The Liberal Conundrum

Every issue the progressives push is a conundrum or the opposite of what they intend.
You mean like the reverser and chief 15 to 2 totally contained, the boats will be there in a few days, anybody that wants a test can get a test. To easy
vbsideout, he still thinks Mexico is going to pay for the wall because king orange julius said they would!!
Can we just have productive conversation instead of the peeing contest?

We both know that the government is too powerful, but what do we do about it?
No. Ever since Duck quit and NM’s absence, there’s no substance from the those guys. Just idiotic attacks because their butts still hurt from Nov 2016.

Never thought I’d say this, but I kinda miss Duck being around. At least made for a decent conversation, sometimes.
How did your life change since Mexico isn't paying for the wall?
The wall argument is so lame. They want the world to move here.
The lie argument is lame, they hate the truth.
The infidelity argument is boring, they all chase it.
The empty virtue-signaling makes them feel good about themselves. It's meaningless.
The wall argument is so lame. They want the world to move here.
The lie argument is lame, they hate the truth.
The infidelity argument is boring, they all chase it.
The empty virtue-signaling makes them feel good about themselves. It's meaningless.
You're meaningless, but we still have to listen to your drivel. You're such a small, sad person with nothing to offer.
No. Ever since Duck quit and NM’s absence, there’s no substance from the those guys. Just idiotic attacks because their butts still hurt from Nov 2016.

Never thought I’d say this, but I kinda miss Duck being around. At least made for a decent conversation, sometimes.

I agree with both of you but you can't have a decent discussion without Texascap and Draftpik hijacking every thread with their constant degrading and insulting of anyone with opposing views. So I play their little game but they can't outwit me. I've recently rejoined MOSports after a 6-7 yr sabbatical and it's no fun anymore. I miss people who could have a decent discussion without personal insults and who had a sense of humor.
I agree with both of you but you can't have a decent discussion without Texascap and Draftpik hijacking every thread with their constant degrading and insulting of anyone with opposing views. So I play their little game but they can't outwit me. I've recently rejoined MOSports after a 6-7 yr sabbatical and it's no fun anymore. I miss people who could have a decent discussion without personal insults and who had a sense of humor.
What do you do for fun?
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The government can't act without leadership. When leadership engaged it's done alright.

Further, COVID is a perfect example of how the private market can never manage a response to something like a pandemic. It needs holistic coordination plus financial support for industries that must shut down.

What is the alternative to the Feds and states running the response? Disaster.

It's not great to compare a short term crisis to a long term government program, either.
The government can't act without leadership. When leadership engaged it's done alright.

Further, COVID is a perfect example of how the private market can never manage a response to something like a pandemic. It needs holistic coordination plus financial support for industries that must shut down.

What is the alternative to the Feds and states running the response? Disaster.

It's not great to compare a short term crisis to a long term government program, either.

Do you really want somebody like FEMA running your local response or your state goverment?

I think for hurricanes tornado Localized issues FEMA is can be a great asset. But this is nation wide every corner is affect, how many people remember how overwhelmed FEMA and the federal goverment was when they tried to deal with Katrina.
Do you really want somebody like FEMA running your local response or your state goverment?

I think for hurricanes tornado Localized issues FEMA is can be a great asset. But this is nation wide every corner is affect, how many people remember how overwhelmed FEMA and the federal goverment was when they tried to deal with Katrina.
You absolutely need national coordination of supplies and resources. National coordination of things like the economic response. And it's not really just FEMA. It is an all hands on deck effort. Using the capabilities of the DoD for procurement, using VA facilities for overflow, etc. makes sense. It also makes sense to have one CDC, not 50 of them, and to have everyone working off of similar data. The White House also has a bully pulpit that Governors do not have.

Really, in the time of a pandemic, you need everyone engaged. The states and localities have to enforce order, manage schools, and coordinate local supplies/responses. But they can't source or pay for it all.