're all gone you're very gullable. I can tell you for sure the major RR's attempt to get around union agreements nearly every day and they would love for the workers to just turn their heads and let it slide. Unions and the contracts they negotiated over the years lifted wages for everyone, not just union shops.
For what it's worth 3r, I worked for UNAW for 7 years, CWA for 2.
I have no problem with union workers only getting union pay etc but...
all of the above post represent 93% of the work force today.
Unions are no longer and have not for years represented the feelings of the overall work population.

Again I ask...
How do you fix all of the above issues concerning jobs outside a complete Federal Government take over?

The Redistribution of Wealth thing doesn't seem to be working out so well...
Just saying
I've said for years many of the jobs lost each year are never coming back. When a huge company "downsizes" by 10,000 jobs all at once we might get back 1000 of them somewhere else eventually. There is not enough small businesses to absorb that kind of job losses.

The reason unions do not reflect the feeling of most of the workforce is because most of the workforce doesn't know how it was or how it could be again. They think companies will just grant them a living wage with insurance, paid vacations and holidays out of the goodness of their hearts.

The economy is doing pretty well for business, not so much for middle class workers. Their wages continue to go down even as company profits reach new records every quarter and CEO pay soars to new heights every year. I don't know when the gazillionaires will figure out they need the middle class to thrive so there is someone to but their goods and services. They could pay a little better wages and pay for a little better insurance coverage and still be very profitable and very rich.
Don't disagree with that 3r but unions no longer have the "we're walking out" card to play. Corporations have saturated the work force with folks that are use to making $5.00 hr now making $9.00 and happy to do so.
I would say that our own Government is to blame and US for letting it happen.
When one considers that for every 13 Million "Un-Documented Workers" that are allowed to come into this country, 13 Million Americans will lose a potential job.
I guess you can believe what the liberal left is telling US if you wish. I for one am seeing more Foreign Part Time Workers in the work place than I am Full Time employees.

Temporary Services are at an all time high. Why would Corporations pay more for Full Time Help when they can get the same job done for less, then dump their PT workers?

I guess we just disagree about where Unions are going.
The root word "Union" implies "Unity".

This Country is far from UNTIED on anything...
I guess you have once again forgotten my stance on illegal immigration. I have no doubt unions are going by the wayside, maybe someday those that think that's good thing will understand why it's not.
I'm not saying anything about your stance on anything, I don't know you. As for Unions, like I said earlier I don't care one way or the other. In my mind the days of "anyone" including the Feds telling Big Buisness what to do are over. The car industry for example has expanded into Europe and Asia. 2.58 million cars were sold in China so far this year by GM...Volkswagen sales 2.7 million...Ford 813,000+

US population. 316.1 million
Europe population 742.5 million
China population 1,357,000,000

Except for an "American Bailout Money", why do they even need US anymore?
3r it's noble that you want a better USA, more folks should think that way. In the future however I'm afraid the best days this country had to offer the Middle Class are over and buried.
And that is mostly because big business has all the power, we do still need unions. Big money has taken over due to lobbyists and favorable SC decisions AND people thinking there is no need for unions anymore because they think business will just give them all the stuff that had been gained by union contracts before. They will not.
No one I know thinks that way???

The people I talk to understand the reality of the situation. Corporations have the resources, Money, Cheap Labor, Cheap Products made overseas for pennies on the dollar, infrastructure in China, Korea, Vietnam, Singapore, Taiwan, Japan, Middle East....etc.
The American Worker is no longer needed...

Did I mention Online Shopping Overseas ?
Labor in China is not so cheap anymore. Have you read this board when the subject is unions? There might be 3 people that realize the value they have had and would continue to have. The rest think there is no need for them anymore or that they have done no one any good in 40 years. Where I worked they were very necessary and would have dumped a LOT of our wages and benefits if given the chance. They have managed to get the seniority districts all but abolished. If you go to work on the RR now you will be on the road and it could be anywhere in the country. Very few headquartered jobs these days.
If Scout has his way we will get rid of unions, totally de-regulate business and put severe limits on lawsuits against business. There will be no incentive for companies to treat people right, create safe products or not dump toxic waste anywhere it is convenient. He thinks they will just do these things out of the kindness in their hearts.

There were companies who fought seat belts, companies who fought taking lead out of paint, companies who
sprayed waste in Times Beach. For the love of decency, learn from the past.

Middle class idiots like him vote against their own best interests. Stupid people are why scam artists exist.
You left out Love Canal smart one...
Guess you would like to contribute your retirement to the Super Fund...
No, probably not...
I forgot, your tea party is taking over state houses one state at a time. That prediction hasn't quite worked out.
Is that why you disappeared for 6 months? And what a pleasant 6 months it was.

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