Texas loses to ISU 24-0

Stanford and ND!

Stanford needed Washington St k to miss a 43 yard fg to survive last weekend!

I don't like to compare scores, but Northwestern beat Stanford and Iowa drilled NW at NW by 30!

You stop it! There's lots of football left to be played and it'll take care of itself!

WSU would blow Iowa off the field. Stop it.
The sec west has had at least 3 teams that would have won the sec east since Mizzou switched to sec..It is unbalanced again this year so winning the sec east is nothing to brag about...
I'd rather watch the Hawkeyes over my Mizzou any time. Mizzou's offense is boring, and has been for years. The Hawkeyes at least try to do something physical. Iowa State is cooler than Mizzou too. IS takes average kids and play average to below average, the home games in Ames are fun. Mizzou finds some way to screw up there chances at nut-cuttin time. Pinkel never wanted to go to the SEC, he lucked out for two years. Mizzou will never win a crown in that league.
For in post 2013?

You ever been to Ames? There is very little that is fun in Ames. Much like Manhattan. Or Lubbock.
Why am I not surprised that an Iowa State-Texas thread turned into a pissing match between Iowa and Mizzou?

I didn't realize comparing Iowa today to kU*'s best season ever would elicit such a response. Hawks hasn't jumped in much lately (musta been the bowl season) so he had some pent up aggression I'm sure.


Bama and Mizzou both had defenses. Auburn not so much. It's all supposition because they didn't get by Auburn.

Yes, Mizzou's defense was on display by giving up 677 yards to Auburn.

You honestly believe that Mizzou was better than FSU?

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