Trump and 17 States, including Missouri attempt to destroy democracy

You're a part of the cult. You love trump more than you love America.
Trump lost. Bigly.
Hes fired.
God bless America

I don't love Trump he is a arrogant arse hole with questionable character who could of done better as President. I didn't even expect him to get elected the first time. I lost money on that. I liked some of his policies which I'm sure he had very little part in but was smart enough to let his people do what needed to be done and he signed off on it.

I'm not liking that Joe Biden is President because clearly he is a Puppet who is nothing but a establishment shill. But I'm not Fretting about his election. What is worrying me is that the Left and all the Propagandist are now feeling emoldened and seem to want to punish and extract a pound of flesh from all Trump Supporters.
I no longer believe this, Trump is starting to prove the left was probable onto something. Trump needs to stop with the election was rigged rhetoric along with all the other Republicans. I went along with it for a bit because I really believed that the republicans would force Trump back to reality and common sense. However there has been no proof and yet he continues and the repubs continue to support him and his calls of fraud.

It is clear to me now that he Trump will not be satisfied until he feels he has been vindicated for his perceived wrongs and lost election. I truly believe that Trump wants an actual civil war and to be crowned King of whatever is left and many Republicans would go right along with that. It is so scary that I voted for this man, and it is so scary that so many educated people cannot see that by continuing to feed into this man's ego we are going down a path of civil destruction. I want an America to be around for my grandkids... so I want this to stop. However I just don't see it ever stopping until enough republicans actually grow some hair and say enough is enough Trump.

We went from let's first see if there is any fraud and if none is found Trump will stop and we will support the next president, to now just trying to sue other states to get thier votes thrown out. So we are now so far beyond just trying to find fraud to now trying to actually disenfranchise American citizens votes with no proof of anything....and to me that is scary and it should be scary to all because if the Republicans can do this then so can the Democrats. So think about this had the Democrat lead states sued to have Missouri's votes, our votes thrown out with no proof just stating we don't like how they held the election and it is not constitutional we would all have come unglued and said here comes socialism!! When we no longer care about our own brothers and sisters and care more about some guy in the white house trying to futally hold onto power we have lost our way. As the bible says, put no man before many Republican who are Christians have put Trump above God and believe he is the savior of this country and that is scary.

Trump is going to leave office and then take to the Twitter world....Trump doesn't want a Civil War. If so he likely doesn't retain power as President let along King come on that is a very emotional over the top view point B68 you are usually more rational than that. Trump has A lot of money to lose if there is a Civil War and nothing to gain.

I think the issue is that some of the irregularities and late minute rule changes have raised some eyebrows and of course in Political gamesmanship Trump and his team are exploring all avenues to see if possible Fraud was involved. It is all legal and above board and at this time for the Most part Trump has lost all cases and found no proof. In the end he will leave office.

What should concern you is the constant and systematic attacking of Trump supporters and the out right censorship and deplatforming of anyone who questions the Dem's and their agenda. That is what is going to split the country not anything Trump is doing.
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His team's frivolous court cases that never had a chance, along with his rhetoric, absolutely have caused harm. Millions of people are now brainwashed by a guy they worship into thinking the election was stolen from him when there is zero evidence. There's real mental harm being done to his own base. He's being an absolute baby. He got his ass kicked and wants to prove he didn't.

I love how much power you think Trump has over Millions and Millions of people. That is ludicrous. How is he Brainwashing Millions and Millions of People. How is he doing them harm? What Crazy Hypnotic power does he Wield??

Now I do agree Trump is a Sore loser and Clearly wants to cast the election results in some doubt to make him look better?? Heck Yes that is Trumps arrogant arse hole me First Personality coming Through.

But Clearly you don't get it... What Millions and Millions of people have is a Total and utter dissent with the Left, their Progressive view points, their Socialist economic policies and their degrading cries of Hate vented on conservatives. Trump in reality isn't nothing but the benefactor of this and actually has had the stones to take advantage of it why the Milk Toast Republicans have basically rolled over for years. That is why the Never Trumper's had to bow to the will of the Rep. people and Back Trump.

Again as I've pointed out the Divide between the Core Values of the left and right are bigger than the Grand Canyon.
I understand that conservatives are obsessed with being seen as independent thinkers... but please peruse this website for a few minutes and tell me these people aren't brainwashed. This is a website that was created in response to reddit deleting the Trump subreddit (a type of message board) because of threats and hatred. There are almost a million accounts registered.

You are preaching to the cult choir there. MG time and again has said Trump is the “same as Obama, Bush, and Clinton”. How brainwashed do you have to be to think that?

He is obviously not familiar with Joseph Goebbels and concepts he used. Trumpys get so pissed when you bring up Hitler, but just compare Goebbels tactics to Trump’s.

  • Avoid abstract ideas - appeal to the emotions.
  • Constantly repeat just a few ideas. Use stereotyped phrases.
  • Give only one side of the argument.
  • Continuously criticize your opponents.
  • Pick out one special "enemy" for special vilification.
I am not really sure why we keep reading the posts from Chris G and MGHS. Neither one of them believe words matter, they defend everything Trump does and ignore everything he says. Nothing they type should mean anything because words don't matter.
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I understand that conservatives are obsessed with being seen as independent thinkers... but please peruse this website for a few minutes and tell me these people aren't brainwashed. This is a website that was created in response to reddit deleting the Trump subreddit (a type of message board) because of threats and hatred. There are almost a million accounts registered.

A million.....compared to 15 million to 26 million Leftist BLM supporters and that doesn't even include Antifa and their ilk. They are all just as Radical and spew hate at the same level.

Sure there are some Trump crazy's.....but not to the degree you believe not even close ..74 million voted for him. Around 20 million white poor in many of those actually voted or even Voted For Trump? Not even half.. And it is sort of funny that you keep Bringing up Poor Whites and How vulnerable they are....while you don't ever mention the Urban Poor who fit the Cultist narrative more so Protesting/Rioting following the Dem's creed of Civil upheaval and who are clearly More vulnerable and way more dependent and swayable do to their economic situation do to Locations.
I am not really sure why we keep reading the posts from Chris G and MGHS. Neither one of them believe words matter, they defend everything Trump does and ignore everything he says. Nothing they type should mean anything because words don't matter.

I don't defend everything Trump does... I clearly pointed out he was a Self Absorbed Prick. I have defended some of his policies I agree with it. Stance on China. Trying to get a hold on immigration. He also had the economy chugging along.

I don't defend his Character at all. I only stated he doesn't try to Hide his True self he just is Trump.

Clearly The Upcoming Pres. and the Past 3 Pres. where not squeaking clean either.
You are preaching to the cult choir there. MG time and again has said Trump is the “same as Obama, Bush, and Clinton”. How brainwashed do you have to be to think that?

He is obviously not familiar with Joseph Goebbels and concepts he used. Trumpys get so pissed when you bring up Hitler, but just compare Goebbels tactics to Trump’s.

  • Avoid abstract ideas - appeal to the emotions.
  • Constantly repeat just a few ideas. Use stereotyped phrases.
  • Give only one side of the argument.
  • Continuously criticize your opponents.
  • Pick out one special "enemy" for special vilification.

Man I deal in the World of Psychology. I know all about those techniques they are even broken down into seduction tech. called Fractionation a form of Persuasion and subtle hypnosis.

Trump is not a master at it and is in fact Rather poor in that Regard. As was GW he was lame. Obama and Clinton are maters at it. As was Reagan and Kennedy. Nixon was Horrible . Carter was middle Ground.

Also all Politicians, CEO, Entertainers, Journalist or any Public Speaker with a cause use those tactics in Various forms. It's 101 in the play book. Man even Adverts on TV/Radio use those techniques. But WOW you are really ground Breaking with those things.

Also the Left Called Reagan, Both Bush....Hitler as well. It's your Go to thing and now it's a moot point and carries no weight over used and over did. Masses are Jaded by the Hitler Nazi thing.

If you Think Trump is some Kind of Svengali with his Public Speaking and Such then I don't know what to say.

Maybe what you can't understand is that even though Trump is a Prickish, Arrogant Dbag who has massive Character flaws that a lot of People prefer his Policies, idea's and approach to things Over the Overt Socialist, Woke, SJW, Globalization Democratic Party.

It's easier to Rationalize that all those People are Some how Mesmerized by a Big Bad Haired Orange GUY.....who is not a Great Public Speaker. And if the Left could only re-educate and reprogram them then Everyone could join in on your Correct way of believing and thinking.
Trump is going to leave office and then take to the Twitter world....Trump doesn't want a Civil War. If so he likely doesn't retain power as President let along King come on that is a very emotional over the top view point B68 you are usually more rational than that. Trump has A lot of money to lose if there is a Civil War and nothing to gain.

I think the issue is that some of the irregularities and late minute rule changes have raised some eyebrows and of course in Political gamesmanship Trump and his team are exploring all avenues to see if possible Fraud was involved. It is all legal and above board and at this time for the Most part Trump has lost all cases and found no proof. In the end he will leave office.

What should concern you is the constant and systematic attacking of Trump supporters and the out right censorship and deplatforming of anyone who questions the Dem's and their agenda. That is what is going to split the country not anything Trump is doing.

MG So when do you think Trump gives up? What if 10,000 people decide to take up arms in a state that Trump claims fraud, They storm the capital and demand that states votes be turned over to Trump based on Trumps claims of fraud. Do you really believe Trump would ask them to step down and let this be settled in courts or would he fan the flames?

And yes I agree both parties have gone to far....but you know this already, as Duck is always accusing me of playing both sides of the fence...however I just like to point out the hypocrisy that comes from both sides.
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Man I deal in the World of Psychology. I know all about those techniques they are even broken down into seduction tech. called Fractionation a form of Persuasion and subtle hypnosis.

Trump is not a master at it and is in fact Rather poor in that Regard. As was GW he was lame. Obama and Clinton are maters at it. As was Reagan and Kennedy. Nixon was Horrible . Carter was middle Ground.

Also all Politicians, CEO, Entertainers, Journalist or any Public Speaker with a cause use those tactics in Various forms. It's 101 in the play book. Man even Adverts on TV/Radio use those techniques. But WOW you are really ground Breaking with those things.

Also the Left Called Reagan, Both Bush....Hitler as well. It's your Go to thing and now it's a moot point and carries no weight over used and over did. Masses are Jaded by the Hitler Nazi thing.

If you Think Trump is some Kind of Svengali with his Public Speaking and Such then I don't know what to say.

Maybe what you can't understand is that even though Trump is a Prickish, Arrogant Dbag who has massive Character flaws that a lot of People prefer his Policies, idea's and approach to things Over the Overt Socialist, Woke, SJW, Globalization Democratic Party.

It's easier to Rationalize that all those People are Some how Mesmerized by a Big Bad Haired Orange GUY.....who is not a Great Public Speaker. And if the Left could only re-educate and reprogram them then Everyone could join in on your Correct way of believing and thinking.
You can tell it's a cult pretty easy.
Every time someone goes against trump the biased right wing media goes into attack mode.
Recent examples:

Man I deal in the World of Psychology. I know all about those techniques they are even broken down into seduction tech. called Fractionation a form of Persuasion and subtle hypnosis.

Trump is not a master at it and is in fact Rather poor in that Regard. As was GW he was lame. Obama and Clinton are maters at it. As was Reagan and Kennedy. Nixon was Horrible . Carter was middle Ground.

Also all Politicians, CEO, Entertainers, Journalist or any Public Speaker with a cause use those tactics in Various forms. It's 101 in the play book. Man even Adverts on TV/Radio use those techniques. But WOW you are really ground Breaking with those things.

Also the Left Called Reagan, Both Bush....Hitler as well. It's your Go to thing and now it's a moot point and carries no weight over used and over did. Masses are Jaded by the Hitler Nazi thing.

If you Think Trump is some Kind of Svengali with his Public Speaking and Such then I don't know what to say.

Maybe what you can't understand is that even though Trump is a Prickish, Arrogant Dbag who has massive Character flaws that a lot of People prefer his Policies, idea's and approach to things Over the Overt Socialist, Woke, SJW, Globalization Democratic Party.

It's easier to Rationalize that all those People are Some how Mesmerized by a Big Bad Haired Orange GUY.....who is not a Great Public Speaker. And if the Left could only re-educate and reprogram them then Everyone could join in on your Correct way of believing and thinking.

It's also easy to use a straw man fallacy.

I'd actually argue that a very large section of voters don't have a clue about any more than 1 or 2 policies (and I use that word loosely, it really should be "ideologies"), typically policies that nothing has changed on in 40+ years.
What if? What can you point to to indicate this is to be a concern? What if liberals get mad about anything and loot and riot? THAT has happened and will happen but you are terrified about something there is ZERO evidence of. 3R spent the last year talking about all the damage Trump was gonna do between the election and inauguration if he lost. What has he done?

Ok, what if people "take up arms" and make demands, no one is harmed. If a war was started, you would be right but what indication is there will even be a peaceful demonstration let alone a violent one?
If you don't know what damage he has done since election day I can't help nor can anyone else. He still has plenty of time to do some real crazy crap. WH advisers are saying he is having a hissy fit, not the words they used, And they say he has told them he won't leave WH. He will I'm sure but maybe not of his own accord.
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This is a brainwashed man.

I know I shouldn't reply to you, Mr. Mizzou Confederate Flag, but I suppose it's sport at this point.

That is not a Confederate flag ....why do you lie? Oh It's the leftist go to one trick pony. When one Can't refute the data. Just throw out some abhorrent statement to deflect and then degrade the person on the other side. I find such behavior Loathsome and to a huge degree Pitiful.

15-26 million BLM members depending on who's data you adhere to. BLM Leaders and Core Membership admit to being Trained Marxist. SO if you join that organization that has stated Communist goals who use terror tactics to achieve their goals. Then you are complicit and one of them and fit the criteria.

It is strange How you and others have No issue with calling people disgusting, racist ,xenophobic and such just because you don't agree with their Views and opinions. All the while you claim to be Morally superior while hurling vile insults with no bases or facts.
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This is a brainwashed man.

I know I shouldn't reply to you, Mr. Mizzou Confederate Flag, but I suppose it's sport at this point.
If you don't know what damage he has done since election day I can't help nor can anyone else. He still has plenty of time to do some real crazy crap. WH advisers are saying he is having a hissy fit, not the words they used, And they say he has told them he won't leave WH. He will I'm sure but maybe not of his own accord.

What he has filed some lawsuits that's been rejected. He as taken Legal action and lost? I'm not sure what damage he has done but you guys sure seem to think he has. Just irrational and over emotional responses to your overt hate for Trump.

I get it your upset that 74 million people don't adhere to your line of thinking and beliefs. It must come as big shocker that everyone doesn't line up with your core values and actually find your Value system repugnant to a large degree.

That is life, stay true to your values but maybe adopt a live and let live attitude and stop attacking and tarnishing with gusto those who don't agree with you. I have no issue with anyones support of Biden/BLM/Leftist Dem party on this board. It's your Votes and your right to have whatever opinion you want. I just fundamentally disagree with a lot of your and others beliefs on this board.

This board is a microcosm of what is happening across the country... the left has decided they are justified to hurl abusive and disgusting insults at the opposition. Not attacking ones policies and how they want the Gov. to enact said laws. But instead they ie...left just goes about attacking ones Character. You called me disgusting for posting a possible scenario aka a mind Exercise or theory about a new Civil War which if we keep marching forward like this is a real worry. Fundyswm now is trying to call me a Racist by lying about my Avatar, and Toots Mcgee well that guy has some issues with how he addresses all people. Let's say he has bad form in that regard.

This type of behavior has now caused the massive rift across the country as I have pointed out. A rift that seems to vast to span at this time.
This board is a microcosm of what is happening across the country... the left has decided they are justified to hurl abusive and disgusting insults at the opposition. Not attacking ones policies and how they want the Gov. to enact said laws. But instead they ie...left just goes about attacking ones Character. You called me disgusting....

The exact same thing repubs did to Obama and the Clintons. Yes, you are disgustingly blind.
It's funny he calls you a liar about a flag that is obviously mimicking the confederate flag, yet everything Trump says is hyperbole.
He is such a hypocrite.
That is not a Confederate flag ....why do you lie? Oh It's the leftist go to one trick pony. When one Can't refute the data. Just throw out some abhorrent statement to deflect and then degrade the person on the other side. I find such behavior Loathsome and to a huge degree Pitiful.
You know it says at the bottom "Northern Blood, Southern Heart"
What he has filed some lawsuits that's been rejected. He as taken Legal action and lost? I'm not sure what damage he has done but you guys sure seem to think he has. Just irrational and over emotional responses to your overt hate for Trump.

I get it your upset that 74 million people don't adhere to your line of thinking and beliefs. It must come as big shocker that everyone doesn't line up with your core values and actually find your Value system repugnant to a large degree.

That is life, stay true to your values but maybe adopt a live and let live attitude and stop attacking and tarnishing with gusto those who don't agree with you. I have no issue with anyones support of Biden/BLM/Leftist Dem party on this board. It's your Votes and your right to have whatever opinion you want. I just fundamentally disagree with a lot of your and others beliefs on this board.

This board is a microcosm of what is happening across the country... the left has decided they are justified to hurl abusive and disgusting insults at the opposition. Not attacking ones policies and how they want the Gov. to enact said laws. But instead they ie...left just goes about attacking ones Character. You called me disgusting for posting a possible scenario aka a mind Exercise or theory about a new Civil War which if we keep marching forward like this is a real worry. Fundyswm now is trying to call me a Racist by lying about my Avatar, and Toots Mcgee well that guy has some issues with how he addresses all people. Let's say he has bad form in that regard.

This type of behavior has now caused the massive rift across the country as I have pointed out. A rift that seems to vast to span at this time.
He has claimed they have a massive amount of evidence fo voter fraud yet that have produced Not gin court that a judge will even give second thought about loosing their their case. Trump has his followers convinced this evidence exist and has them all riled up about their votes being not being counted or that dem votes are being counted twice or 5 times or whatever he says that day. IF they have any credible evidence why didn't they show to a judge somewhere, or at least to the SC. IT JUST AIN'T THERE!!!
It is a confederate flag. It is clearly an image created with the intent of honoring the confederacy.

The rest of your post is fine and dandy.... however, you claim to not consume any media, therefore you aren't effected by the DASTARDLY EVIL MSM, yet you also claim to know what is going on in the world.... You can't have it both ways. I personally know a handful of dudes in their 50's that are currently willing to take up arms over Trump and it's because of the election fraud conspiracy theories he has pushed for over a month. Anecdotal, sure, but I am just not unlucky enough to know the only guys like this.

That is your opinion, Not sure how a V for Victory with the SEC in the Middle honors the confederacy but have it your way as you have the Right to your opinion.

I don't consume Main stream TV media, I never said I don't consume media. I don't watch Fox/CNN/MSNBC/ABC/CBS/NBC other than a Link or two that pop's up on the web and it intrigues me. I do Read NY Post/NY Times one Right leaning other Left leaning. WSJ....Wash Post/Wash Examiner again each on the opposite side of the coin. And I do a lot of Google Searches about hot topics as well.

I 100% believe you that they are up in arms...but no different than the Over Emotional when GW out paced Gore. Plenty on the Left wanted to revolt. And no Different in how the Left reacted after Hillary Lost either people wanted to kill Trump I heard it all the time. When their guy doesn't win then people often say stupid things based on emotion.
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He has claimed they have a massive amount of evidence fo voter fraud yet that have produced Not gin court that a judge will even give second thought about loosing their their case. Trump has his followers convinced this evidence exist and has them all riled up about their votes being not being counted or that dem votes are being counted twice or 5 times or whatever he says that day. IF they have any credible evidence why didn't they show to a judge somewhere, or at least to the SC. IT JUST AIN'T THERE!!!

I'm not arguing that the evidence is there. But you are not looking deep enough into this. The so-called fraud is just the Focal point to express the disdain and gulf between the two sides. You need a could be anything but now it's just VOTER Fraud.

As I stated over and over again the gulf as grown between the Core Values of the two sides. Social Media and MSM have torn the veil off and has exposed that divide. Add in that 80 million have nothing but contempt for the Right and 74 million have nothing but scorn for the Left and this is what you get.
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LMAO. No way you believe this.

Well the guy who designed it stated that it was a middle finger to the B12 and Mizzou beating Texas/OU/KU and a honor to the SEC hence the slogan on the bottom. Maybe he was lying I have no idea about his inner heart. I'm just taking his statement at face value and not seeing lurking demons behind every corner.

Again you can believe what ever you want. I really don't care because I like it. And to me it's a slap in the face of the B12 schools who laughed at Mizzou when they tried to get in the SEC and they said it would never happen.
This is an attempt to explain why people aren't just "letting go" of the election results. There are actual things that are VERY hard to explain pointing to Trump was cheated. There also is zero PROOF of anything in this. This is a pretty complex study but I think it is very interesting.

Statistical Model Indicates Trump Actually Won Majorities in Five Disputed States and 49.68 Percent of the Vote in a Sixth - Revolver

Proof is required for anything to change so nothing will but, with Trump winning Florida and Ohio (always pick the President) easily, Trump getting 12 million more votes than last time (always means re-election), Trump getting a larger share of black and hispanic votes than last time (a sign Trump should win easily), and coupled with these "anomalies" and peoples instincts kick in.

From study:
This analysis has made formal an intuition that many people have had on an informal basis — namely, the contested states where Biden narrowly won showed strange voting patterns relative to what one might generally expect for those states, and relative to what one might expect on the basis of the final results in other key swing states (or plausibly even a sufficiently large number of “swing counties”). Our results show that this intuition can be made concrete — in the contested states of PA, WI, GA, AZ, and NV Biden’s vote share is implausible relative to both historical voting patterns in counties in those states, and with demographic trends in the 2020 election.

It is easy to say move on or let it go but when people feel cheated (based on statistics probably were) that is much different than darn we lost is.

Crying for months helps!!
This is an attempt to explain why people aren't just "letting go" of the election results. There are actual things that are VERY hard to explain pointing to Trump was cheated. There also is zero PROOF of anything in this. This is a pretty complex study but I think it is very interesting.

Statistical Model Indicates Trump Actually Won Majorities in Five Disputed States and 49.68 Percent of the Vote in a Sixth - Revolver

Proof is required for anything to change so nothing will but, with Trump winning Florida and Ohio (always pick the President) easily, Trump getting 12 million more votes than last time (always means re-election), Trump getting a larger share of black and hispanic votes than last time (a sign Trump should win easily), and coupled with these "anomalies" and peoples instincts kick in.

From study:
This analysis has made formal an intuition that many people have had on an informal basis — namely, the contested states where Biden narrowly won showed strange voting patterns relative to what one might generally expect for those states, and relative to what one might expect on the basis of the final results in other key swing states (or plausibly even a sufficiently large number of “swing counties”). Our results show that this intuition can be made concrete — in the contested states of PA, WI, GA, AZ, and NV Biden’s vote share is implausible relative to both historical voting patterns in counties in those states, and with demographic trends in the 2020 election.

It is easy to say move on or let it go but when people feel cheated (based on statistics probably were) that is much different than darn we lost is.
You just don't get it! MILLIONS of people stayed home or voted for some 3rd party person in 2016. After 4 years of Trump they made damn sure they didn't make that mistake again, thus Biden won by MILLIONS of votes AND won the EC by the same margin that Trump called a landslide when he won.
You are talking vote totals. There are more people so there will be more votes. The percentages show Trump did BETTER than 2016 and Biden did worse than 2016 except for a few states.
Mr. Gardner you are one smart SOB, I see no reason someone like you with a Mensa rated level of intelligence even wastes their time on this forum.
That's not true, Chris.
Look at the "Swing vs. 2016" map..... you buffoon.

The only thing that matters is margin. Trump's margin only increased in five states.

For example: look at Missouri below.

2016: Trump 56.38% vs Clinton 37.87% for an 18.5% margin.
2020: Trump 57.05% vs Biden 41.6% for 15.45% margin.

Trump got a larger total share of the vote (barely and only because of no viable libertarian candidate), but Joe closed the gap.
As a rule...whatever miller types is wrong.

Mosports 3:17
Another thing Chrissy doesn’t understand on top of math, science, economics and politics is marketing. Every state is not going to act the same because the campaigns targeted specific voters in the swing states. For example, they used different messages and spent much more money in Florida, Michigan, etc than in Missouri or California. Miller is just really stupid.
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He has claimed they have a massive amount of evidence fo voter fraud yet that have produced Not gin court that a judge will even give second thought about loosing their their case. Trump has his followers convinced this evidence exist and has them all riled up about their votes being not being counted or that dem votes are being counted twice or 5 times or whatever he says that day. IF they have any credible evidence why didn't they show to a judge somewhere, or at least to the SC. IT JUST AIN'T THERE!!!
MGHS since you don't watch any news I guess you don't know there have been very recent discussions in the oval office about how to undo the election including declaring martial law. I think it was Miller that said Flynn didn't actually say Trump should do this, he just retweeted something about it. I saw him on TV today talking about how it would not be the first time martial law was declared in the U.S, it's been done 64 times in our history. He failed to mention it has never been done to overturn and election.
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2 quick points.
First Missouri was considered a bellwether from 1904 to 2008 because every election but one the winning candidate won Missouria every election but once. Things change and Missouri is not a bellwether anymore. Ohio and Florida have changed now.
Second the expert on reading numbers who said 7,000 people would die from Covid is now trying to use statistics to say Trump was cheated. Don't think I will trust his evaluation.
Doesn't bother me. I pointed it out once and he denied it. He can do whatever. I'll quit bringing it up... but it's ironic that he cries about the left calling the right racist when his profile pic is.... literally a symbol of racism.
It's I ironic you think your opinion not based on fact or proof and which is in error is the End all to be all word on any subject. But I will take you at your word that you will leave it along and refrain from the name calling.
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MGHS since you don't watch any news I guess you don't know there have been very recent discussions in the oval office about how to undo the election including declaring martial law. I think it was Miller that said Flynn didn't actually say Trump should do this, he just retweeted something about it. I saw him on TV today talking about how it would not be the first time martial law was declared in the U.S, it's been done 64 times in our history. He failed to mention it has never been done to overturn and election.

Had a Military Buddy of mine text me about it Saturday afternoon.... I asked if it was real and he said it was Bogus. I just looked it up and Trump says it's bogus as well..

Had a Military Buddy of mine text me about it Saturday afternoon.... I asked if it was real and he said it was Bogus. I just looked it up and Trump says it's bogus as well..

Trump is a liar
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This is an attempt to explain why people aren't just "letting go" of the election results. There are actual things that are VERY hard to explain pointing to Trump was cheated. There also is zero PROOF of anything in this. This is a pretty complex study but I think it is very interesting.

Statistical Model Indicates Trump Actually Won Majorities in Five Disputed States and 49.68 Percent of the Vote in a Sixth - Revolver

Proof is required for anything to change so nothing will but, with Trump winning Florida and Ohio (always pick the President) easily, Trump getting 12 million more votes than last time (always means re-election), Trump getting a larger share of black and hispanic votes than last time (a sign Trump should win easily), and coupled with these "anomalies" and peoples instincts kick in.

From study:
This analysis has made formal an intuition that many people have had on an informal basis — namely, the contested states where Biden narrowly won showed strange voting patterns relative to what one might generally expect for those states, and relative to what one might expect on the basis of the final results in other key swing states (or plausibly even a sufficiently large number of “swing counties”). Our results show that this intuition can be made concrete — in the contested states of PA, WI, GA, AZ, and NV Biden’s vote share is implausible relative to both historical voting patterns in counties in those states, and with demographic trends in the 2020 election.

It is easy to say move on or let it go but when people feel cheated (based on statistics probably were) that is much different than darn we lost is.

First lets dispel the rumor that Florida and Ohio always pick the president. And just because that has happened in the past does not mean it is black and white today. People move demographics change. Right now Texas is seeing a huge influx of California people and you are seeing in those elections how that is affecting that states votes.

The National Archives results for the 1960 Electoral College showed that Nixon won Florida’s 10 electoral votes and Ohio’s 25 electoral votes. Kennedy won the election with 303 electoral votes while Nixon got 219. This year, Florida has 29 electoral votes while Ohio has 18.

We reached out to spokespersons for the Trump campaign and Eastman but did not hear back.

The fact that any state has chosen the winner in the past isn’t a guarantee of repeating that in the future.

It is also easy to fell cheated when you are the victim of the illusory truth effect..... If you have ever read Trumps art of the deal you will know this....he covers this.
And Flynn never called for martial law in your post either.
Dude look it up he is telling Trump to do this.
Had a Military Buddy of mine text me about it Saturday afternoon.... I asked if it was real and he said it was Bogus. I just looked it up and Trump says it's bogus as well..

Trump is a liar
And he would know because? The top brass in the military thought enough of it to make the statement that the military has no place getting involved in our elections.
These reporters are talking to insiders at the WH who know Trump is freaking out and they're afraid of what he might do. Keep the blinders if you choose but they actually discussed martial law in the freakin oval office. Who do you think Flynn was talking to when he went on tv talking about martial law being an option? He was talking to an audience of 1 and it got him an invite the oval office to discuss it further along with crazy lady Sidney Powell.
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Dude look it up he is telling Trump to do this.

And he would know because? The top brass in the military thought enough of it to make the statement that the military has no place getting involved in our elections.
These reporters are talking to insiders at the WH who know Trump is freaking out and they're afraid of what he might do. Keep the blinders if you choose but they actually discussed martial law in the freakin oval office. Who do you think Flynn was talking to when he went on tv talking about martial law being an option? He was talking to an audience of 1 and it got him an invite the oval office to discuss it further along with crazy lady Sidney Powell.

Several buddies of mine are current or Ex-special forces. Rangers,Delta,and Green Beret. They get a lot of early information about stuff like this .... What they had heard was discussed was if overt Fraud and tampering was found to have gone on and affected the outcome then this MIGHT be a necessary step to correct the problem. But that seemed even far fetched and a last resort if the Two Parties and the courts couldn't sort it out.

So I find it interesting that you are buying into the Propagandist BS about Trump Freaking out and they are afraid of what he might do(unnamed So called Source) as opposed to what people in the Military are actually saying and hearing. The ole insiders in the WH is right on target ....give me a break. That is Pure Click Bait to whip up the Leftist fear level crap. Seems to have you all upset.

The Top Brass made that statement to the Propagandist reporting this stuff because they Want them to realize that the Military doesn't involve it's self in this stuff unless their was some extraordinary circumstances, in as much as they did to the Sitting Commander and Chief to quell is So Called martial law proclamation.

Think about this Logically why would the Military need to announce this in a Release to Trump, when clearly their guidelines and policies would of been put forth in Great details behind the Scenes.

This statement was to Silence the Propagandist who are spreading the Fear of Martial law.
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Again you can believe that propagandist who trade in outright lies are more reliable than information being passed down to actual people in the Military if it is what floats your boat.
Again you can believe that propagandist who trade in outright lies are more reliable than information being passed down to actual people in the Military if it is what floats your boat.
You're so full it it ain't even funny. Do really think those reporters don't have people inside the WH telling them this stuff? Anonymous sources have been THE news for as long as there has been news. You know they can't say who they are, especially with THIS president in office. They stay in the WH because they know someone has to tell the rest of us what's going on and sometimes they can talk Trump out of some of the crazy crap he wants to do. Right now they're scared to death of what he might do before he leaves. Even the top brass at the Pentagon is trying to stays far away for the WH as they can so they're not in on his schemes. So funny that you dare to say ANYTHING about liars, Trump has been the KING of liars for years!!!

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