TSA Gigantic Waste of Resources


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2019
Serial Stow Away Granny able to get around TSA security again.

If a little grey haired lady can get on planes with no ID or tickets multiple times I would think they would hire her as a security consultant or put her in jail for a long time one of the two

Typical Federal Program at its worst
It works a million times a day, but you pick out two failures and condemn the entire program.
You don’t see like one of them Mensa members.
It works millions of times a day with travelers with no evil intentions. They do a great job making me dump water bottles though!!

This lady has boarded flights and traveled multiple times with neither ID or a boarding pass. If she has figured out a way to do it over and over Don’t you think terrorists have a pretty good shot.

The governments own tests get weapons past TSA over 70% of the time. How do the people running that agency keep their jobs

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