You're a part of the cult. You love trump more than you love America.
Trump lost. Bigly.
Hes fired.
God bless America
I don't love Trump he is a arrogant arse hole with questionable character who could of done better as President. I didn't even expect him to get elected the first time. I lost money on that. I liked some of his policies which I'm sure he had very little part in but was smart enough to let his people do what needed to be done and he signed off on it.
I'm not liking that Joe Biden is President because clearly he is a Puppet who is nothing but a establishment shill. But I'm not Fretting about his election. What is worrying me is that the Left and all the Propagandist are now feeling emoldened and seem to want to punish and extract a pound of flesh from all Trump Supporters.
I no longer believe this, Trump is starting to prove the left was probable onto something. Trump needs to stop with the election was rigged rhetoric along with all the other Republicans. I went along with it for a bit because I really believed that the republicans would force Trump back to reality and common sense. However there has been no proof and yet he continues and the repubs continue to support him and his calls of fraud.
It is clear to me now that he Trump will not be satisfied until he feels he has been vindicated for his perceived wrongs and lost election. I truly believe that Trump wants an actual civil war and to be crowned King of whatever is left and many Republicans would go right along with that. It is so scary that I voted for this man, and it is so scary that so many educated people cannot see that by continuing to feed into this man's ego we are going down a path of civil destruction. I want an America to be around for my grandkids... so I want this to stop. However I just don't see it ever stopping until enough republicans actually grow some hair and say enough is enough Trump.
We went from let's first see if there is any fraud and if none is found Trump will stop and we will support the next president, to now just trying to sue other states to get thier votes thrown out. So we are now so far beyond just trying to find fraud to now trying to actually disenfranchise American citizens votes with no proof of anything....and to me that is scary and it should be scary to all because if the Republicans can do this then so can the Democrats. So think about this had the Democrat lead states sued to have Missouri's votes, our votes thrown out with no proof just stating we don't like how they held the election and it is not constitutional we would all have come unglued and said here comes socialism!! When we no longer care about our own brothers and sisters and care more about some guy in the white house trying to futally hold onto power we have lost our way. As the bible says, put no man before many Republican who are Christians have put Trump above God and believe he is the savior of this country and that is scary.
Trump is going to leave office and then take to the Twitter world....Trump doesn't want a Civil War. If so he likely doesn't retain power as President let along King come on that is a very emotional over the top view point B68 you are usually more rational than that. Trump has A lot of money to lose if there is a Civil War and nothing to gain.
I think the issue is that some of the irregularities and late minute rule changes have raised some eyebrows and of course in Political gamesmanship Trump and his team are exploring all avenues to see if possible Fraud was involved. It is all legal and above board and at this time for the Most part Trump has lost all cases and found no proof. In the end he will leave office.
What should concern you is the constant and systematic attacking of Trump supporters and the out right censorship and deplatforming of anyone who questions the Dem's and their agenda. That is what is going to split the country not anything Trump is doing.