Don't really care one way or the other on this topic, unions are on their way out. Just curious why anyone on this board cares? It's a fact that unions have made a positive impact on the labor force in the past...wages, vacation, hrs worked etc. but is that true today?
A very small portion of the general public work in union jobs yet the rest of US are expected to pay for those who do.
Not trying to be a downer here folks, just a realist but we no longer live in the 30s.
American companies no longer have to depend on a huge, highly paid, under educated work force to get the job done.
Here are just a few examples of jobs or products that are no longer need.
01) Cashiers, replaced by automated billing
02) Banks/Tellers, replaced by your phone
03) Credit Card associated jobs, replaced by your phone
04) Camera Workers, Video Recorders Workers, Watch Workers, Memo Pad Workers, Calender Workers, Stationary based GPS Device Workers, CD producing Workers, Home Computers Workers, Telecommunication Workers, Home Phones Line Workers, DVD producing Workers, Paper Address Book Workers, Paper Card Workers, Professional Photographers etc...
All being replaced by your "phone".
06) In the Auto Industry Computer Assisted Robots
A Workers that Weld...Robotic Welding
B Workers that Paint...Robotic Painting
C Workers that Sand...Robot Sand Blasters
D Workers that Revet...Robot spot welding
E Workers that Heat, Cool the Work Space...Robots do not get hot or cold
F Workers that are in Sales and Marketing... Internet is replacing
A "Cheap Labor Force Abroad"; China, Japan, South Korea, India etc...
Folks "Willing to Work for Nothing"here; Home Painters, Roofers, Yard Care etc...
Consumers willing to "Sale Out" the Country in order to save a Buck.
Please tell me how you plan to over come all of the above and the thousands of other jobs that future technology will replace.