Most True Conservatives like myself have given up on Washington years ago .
We believe if you really want to make a difference, control the "State Legislatures" .
Presidential Elections are great if all your interested in is taunting the other side .
As you've seen the past 6 years, Congress is easy to manipulate.
If your in the minority and find the other side will not go along with you, simply ignore their wishes and refuse to pass anything .
The down side of that strategy however is the other side may ignore you aswell ...
SEE.... Eric Holder
As for Hillary, just another liberal .
I personnelly liked Mitt Romney, even though I think he's a true liberal down deep .
My focus will be on taking the State 1st, the White House perhaps never ....
I probably was a bit judgemental on my assessment of your political views, I need to quit doing that with everyone ...