The Healthcare system has lots of issues no doubt and I have no love for a lot of practices that Health insurance co. employ …but many of their responses are directly related to the govt. and the price shift to actual paying patients that hospitals do to cover non-pay expenses. Healthcare workers and our benefits are a huge expense as well. The fact that people who can't afford healthcare get the same top rated care that paying patients receive creates a imbalance in the system.
Think about how much more Housing, Cars, Fuel, Food, etc. would cost if companies had to provide those goods and service's to a segment of the population for free or near free!! That cost would be passed on to us as it is in Healthcare Premiums, deductibles and co-pays. That is what happens when hospitals over charge Insurance co.
I would like to see some true Capitalistic competition between Health Insurance co. but alas the politicians and the bureaucracy haven't looked out for the voters and allowed mini-monopolies to form within regions and employers as they cut deals and force providers and networks upon people. And of course the flip side of that is many in the Govt want to take control of the System 100% and take any recourse away from the citizens when it comes to HC. Now at least by changing jobs or even buy supplemental HC you have a bit of choice.
Once the Govt. is in control then that will be your HC provider except for those who do have the means to buy supplemental Insurance...which is done in places like Canada etc. Which will probably happen here to a large degree and money won't