As an independent;
1&2) Perhaps the one issue I agree with Trump on. But I've been saying since the '80's "What part of illegal is so hard to understand?" Reagan granted amnesty to 4 million (I think) and promised to close the border, but we forgot to close the door. Now I think our best bet is amnesty (with no criminal record) to the 14 million already here if they register (we are not going to round up 14 million people), and this time close the border. Building a wall is financially irresponsible in some of the desert areas and canyons in Texas. Instead, flood those areas with patrols and troops.(Why train troops in Fort Leanardwood (sp) MO? Train troops in the desert since we seem to do most of our fighting in Middle East deserts.) Additionally, more drones and electronic eyes can be used. A wall will not stop illegal entry alone, it will take boots on the ground.
3)Abortion - the one issue I struggle the most with, but I personally oppose it. I'm not going into all the underlying arguments both ways. At a minimum, it should be illegal after the first trimester. I do see it as between a woman and her God - I've been there and had no say . I don't base my vote on the abortion issue though.
4) Debt and deficit - we're all screwed. LOL I cannot even fathom how we pay off $21 trillion in debt. We spend too much on defense - isn't something like more than the next 7 developed countries combined? We spend $700 billion on defense and $70 billion on education. We need to stop being the world's police force, and if military force cannot be avoided, our allies must do their part. And I do believe we have a moral obligation to take care of our young, old, and disabled.
5) Obamacare, or better yet, Healthcare. Admittedly, I don't know much about the particulars of Obamacare, but it hasn't been the disaster that Reps predicted. I'm all for doing something!! I am tired of getting ripped off by an entire industry - insurance, deductibles, out of pocket expenses have gone up 52% since 2012, out of network, pharma, hospitals, tests, corporations deciding what procedures or drugs they will cover. I am willing to try a gov sponsored healthcare option and let people keep their private insurance if they want it. At least Dems are trying to do something. Trump promised a healthcare plan we were all going to love, but I haven't seen anything. Reps seem to be satisfied with the status quo.
6) Other - Environment I truly believe our period in the history of mankind will be remembered with shame for the way we have polluted our planet in the past 100 years. We are choosing profits, greed, and convenience over health of our planet.
Term Limits - power corrupts and absolute power absolutely corrupts. Politics should not be a lifelong career.
Foreign policy - stop getting involved in foreign civil wars we cannot win. Cut off the foreign aid ATM, we have our own poor to take care of..
Legalize marijuana nationally and tax it.
Repeal Trump's tax cuts for the wealthy. Trickle down economics does not work. The wealthiest can afford to pay more in taxes and not effect their lifestyles one iota.