The Democrat Nominee could be Bernie


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2020
Friends we know that Bernie can, will or could win in Iowa (IDK) and he is the prohibitive favorite in New Hampshire. Betting odds are that he can become the Democrat nominee. Bernie is popular with Millennials and Generation Z and those kids have come to accept his insisted word Democratic Socialism.

Why does Bernie want his Socialism to be called Democratic Socialism? Why does he want us to believe this means the Democratic Socialism of Finland and Norway? Bernie has spent his entire career aiding and abetting communist regimes. Many of these regimes are no longer in existence. Some of you reading this may be young but Bernie was a middle-aged man when he carried water for these notorious killers. He’s never recognized the victims of communist regimes. He’s been openly critical of America’s treatment of Socialist nations. When Bernie was Mayor for Burlington Vermont, he stumped for taking over of local industries.

Why do we accept Bernie wants the Socialism of Denmark and Sweden when in practice Socialism can become malnutrition in Venezuela, organ harvesting and forced labor camps in China and no health care in Cuba?

We’ve had three great anti-communist presidents, two Democrats, and one Republican yet when AOC Alexandria Ocasio Cortez refers to industries as the people’s industries no one seems to question her. In reality, history teaches us when this practice is applied it has led to deaths of 100 million people.

When the fall of the Soviet Union happened 30 years ago, we assumed communism died, but unfortunately lived on in Latin America and Asia. I think 1 out 5 people live in Socialist nations today. As a result, there was not an equivalent Nuremberg Trials or public moral reckoning. I fear that we have failed to educate our young people and as a result of adopting some of the good policies of social programs we are now reaching a critical point.
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Friends we know that Bernie can, will or could win in Iowa (IDK) and he is the prohibitive favorite in New Hampshire. Betting odds are that he can become the Democrat nominee. Bernie is popular with Millennials and Generation Z and those kids have come to accept his insisted word Democratic Socialism.

Why does Bernie want his Socialism to be called Democratic Socialism? Why does he want us to believe this means the Democratic Socialism of Finland and Norway? Bernie has spent his entire career aiding and abetting communist regimes. Many of these regimes are no longer in existence. Some of you reading this may be young but Bernie was a middle-aged man when he carried water for these notorious killers. He’s never recognized the victims of communist regimes. He’s been openly critical of America’s treatment of Socialist nations. When Bernie was Mayor for Burlington Vermont, he stumped for taking over of local industries.

Why do we accept Bernie wants the Socialism of Denmark and Sweden when in practice Socialism can become malnutrition in Venezuela, organ harvesting and forced labor camps in China and no health care in Cuba?

We’ve had three great anti-communist presidents, two Democrats, and one Republican yet when AOC Alexandria Ocasio Cortez refers to industries as the people’s industries no one seems to question her. In reality, history teaches us when this practice is applied it has led to deaths of 100 million people.

When the fall of the Soviet Union happened 30 years ago, we assumed communism died, but unfortunately lived on in Latin America and Asia. I think 1 out 5 people live in Socialist nations today. As a result, there was not an equivalent Nuremberg Trials or public moral reckoning. I fear that we have failed to educate our young people and as a result of adopting some of the good policies of social programs we are now reaching a critical point.
No worries, the press will do their job and report the facts and ask him hard to answer questions to justify Marxism.
No worries, the press will do their job and report the facts and ask him hard to answer questions to justify Marxism.
If you manage to hold the senate there is no way he can get what he wants passed in the senate and maybe not in the house.
If you manage to hold the senate there is no way he can get what he wants passed in the senate and maybe not in the house.
Pete pretends to be a moderate. Bloomberg has more apologizing to do. Anything is possible.
If Bernie is the nominee I could see Bloomberg run as a 3rd party/independent.
Bernie has created the most excitement for the Democrats. He's old and his ideas of communism ( Democratic Socialism) are old too. This indicative of the Democrat party today. It's a disproved and failed philosophy. He hasn't changed the basic idea. Just the words. You can tell by the people working for him in the field exposed by project veritas ( who are now banned on twitter). The campaign denied the workers in the field were paid. Yet the check stub has been revealed.
Conservatives don't invest in the culture. We don't pay attention to it. This post-modern philosophy in our colleges has been filtering in since I was a kid.
For example, you are not a woman because you have babies, you are a woman because it's a construct of power. You are a woman because of the social construct of society. Volumes of books have been written on this, and only when boys should be allowed to use the girl's locker room do we say wait a minute!
No worries, the press will do their job and report the facts and ask him hard to answer questions to justify Marxism.
The Cold war lasted for 42 years. Joseph Stalin signed 3,400 death warrants in one day, and we treat Democrat Socialism Bernie like its Coke versus Pepsi. He didn't sign 100s of thousands of the rest.

Eisenhower threw a golf club in the direction of an aide on the golf course when he got angry. There's a fundamental difference.

If we don't see this, because we have forgotten, it's our fault.
To many believe that Socialism is about making their life easier and that everyone should have equal outcome irregardless of the work and effort put in.... they are envious of others and believe that the evil Rich will be punished and their so called stolen wealth will be evenly distributed among the disadvantaged masses in a effort to balance the scales of injustice.

That is mostly a load of bunk and BS....but many blue dog Dem's have bought into it and the younger Gen of Millennials and most Gen Z are ate up with it, a by product of a entitlement lifestyle and a lack of work ethic from poor parenting. Then They are indoctrinated by the Leftist controlled colleges they attend, and the MSM and Social Media propaganda reinforces that mind set 24-7.

Of course the Big corporate Conservatives do little to help the capitalist cause either. They get massive bonus's,stock options, and salary's irregardless of the health of the very corporations they head, or the massive wage gap between the workers and those in control. They also sometimes involve themselves in illegal practices simply to enrich themselves and often ignore the stock holders interest's. To much Corporate greed runs counter to what people see as fair play.

This is the cherry on top to drive a couple of generations into the arms of Socialism...
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To many believe that Socialism is about making their life easier and that everyone should have equal outcome irregardless of the work and effort put in.... they are envious of others and believe that the evil Rich will be punished and their so called stolen wealth will be evenly distributed among the disadvantaged masses in a effort to balance the scales of injustice.

That is mostly a load of bunk and BS....but many blue dog Dem's have bought into it and the younger Gen of Millennials and most Gen Z are ate up with it, a by product of a entitlement lifestyle and a lack of work ethic from poor parenting. Then They are indoctrinated by the Leftist controlled colleges they attend, and the MSM and Social Media propaganda reinforces that mind set 24-7.

Of course the Big corporate Conservatives do little to help the capitalist cause either. They get massive bonus's,stock options, and salary's irregardless of the health of the very corporations they head, or the massive wage gap between the workers and those in control. They also sometimes involve themselves in illegal practices simply to enrich themselves and often ignore the stock holders interest's. To much Corporate greed runs counter to what people see as fair play.

This is the cherry on top to drive a couple of generations into the arms of Socialism...
Well said, in my opinion. We have practiced a form of socialism for years ... roads, hospitals, public schools, fire and police departments, public transportation, etc.
To many believe that Socialism is about making their life easier and that everyone should have equal outcome irregardless of the work and effort put in.... they are envious of others and believe that the evil Rich will be punished and their so called stolen wealth will be evenly distributed among the disadvantaged masses in a effort to balance the scales of injustice.

That is mostly a load of bunk and BS....but many blue dog Dem's have bought into it and the younger Gen of Millennials and most Gen Z are ate up with it, a by product of a entitlement lifestyle and a lack of work ethic from poor parenting. Then They are indoctrinated by the Leftist controlled colleges they attend, and the MSM and Social Media propaganda reinforces that mind set 24-7.

Of course the Big corporate Conservatives do little to help the capitalist cause either. They get massive bonus's,stock options, and salary's irregardless of the health of the very corporations they head, or the massive wage gap between the workers and those in control. They also sometimes involve themselves in illegal practices simply to enrich themselves and often ignore the stock holders interest's. To much Corporate greed runs counter to what people see as fair play.

This is the cherry on top to drive a couple of generations into the arms of Socialism...
Virtually all our trust in 14 key institutions has vanished. Gallop polls indicate just 32% trust overall.
Banking, Newspapers, Organized Religion, Fed Gov. HealthCare system, Public Schools, Big Business, Congress, Police and we don't trust each other. Brutal division infused in our social fabric even football. We fight harder over frivelous nonsense.
We blame it on:
Economic Divides, Income inequality, Race, but it's not our wallets its our social divide. The economy has been steadily growing since 2009. Yet, I'm told, we are more socially divided now than we were in the Great Depression.
Thankfully, we still trust the Military.
Virtually all our trust in 14 key institutions has vanished. Gallop polls indicate just 32% trust overall.
Banking, Newspapers, Organized Religion, Fed Gov. HealthCare system, Public Schools, Big Business, Congress, Police and we don't trust each other. Brutal division infused in our social fabric even football. We fight harder over frivelous nonsense.
We blame it on:
Economic Divides, Income inequality, Race, but it's not our wallets its our social divide. The economy has been steadily growing since 2009. Yet, I'm told, we are more socially divided now than we were in the Great Depression.
Thankfully, we still trust the Military.
I have a Birthday Card from my sister and Bil displayed in my kitchen, it says, "Trump is a lying Ableep Bbleep Happy Birthday". You just got to laugh! I still love my sister. Dont care. lol.
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Virtually all our trust in 14 key institutions has vanished. Gallop polls indicate just 32% trust overall.
Banking, Newspapers, Organized Religion, Fed Gov. HealthCare system, Public Schools, Big Business, Congress, Police and we don't trust each other. Brutal division infused in our social fabric even football. We fight harder over frivelous nonsense.
We blame it on:
Economic Divides, Income inequality, Race, but it's not our wallets its our social divide. The economy has been steadily growing since 2009. Yet, I'm told, we are more socially divided now than we were in the Great Depression.
Thankfully, we still trust the Military.
Yep, racial divides can't explain our current crisis. Racial conflagrationists have always existed in the US. This is still the country that survived slavery and Jim Crow. Things gotten worse since then in race? In 2016 53% of Americans said relations were good, 46% said they are bad. (
But it's hard to attribute that collapse in the poll to a resurgence of racist sentiment.
Yep, racial divides can't explain our current crisis. Racial conflagrationist have always existed in the US. This is still the country that survived slavery and Jim Crow. Things gotten worse since then in race? In 2016 53% of Americans said relations were good, 46% said they are bad. (
But it's hard to attribute that collapse in the poll to a resurgence of racist sentiment.
Meanwhile, Americans have forgotten where the ideas of America originated. It didn't originate 230 years ago or 1619... it's older than the bible and it took 3,000 years to finish.
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we don't trust each other. Brutal division infused in our social fabric even football. We fight harder over frivelous nonsense.
We blame it on:
Economic Divides, Income inequality, Race, but it's not our wallets its our social divide. The economy has been steadily growing since 2009. Yet, I'm told, we are more socially divided now than we were in the Great Depression.
The thing is, if I have moved at all, it is to the left. I used to be mainstream and now i'm far right. The divide is from the left moving so far left there isn't any way to compromise.
The thing is, if I have moved at all, it is to the left. I used to be mainstream and now i'm far right. The divide is from the left moving so far left there isn't any way to compromise.
I know it. We sound like a broken record but I have to say it again the media is just awful. Beyond awful.
I remember in 2014 Hamas's best spokesperson was CNN and it still is. Even last month they sided with terrorists.
They want to make his best (Trump) speech ever terrible and his presser vindictive and his thin skin is the death of all politicians. John Harwood psychoanalyzing Trump. I remember Obama crying after a mass shooting and nobody said he was looney, or too emotional. Obama talked about bringing guns to knife fights politically. In 2009 he suggested the pitchforks should get the bankers. I don't remember the media getting upset. Wasn't that vindictive and spiteful? No, they were too busy kissing his bee hind. But when DT goes DT then John Harwood is going full psychoanalysis. I wanted a puke bag when I saw his segment.
It's not polarization of the media, it's the dishonesty that's the problem. So the death of politics suspects #1 is media personalities on CNN, (Chris Mathews is at least honest he's leftist) calling Trump voters and republicans cult leaders. So I'm like whatever Trump, go get them.
Pelosi is a deeply polarizing figure in politics and has been for a long time. She won't condemn the anti-semites in her own caucus. She lies about aid to Israel. In reality, the blood of American politics is all over her shoes. Imagine if DT suggested Nancy looked sedated. She was the house speaker in 2006 and she pretends the world starting spinning in 2016.
Meanwhile, Americans have forgotten where the ideas of America originated. It didn't originate 230 years ago or 1619... it's older than the bible and it took 3,000 years to finish.
I think what Americans are pursuing is not making them happy lol. It's temporary happiness stuff. Some of it's necessary of course. The bible writers and the founders didn't care if we were happy or promised us sheet. lol They wanted you to (pursue) work and be joyful in your lot in life.
This is where the socialist and unhappy people get things off course. You have to live with a moral purpose. The bible doesn't care what we want. If we don't serve our moral pursuit in times of prosperity, bad stuff happens. Like addictions and suicides.
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Every industrialized nation on earth has universal health care except the one country where both parties are controlled by corporate interests.
The Cold war lasted for 42 years. Joseph Stalin signed 3,400 death warrants in one day, and we treat Democrat Socialism Bernie like its Coke versus Pepsi. He didn't sign 100s of thousands of the rest.

Eisenhower threw a golf club in the direction of an aide on the golf course when he got angry. There's a fundamental difference.

If we don't see this, because we have forgotten, it's our fault.
Chris Matthews was on TV and he finally spilled the beans about Bernie!
He said, Had we lost the Cold War I would've been executed in Central Park.
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Yep, and every one of those counties has a lower standard of living, less freedoms, and weaker economies.
Yes, we need to articulate the word "FREEDOM". And how it applies to the Nordic systems.
These countries are successful in spite of socialism because they were built before being overrun. They are capitalist societies with high taxes and socialist programs piled on. What the media doesn't explain is people are not allowed to criticize and complain publically about their government. The reality of the nordic systems according to the people that live there, that is brave enough to share critical information validates what can happen if the tyrannical government bureaucrats take over 1/5 of the economy.
Keep in mind the Democrats can't run a caucus and we've all been to the DMV. The practical application is what these darn socialists leave out. They don't know how to do it. It's not better.
Miller, you really have to stop ripping apart their universal healthcare plan/idea. It’s taking away all their talking points!
Yes, but we need to listen! Discuss, have the debate, exchange ideas, put it out in the open, listen! That doesn't mean the conversation is going to be easy or pleasant. It's so we don't kill each other. That's the purpose of free speech.
Yes, but we need to listen! Discuss, have the debate, exchange ideas, put it out in the open, listen! That doesn't mean the conversation is going to be easy or pleasant. It's so we don't kill each other. That's the purpose of free speech.
I don't know how old you are but, in my 40+ years of being politically interested discussion and conversation have led to larger government, more regulation, and greater socialism. As a now nearly 60 yr old, I haven't seen the Democrat/liberal ideas lose ground in any area largely because they start out in an extreme place and we compromise. It is time to take back some of what we've given up in the form of freedoms. Trump is the first President in at least 40 years to even try.
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I don't know how old you are but, in my 40+ years of being politically interested discussion and conversation have led to larger government, more regulation, and greater socialism. As a now nearly 60 yr old, I haven't seen the Democrat/liberal ideas lose ground in any area largely because they start out in an extreme place and we compromise. It is time to take back some of what we've given up in the form of freedoms. Trump is the first President in at least 40 years to even try.
In my opinion, we can't promise a return to conservatism. In the same way Socialism won't do the job, that won't make us happier as people. As for guarding against tyranny that's happening now in our culture and politics, the only way to expose it, is talk. My gosh, we have a real communist selling snake oil.
We may need to talk more but not to libs. It's the minds full of mush that the libs talk to because anyone who has thought things through can't be persuaded. Life converts liberals to conservatives over time. They always need new recruits.
In my opinion, we can't promise a return to conservatism. In the same way Socialism won't do the job, that won't make us happier as people. As for guarding against tyranny that's happening now in our culture and politics, the only way to expose it, is talk. My gosh, we have a real communist selling snake oil.

So basically, all the things you need in life after food, shelter, and companionship to be happy don't come from defeating Trump?

What about the existential threat to Democracy and the world? What about that America's past is essentially racist, genocidal and imperialist. Oops, So much for patriotism. I thought to be religious made you racists? All the movies say as much.

What about providers that replace community, religion, America and even family? I thought feminism, abortion, environmentalism, socialism, and trans rights provided all we need?
We may need to talk more but not to libs. It's the minds full of mush that the libs talk to because anyone who has thought things through can't be persuaded. Life converts liberals to conservatives over time. They always need new recruits.
Bernard McSanders won Iowa and is likely to win NH. Pete is surging but that is a backlash from the fact McSanders is a bad canidate.

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