Trolls Among Us


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2019
The trolling on this board has made it unreadable. No discourse. The only liberal I don't have on ignore threw a temper tantrum and left.

Really dont want to just talk to people I agree with, but the libs on this board have rendered that impossible with their nonsense.
The trolling on this board has made it unreadable. No discourse. The only liberal I don't have on ignore threw a temper tantrum and left.

Really dont want to just talk to people I agree with, but the libs on this board have rendered that impossible with their nonsense.
Good now you leave.
If you think you, Tex and dickpic and stop and go to name a few don't troll you are full of it.
Good now you leave.
If you think you, Tex and dickpic and stop and go to name a few don't troll you are full of it.
You’re literally the only left wing poster on this board that brings ZERO substance or a quality argument to their posts.

90% of your posts say “triggered” or “?”

If you think that isn’t trolling, then you need help. And unfortunately, none of us here can help you. At least Duck (gone too soon), Kask and Expect have or do bring some sort of argument with them.
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You’re literally the only left wing poster on this board that brings ZERO substance or a quality argument to their posts.

90% of your posts say “triggered” or “?”

If you think that isn’t trolling, then you need help. And unfortunately, none of us here can help you. At least Duck (gone too soon), Kask and Expect have or do bring some sort of argument with them.

Oh yeah I forgot about Expect. Ok so there is one other liberal poster I don't have on ignore.
You’re literally the only left wing poster on this board that brings ZERO substance or a quality argument to their posts.

90% of your posts say “triggered” or “?”

If you think that isn’t trolling, then you need help. And unfortunately, none of us here can help you. At least Duck (gone too soon), Kask and Expect have or do bring some sort of argument with them.

I can only assume you're talking to SadButTrue. Yeah I don't miss that guy. I may have overreached in ignoring 3R and Kaskaskia, but I NEVER regret blocking that guy. Makes my experience 1000 times better.
I can only assume you're talking to SadButTrue. Yeah I don't miss that guy. I may have overreached in ignoring 3R and Kaskaskia, but I NEVER regret blocking that guy. Makes my experience 1000 times better.
You should run for senate because you're a coward.
You’re literally the only left wing poster on this board that brings ZERO substance or a quality argument to their posts.

90% of your posts say “triggered” or “?”

If you think that isn’t trolling, then you need help. And unfortunately, none of us here can help you. At least Duck (gone too soon), Kask and Expect have or do bring some sort of argument with them.

You think you offer a lot???
You think Tex and pik don't troll. OMG
A person can't post substance and quality because you people slam an opposition post or troll it, because they aren't entitled to their opinion.
Trolling is self defense because no one wants civil discussion. It's what we've come to in this country.
Both sides continually slam their opposition, you guys paint a picture that everyone in a party is exactly alike and therefore you paint them with an all inclusive broad strokes.
I don't need to bring an argument, but I can bring an opinion. I choose not to because it turns into an argument instead of a discussion. I tried early on and this is what happened.
By the way, I don't need any help.
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The trolling on this board has made it unreadable. No discourse. The only liberal I don't have on ignore threw a temper tantrum and left.

Really dont want to just talk to people I agree with, but the libs on this board have rendered that impossible with their nonsense.

That's funny because I was thinking the same thing about the Trumpsters on here. I've recently returned to Mosports after getting axed several years ago, and recently got a new email address, so I signed up again. So, NO I am not Duck or anyone else's dual persona.

I try to have civil, honest, intelligent discussions on here, but all I get is hate, personal attacks, name calling, and as you say - nonsense. The shoe fits most on your side too, and they are more numerous, divisive, and being blindly led by their loyalty to a flawed leader and their need to win the "game".

I am an independent, but since I don't like Trump, I am labeled on here as a liberal/socialist/communist/America hater. I simply don't like people like Trump -rude, loudmouthed, obnoxious, egomanical, narcissistic, lying, childish, power drunk, spoiled A-holes who think they are better than everyone else because they grew up with a silver spoon in their mouths and can get away with anything.
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I am an independent, but since I don't like Trump, I am labeled on here as a liberal/socialist/communist/America hater. I simply don't like people like Trump -rude, loudmouthed, obnoxious, egomanical, narcissistic, lying, childish, power drunk, spoiled A-holes who think they are better than everyone else because they grew up with a silver spoon in their mouths and can get away with anything.
What is your position on ISSUES?
Debt and Deficit?
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Border: Build the wall, fund ICE, drone surveillance, cameras, increase border security. Combine a physical wall with technological surveillance.

Illegals: If you aren't here legally you should be deported.

Abortion: Should be banned. Only potential exceptions are in the rare instance of rape or incest or in the event there is serious risk to the mother's health, or if the baby is unviable outside the womb. No elective abortion.

Debt/Deficit: Cut all redundant government programs, eliminate any federal programs which could be adequately implemented by the states, let the free market do it's thing.
Border: Build the wall, fund ICE, drone surveillance, cameras, increase border security. Combine a physical wall with technological surveillance.

Illegals: If you aren't here legally you should be deported.

Abortion: Should be banned. Only potential exceptions are in the rare instance of rape or incest or in the event there is serious risk to the mother's health, or if the baby is unviable outside the womb. No elective abortion.

Debt/Deficit: Cut all redundant government programs, eliminate any federal programs which could be adequately implemented by the states, let the free market do it's thing.
How do you to choose the mother over the baby? Isn't that life too?
As an independent;

1&2) Perhaps the one issue I agree with Trump on. But I've been saying since the '80's "What part of illegal is so hard to understand?" Reagan granted amnesty to 4 million (I think) and promised to close the border, but we forgot to close the door. Now I think our best bet is amnesty (with no criminal record) to the 14 million already here if they register (we are not going to round up 14 million people), and this time close the border. Building a wall is financially irresponsible in some of the desert areas and canyons in Texas. Instead, flood those areas with patrols and troops.(Why train troops in Fort Leanardwood (sp) MO? Train troops in the desert since we seem to do most of our fighting in Middle East deserts.) Additionally, more drones and electronic eyes can be used. A wall will not stop illegal entry alone, it will take boots on the ground.

3)Abortion - the one issue I struggle the most with, but I personally oppose it. I'm not going into all the underlying arguments both ways. At a minimum, it should be illegal after the first trimester. I do see it as between a woman and her God - I've been there and had no say . I don't base my vote on the abortion issue though.

4) Debt and deficit - we're all screwed. LOL I cannot even fathom how we pay off $21 trillion in debt. We spend too much on defense - isn't something like more than the next 7 developed countries combined? We spend $700 billion on defense and $70 billion on education. We need to stop being the world's police force, and if military force cannot be avoided, our allies must do their part. And I do believe we have a moral obligation to take care of our young, old, and disabled.

5) Obamacare, or better yet, Healthcare. Admittedly, I don't know much about the particulars of Obamacare, but it hasn't been the disaster that Reps predicted. I'm all for doing something!! I am tired of getting ripped off by an entire industry - insurance, deductibles, out of pocket expenses have gone up 52% since 2012, out of network, pharma, hospitals, tests, corporations deciding what procedures or drugs they will cover. I am willing to try a gov sponsored healthcare option and let people keep their private insurance if they want it. At least Dems are trying to do something. Trump promised a healthcare plan we were all going to love, but I haven't seen anything. Reps seem to be satisfied with the status quo.

6) Other - Environment I truly believe our period in the history of mankind will be remembered with shame for the way we have polluted our planet in the past 100 years. We are choosing profits, greed, and convenience over health of our planet.
Term Limits - power corrupts and absolute power absolutely corrupts. Politics should not be a lifelong career.
Foreign policy - stop getting involved in foreign civil wars we cannot win. Cut off the foreign aid ATM, we have our own poor to take care of..
Legalize marijuana nationally and tax it.
Repeal Trump's tax cuts for the wealthy. Trickle down economics does not work. The wealthiest can afford to pay more in taxes and not effect their lifestyles one iota.
As an independent;

1&2) Perhaps the one issue I agree with Trump on. But I've been saying since the '80's "What part of illegal is so hard to understand?" Reagan granted amnesty to 4 million (I think) and promised to close the border, but we forgot to close the door. Now I think our best bet is amnesty (with no criminal record) to the 14 million already here if they register (we are not going to round up 14 million people), and this time close the border. Building a wall is financially irresponsible in some of the desert areas and canyons in Texas. Instead, flood those areas with patrols and troops.(Why train troops in Fort Leanardwood (sp) MO? Train troops in the desert since we seem to do most of our fighting in Middle East deserts.) Additionally, more drones and electronic eyes can be used. A wall will not stop illegal entry alone, it will take boots on the ground.

3)Abortion - the one issue I struggle the most with, but I personally oppose it. I'm not going into all the underlying arguments both ways. At a minimum, it should be illegal after the first trimester. I do see it as between a woman and her God - I've been there and had no say . I don't base my vote on the abortion issue though.

4) Debt and deficit - we're all screwed. LOL I cannot even fathom how we pay off $21 trillion in debt. We spend too much on defense - isn't something like more than the next 7 developed countries combined? We spend $700 billion on defense and $70 billion on education. We need to stop being the world's police force, and if military force cannot be avoided, our allies must do their part. And I do believe we have a moral obligation to take care of our young, old, and disabled.

5) Obamacare, or better yet, Healthcare. Admittedly, I don't know much about the particulars of Obamacare, but it hasn't been the disaster that Reps predicted. I'm all for doing something!! I am tired of getting ripped off by an entire industry - insurance, deductibles, out of pocket expenses have gone up 52% since 2012, out of network, pharma, hospitals, tests, corporations deciding what procedures or drugs they will cover. I am willing to try a gov sponsored healthcare option and let people keep their private insurance if they want it. At least Dems are trying to do something. Trump promised a healthcare plan we were all going to love, but I haven't seen anything. Reps seem to be satisfied with the status quo.

6) Other - Environment I truly believe our period in the history of mankind will be remembered with shame for the way we have polluted our planet in the past 100 years. We are choosing profits, greed, and convenience over health of our planet.
Term Limits - power corrupts and absolute power absolutely corrupts. Politics should not be a lifelong career.
Foreign policy - stop getting involved in foreign civil wars we cannot win. Cut off the foreign aid ATM, we have our own poor to take care of..
Legalize marijuana nationally and tax it.
Repeal Trump's tax cuts for the wealthy. Trickle down economics does not work. The wealthiest can afford to pay more in taxes and not effect their lifestyles one iota.
So, on the border/illegals you agree with Trump.
On foreign policy you agree with Trump.
Debt and Deficit you are better with Trump than Obama, Bernie, or Biden.
Abortion you agree with Trump.
Obamacare you say hasn't been a disaster but it hasn't lowered costs (you cite the increases) but is costing a ton in the budget. Trump tried to change but the great moderates blocked it.
Term limits: good luck with liberals there.
Pot: not a real issue.
Tax rates: Wages are rising faster now than anytime recent but you say it doesn't work.
That's funny because I was thinking the same thing about the Trumpsters on here. I've recently returned to Mosports after getting axed several years ago, and recently got a new email address, so I signed up again. So, NO I am not Duck or anyone else's dual persona.

I try to have civil, honest, intelligent discussions on here, but all I get is hate, personal attacks, name calling, and as you say - nonsense. The shoe fits most on your side too, and they are more numerous, divisive, and being blindly led by their loyalty to a flawed leader and their need to win the "game".

I am an independent, but since I don't like Trump, I am labeled on here as a liberal/socialist/communist/America hater. I simply don't like people like Trump -rude, loudmouthed, obnoxious, egomanical, narcissistic, lying, childish, power drunk, spoiled A-holes who think they are better than everyone else because they grew up with a silver spoon in their mouths and can get away with anything.

Most people don't like Trump....that is pretty much a given. As I've stated before the only Difference in Trump and all the other Politicians is he doesn't hide behind a facade.

I find it interesting that most of the anti-Trump people seem to have a personal dislike for him as opposed to a over arching disdain for his policies or what he is trying to get done.

I think the name calling etc. is a bit immature. I never understood why people don't just post information and evidence that backs up their viewpoint.
[QUOTE="MGHS, post: 398216, member:
I find it interesting that most of the anti-Trump people seem to have a personal dislike for him as opposed to a over arching disdain for his policies or what he is trying to get done.

I think the name calling etc. is a bit immature. I never understood why people don't just post information and evidence that backs up their viewpoint.[/QUOTE]

It's because their political beliefs are built entirely on feelings and inexorably tied to their personal sense of self worth. They can't handle ANY scrutiny of their own beliefs, nor can they stand on their flawed politics.

So they resort to childishness.
[QUOTE="MGHS, post: 398216, member:
I find it interesting that most of the anti-Trump people seem to have a personal dislike for him as opposed to a over arching disdain for his policies or what he is trying to get done.

I think the name calling etc. is a bit immature. I never understood why people don't just post information and evidence that backs up their viewpoint.

It's because their political beliefs are built entirely on feelings and inexorably tied to their personal sense of self worth. They can't handle ANY scrutiny of their own beliefs, nor can they stand on their flawed politics.

So they resort to childishness.[/QUOTE]

I see what you mean.

Texascap Well-Known Member


368 Senility
286 Fidel Sanders
26 Buttie
25 Mini Mike
21 Liawatha
7 Klobuchar
0 Tulsi
I am an independent, but since I don't like Trump, I am labeled on here as a liberal/socialist/communist/America hater. I simply don't like people like Trump -rude, loudmouthed, obnoxious, egomanical, narcissistic, lying, childish, power drunk, spoiled A-holes who think they are better than everyone else because they grew up with a silver spoon in their mouths and can get away with anything.

You know I actually feel the same way about Trump as you do, I didn't even vote for him, I voted independent based on the two horrible options we had last election. However since his election it is hard to what he has done for the economy. And while he is many of those things he has probable tried to do more for the working class in 4 years than Obama did in 8 minus the mandatory insurance the Dems forced upon us.

But based on how he has done minus all the other crap I think it has been okay and now that it is looking like Biden is going to win the Dem nomination, I will probable voted for him, because I don't think Biden is any better.
As an independent;

1&2) Perhaps the one issue I agree with Trump on. But I've been saying since the '80's "What part of illegal is so hard to understand?" Reagan granted amnesty to 4 million (I think) and promised to close the border, but we forgot to close the door. Now I think our best bet is amnesty (with no criminal record) to the 14 million already here if they register (we are not going to round up 14 million people), and this time close the border. Building a wall is financially irresponsible in some of the desert areas and canyons in Texas. Instead, flood those areas with patrols and troops.(Why train troops in Fort Leanardwood (sp) MO? Train troops in the desert since we seem to do most of our fighting in Middle East deserts.) Additionally, more drones and electronic eyes can be used. A wall will not stop illegal entry alone, it will take boots on the ground.

3)Abortion - the one issue I struggle the most with, but I personally oppose it. I'm not going into all the underlying arguments both ways. At a minimum, it should be illegal after the first trimester. I do see it as between a woman and her God - I've been there and had no say . I don't base my vote on the abortion issue though.

4) Debt and deficit - we're all screwed. LOL I cannot even fathom how we pay off $21 trillion in debt. We spend too much on defense - isn't something like more than the next 7 developed countries combined? We spend $700 billion on defense and $70 billion on education. We need to stop being the world's police force, and if military force cannot be avoided, our allies must do their part. And I do believe we have a moral obligation to take care of our young, old, and disabled.

5) Obamacare, or better yet, Healthcare. Admittedly, I don't know much about the particulars of Obamacare, but it hasn't been the disaster that Reps predicted. I'm all for doing something!! I am tired of getting ripped off by an entire industry - insurance, deductibles, out of pocket expenses have gone up 52% since 2012, out of network, pharma, hospitals, tests, corporations deciding what procedures or drugs they will cover. I am willing to try a gov sponsored healthcare option and let people keep their private insurance if they want it. At least Dems are trying to do something. Trump promised a healthcare plan we were all going to love, but I haven't seen anything. Reps seem to be satisfied with the status quo.

6) Other - Environment I truly believe our period in the history of mankind will be remembered with shame for the way we have polluted our planet in the past 100 years. We are choosing profits, greed, and convenience over health of our planet.
Term Limits - power corrupts and absolute power absolutely corrupts. Politics should not be a lifelong career.
Foreign policy - stop getting involved in foreign civil wars we cannot win. Cut off the foreign aid ATM, we have our own poor to take care of..
Legalize marijuana nationally and tax it.
Repeal Trump's tax cuts for the wealthy. Trickle down economics does not work. The wealthiest can afford to pay more in taxes and not effect their lifestyles one iota.

I tend to agree with alot of what you said besides Obamacare. The issue with Obamacare is it did nothing to address the actual healthcare issue which is the overall cost. You don't need insurance to be able to take your car to the shop on simple things such as service, so why do we as humans need insurance so we can afford to see the doctor for the sniffles. Insurance should only be for major medical issues, things that are unexpected and life altering. We should not need insurance just to be able to see the doctor for colds and flue and antibiotics needed to fight them, even insulin should be out of the pocket affordable. Obamacare only padded the big insurance executives already lined pockets.
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My biggest issue is making healthcare affordable now that I am retired and paying out of pocket until I turn 65. Trump has done nothing despite his campaign promise about having a plan that everyone is going to love. They entire industry is out of control.
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The wealthiest can afford to pay more in taxes and not effect their lifestyles one iota.
I agree with most of your thoughts here. But this one I have a problem with.

At some point in your life, or even everyday of your life, you have thought or tried to do things to make the most money you could possibly make to support yourself and/or your family. Maybe you work a second or third job. Maybe you invest in stocks or real estate. Maybe you play the powerball or lottery. We as humans want to make as much money as we possibly can.

The same goes for the wealthiest people in the US or the top 1%. Mark Cuban is a prime example. He was sleeping in a closet of a friends place and only eating pb&j sandwiches to save money when growing up and knocking on people's doors to sell garbage bags to save up to buy a pair of shoes. And look at him now. But since he can afford to pay more in taxes, we should charge him more? No.

If the country goes towards charging the wealthiest people in the world more in taxes, no one will strive to be the best they can possibly be. Entrepreneurship will die. And slowly will the drive in every American because if they look to make the most money they possibly can, the result is the country taking it away.

Mark Cuban said it best, "Don't follow your passion, follow your effort."
My biggest issue is making healthcare affordable now that I am retired and paying out of pocket until I turn 65. Trump has done nothing despite his campaign promise about having a plan that everyone is going to love. They entire industry is out of control.

The problem is the insurance. That money coming in continue's to drive up cost. If you can charge on paper $200 for a basic doctor's visit and Insurance will pay it, it changes the cost structure. Now Doctors and hospitals can charge more along with big pharma companies.
I agree with most of your thoughts here. But this one I have a problem with.

At some point in your life, or even everyday of your life, you have thought or tried to do things to make the most money you could possibly make to support yourself and/or your family. Maybe you work a second or third job. Maybe you invest in stocks or real estate. Maybe you play the powerball or lottery. We as humans want to make as much money as we possibly can.

The same goes for the wealthiest people in the US or the top 1%. Mark Cuban is a prime example. He was sleeping in a closet of a friends place and only eating pb&j sandwiches to save money when growing up and knocking on people's doors to sell garbage bags to save up to buy a pair of shoes. And look at him now. But since he can afford to pay more in taxes, we should charge him more? No.

If the country goes towards charging the wealthiest people in the world more in taxes, no one will strive to be the best they can possibly be. Entrepreneurship will die. And slowly will the drive in every American because if they look to make the most money they possibly can, the result is the country taking it away.

Mark Cuban said it best, "Don't follow your passion, follow your effort."

Today it seems people's priorities are mixed up. one of my kids said I want to get a tattoo because they are 19 and old enough. I told them you do that you are on your own from here on out I will not pay a dime on college nothing and you will have to move out on your own. They said you just hate tatts and my want for self expression, I said no I hate it when people throw money away at irresponsible purchases and they cannot even afford to pay their own way. Sometimes in life you have to struggle to get the things you want. Your struggle is going to be you cannot get that tattoo until you can afford to move out and fully support yourself. That way you will see the true cost of spending $200 on a stupid purchase like that, versus maybe eating for the month. Not doing it while living under mom and dad's roof while we also pay for your schooling and having nothing invested in the true cost.
The problem is the insurance. That money coming in continue's to drive up cost. If you can charge on paper $200 for a basic doctor's visit and Insurance will pay it, it changes the cost structure. Now Doctors and hospitals can charge more along with big pharma companies.

This is why single payer would just drive up all medical costs. If auto insurance was set up like health insurance then some people would get their tires changed every 3000 miles and the cost of a tire billed to the insurance would $1600. If you were driving illegally with a stolen car that might be free to you as well.
My biggest issue is making healthcare affordable now that I am retired and paying out of pocket until I turn 65. Trump has done nothing despite his campaign promise about having a plan that everyone is going to love. They entire industry is out of control.
While true that Trump hasn't "helped" your cause, what has he done to make it worse? What do you want him to do that causes you to hate him on this issue?
You haven't shown me where on ISSUES your beef with Trump would be except on environmental/climate issues.
I think ANY Dem candidate would disappoint you on far more issues than that.
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It always amazes me when people talk about the affordability of healthcare they are not talking actual cost of the doctor but the cost of the insurance to go to the doctor.
Here is the thing insurance drives up the cost of healthcare!! If we need insurance for just a plan old basic visit to the doctor we are not just paying the doctor we see, we are paying the doctor and all the salaries of those people it takes to process that claim. Along with paying profits to the share holders of the insurance company and the CEO's salary. The system we have is not a good system.
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It always amazes me when people talk about the affordability of healthcare they are not talking actual cost of the doctor but the cost of the insurance to go to the doctor.
Here is the thing insurance drives up the cost of healthcare!! If we need insurance for just a plan old basic visit to the doctor we are not just paying the doctor we see, we are paying the doctor and all the salaries of those people it takes to process that claim. Along with paying profits to the share holders of the insurance company and the CEO's salary. The system we have is not a good system.
I don't know how you could say you can't buy a product that protects against calamity but I have said for a LONG time insurance needs to be eliminated. People would be healthier and wealthier if it was.
The leftists though want MORE insurance requirements and controlled by the only thing less efficient than what we have now.
I don't know how you could say you can't buy a product that protects against calamity but I have said for a LONG time insurance needs to be eliminated. People would be healthier and wealthier if it was.
The leftists though want MORE insurance requirements and controlled by the only thing less efficient than what we have now.

Yeah when I think of insurance that is what I think of an insurance policy against unforeseen events just like you say. The average cold not unforeseen.
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A few comments directed at me to reply, so I will try to answer in order..

miller - regarding Obamacare adding to deficit, no Rep can make an argument to me about adding to the deficit after Trump's tax cut for the wealthy and it's estimated cost of $10 trillion over 10 yrs. While Ob'care is not perfect, it is a start and improvements can be made (which is what Trump did).
Term Limits- you blame liberals for blocking, well why didn't Reps do something when they controlled the House and Senate including Trump's first 2 yrs in office. Despite every poll showing the American people favoring term limits, the career politicians in Congress from BOTH parties won't move on term limits because they're ALL protecting their cushy jobs.
Wages - everything I read, wages (adjusted for inflation) have been stagnant for the average middle class worker for 20+yrs. I certainly don't have friends talking about getting big raises. In "real wealth" or what our dollars can buy, the middle class' wealth doesn't change much - most of us cannot afford a vacation to Cancun yearly.

Bullit and miller - I don't buy the assertion that Trump turned the economy around. Obama took office at the height of the financial collapse, and left office with 15 consecutive quarters of economic growth. The economy goes in cycles and was on an upward trend when Trump took office. He was handed a growing economy on a silver platter. And trickle down economics has been proven not to work under Reagan. Economists say the wealthy have used the money from their tax cuts to rebuy stocks they sold off during the recession
And we never talk about Missouri's economy. We are in the bottom tier for economic growth and have been for 20+ yrs. We all know of plants that have left our towns and cities for "right to work" states (I oppose) and Mexico. Our farmers are hurting from low prices in farming and Trump's trade war. Also, economists say the majority of job growth is in tech industries , human services, and finance, and most of the jobs are on the coasts and financial centers of the country. Yes, anyone can find a job right now, but good paying jobs are rare.

Stop n go - The wealthiest should pay more in taxes. They have accumulated their wealth on the backs and tax dollars of all of us. Our public schools have provided an educated work force. We provide highways, bridges, airports, riverways, water, sewage, electric - all of us have contributed to their ability to conduct business and make money.

Bullit- love the tatoo story.LOL
Stop n go - The wealthiest should pay more in taxes. They have accumulated their wealth on the backs and tax dollars of all of us. Our public schools have provided an educated work force. We provide highways, bridges, airports, riverways, water, sewage, electric - all of us have contributed to their ability to conduct business and make money.
And they haven't contributed to YOUR ability to conduct business and make money? A lot of that 1% created jobs for millions of people!

For round numbers, 30% tax on their income versus 30% tax on your income is probably a lot different of a number. But you think we should raise it because those guys can afford it?
I have no problem with a flat tax IF the wealthy truly pay the same percent of their income as the blue collar workers. We all know they have loopholes and ways to hide money, and have smart accountants that know how to avoid taxes. I don't think the mega rich ever pay as much percentage wise as those of us under $75K per yr. Hell, Trump has 4 golf courses in the US that are declared "conservation areas" to avoid paying full taxes on them. The tax laws are volumes thick and full of advantages for the wealthy.
BTW I don't consider $1M income mega rich, but the top 1% have "generational wealth", meaning their grandchildren should never have to work a day in their life.
I have no problem with a flat tax IF the wealthy truly pay the same percent of their income as the blue collar workers. We all know they have loopholes and ways to hide money, and have smart accountants that know how to avoid taxes. I don't think the mega rich ever pay as much percentage wise as those of us under $75K per yr. Hell, Trump has 4 golf courses in the US that are declared "conservation areas" to avoid paying full taxes on them. The tax laws are volumes thick and full of advantages for the wealthy.
BTW I don't consider $1M income mega rich, but the top 1% have "generational wealth", meaning their grandchildren should never have to work a day in their life.
And those loopholes and ways to hide your money are just as available to you as they are to them. The IRS has on their website every year the year's tax instructions book. You can read it online or print it off. This years book is 108 pages and takes about 3-5 hours to read through it and understand the loopholes and ways to hide your money.

If you don't want to read it, then that's on you. But the same "advantages" are there for the common man too.
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And those loopholes and ways to hide your money are just as available to you as they are to them. The IRS has on their website every year the year's tax instructions book. You can read it online or print it off. This years book is 108 pages and takes about 3-5 hours to read through it and understand the loopholes and ways to hide your money.

If you don't want to read it, then that's on you. But the same "advantages" are there for the common man too.
You must admit that the common man can find a way to make $100 more where the rich man's loophole amounts to millions (give or take).
I have a pretty good idea that not every tax law is on a 108 page document on an IRS webpage.
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I have a pretty good idea that not every tax law is on a 108 page document on an IRS webpage.
I guess you'll never know.

But I hope you took/take advantage of the increase in standard deduction this year. It's available to the blue collar worker as well, not just the 1%.
BTW I appreciate this discussion without the usual damnation of opposing views. Good to know some of yuns can debate without slinging insults and ridicule.
My sister in law does my taxes, and for the first time in many, many years I am getting back about $600. I always have to pay in $100-200 between state and federal - single with no dependents gets screwed.

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