
Scout in my way of thinking Iraq is Obama's Iraq now. He got us out of that civil war and now has been sucked right back in. It was a mistake when Bush went in and it is a mistake to go back in. When will we learn from our past failures. Syria is just an extension of the Iraq civil war which will not be settled unless we start the draft and go into the middle east with one goal. That goal would be to go in and wipe out everyone with a massive onslaught. Then leave a massive residual force there for the rest of time. Doesn't sound like a great idea to me
WWII had over 22 million dead on US Allie Forces.
Seems to me that wasn't such a bad idea.
We do not speak German as our #1 language .

Perhaps not speaking Arabic isn't so bad either?
Originally posted by Scout 4u:
WWII had over 22 million dead on US Allie Forces.
Seems to me that wasn't such a bad idea.
We do not speak German as our #1 language .

Perhaps not speaking Arabic isn't so bad either?
Lead the charge then big boy.

Piss more money away on business that isn't ours.

ISIS is a CIA operation. Just wait and see.
First off, my daughter and son-n-law would be leading the charge...

Next, the Americans did land on the Moon.
Conspiracy theories are for the doves of the world....
Hawks eat doves for breakfast ...
You know that I am one of those doves, but I thank your daughter and son in law for their service
Harry S Truman was a Dove also . . .
Greatness is not determined by political party.

Tks for your comments...
I too wish to say thank you for your families service.

I really hope that we do not need to put boots on the ground there.
And Iran needs to get on board, or they may not like what happens to them.
Thanks also for the nice comments Expect.

One thing that unites all political views is the fact that we in America believe in our armed forces. Without them we would not be here today posting our views with impunity. With that said...
I support all of our troops, no matter which political organization they may follow.

As for Iran..
The majority of that country's 77.5 million people are not so different from us.
If given a taste of freedom from oppression like we have here, I believe they would see things more in our light.
With a State Run Media however, propaganda is our biggest enemy .
It could be argued that the internet is one of the single greatest promoters of terrorism.

Yes, I too would not want to see boots on the ground in any Middle Eastern county...
but as the saying goes...
Freedom isn't free .
In a perfect world the business community would hold jobs for those who have served the country first.
This is not a perfect World.
The bottom line is most of us believe that ISIS is an imminent threat, unlike Bush's Iraqi War, which the original post implied.
The bottom line is, your a die hard Democrat.
Nothing I say or do will change that.

My post are for those on both sides who can see a complex issue for what it is, complex ...not just polarizing .

As for Haider al-Abadi ...
My guess, you don't have a clue...
Originally posted by Scout 4u:
The bottom line is, your a die hard Democrat.
Nothing I say or do will change that.

My post are for those on both sides who can see a complex issue for what it is, complex ...not just polarizing .

As for Haider al-Abadi ...
My guess, you don't have a clue...
Scout you tried gigging people by asking if Syria is Obama's Iraq.

The two couldn't be more opposite, Iraq was a war of choice. Lil Bush wanted to get back at Saddam for daddy Bush. There was NO threat to the American people or American security from Iraq at that time. We went in unprovoked.

ISIS can't be allowed to just do what it wants in the Middle-East, you like history, the Neville Chamberlain approach won't work with these people. While I don't believe America has any reason to involve ourselves at this time and Israel/Iran need to deal with it, given their inaction (knowing we will intervene, it's our nature) we almost must act in some way.

So comparing Bush and Iraq to Obama and Syria is the height of stupidity. I know you see the difference, and I know you're fishing. I also know you're taking the long way to get to the point you actually want to make, so why not spare us the headache with your riddles and just spit it out like a man.
I suppose what happened on 9/11 didn't provoke anyone? I seem to remember that the VAST majority of the American people wanted to track down who did that and make sure it didn't happen again. At the time, the intelligence said Iraq had a part in that occurence.
Once again, nothing I can say or do will change your view on the Iraq War.
My post was to see how many liberals believe that what the president is doing now in the Middle East is the right thing.

Though not as swift as I and other conservatives would like, we stand behind his decision to do something now.

My question is...
Will you support the president a year from now if he puts US boots on the ground in Syria to stop ISIS?
Originally posted by Scout 4u:
Once again, nothing I can say or do will change your view on the Iraq War.
My post was to see how many liberals believe that what the president is doing now in the Middle East is the right thing.

Though not as swift as I and other conservatives would like, we stand behind his decision to do something now.

My question is...
Will you support the president a year from now if he puts US boots on the ground in Syria to stop ISIS?
Yes, because again, the decision to put boots on the ground is in response to an ACTUAL threat, not just because he WANTS to start a war.

There is an ENORMOUS difference, please tell me you understand that...

As for the delayed response, Obama wanted to act in Syria TWO YEAR AGO...but republicans in Congress said NO. But please, stick to your selective memory...
Originally posted by Bearcat-time:

I suppose what happened on 9/11 didn't provoke anyone? I seem to remember that the VAST majority of the American people wanted to track down who did that and make sure it didn't happen again. At the time, the intelligence said Iraq had a part in that occurence.

Intelligence said the threat was in Afghanistan and SAUDI ARABIA...and for some reason we attacked Iraq instead of Saudi Arabia, wonder why that was..?
Originally posted by Bearcat-time:

I suppose what happened on 9/11 didn't provoke anyone? I seem to remember that the VAST majority of the American people wanted to track down who did that and make sure it didn't happen again. At the time, the intelligence said Iraq had a part in that occurence.
The lack of knowledge in the Fauxnews brigade is alarming. Consider yourself educated.

2001 President's Daily Brief
Ten days after the President's Daily Brief
(that had been prepared at his request) indicating that the U.S.
intelligence community had no evidence linking Saddam Hussein to the
September 11th attacks and that there was "scant credible evidence that
Iraq had any significant collaborative ties with Al Qaeda." The PDB
writes off the few contacts that existed between Saddam's government and
al-Qaeda as attempts to monitor the group rather than attempts to work
with them. According to the National Journal,
"Much of the contents of the PDB were later incorporated, albeit in a
slightly different form, into a lengthier CIA analysis examining not
only Al Qaeda's contacts with Iraq, but also Iraq's support for
international terrorism." This PDB was one of the documents the Bush
Administration refused to turn over to the Senate Report of Pre-war Intelligence on Iraq, even on a classified basis, and refuses to discuss other than to acknowledge its existence
Fair and Balanced

Going to spend some money on myself now, have a nice day...
Originally posted by Scout 4u:
Fair and Balanced

Going to spend some money on myself now, have a nice day...
I chose to view this post and lost 2 IQ points .

What are you saying? Preez speek engrish.
At the time we invaded Iraq, I couldn't believe it when it was no secret that Bin Laden was behind 9/11 and we knew he was in Afghanistan. It was apparent to me from the beginning that W was looking for an excuse to take up daddy's war.

Scout threw out the bait and I spit the hook.
Thought I was clear but rephrase ...
I'm a Conservative , your a Liberal ...
I follow Conservative Talk Radio like..."Mark Levin"
You follow Liberal Talk Radio like..."Rachel Maddow"
I post Conservative points of view like..."Illegal Aliens"
You post Liberal points of view like..."Un-documented workers"
I believe we landed on the Moon....
You believe we landed a Moon Conspiracy...

Think you get the picture.
We agree on just about nothing...
Originally posted by Scout 4u:
Thought I was clear but rephrase ...
I'm a Conservative , your a Liberal ...
I follow Conservative Talk Radio like..."Mark Levin"
You follow Liberal Talk Radio like..."Rachel Maddow"
I post Conservative points of view like..."Illegal Aliens"
You post Liberal points of view like..."Un-documented workers"
I believe we landed on the Moon....
You believe we landed a Moon Conspiracy...

Think you get the picture.
We agree on just about nothing...
No. I am a Ron Paul supporter so I'm about as far from liberal as it gets.

Levin is a neocon. That's liberal. Warmonger (Except the neocons don't actually FIGHT wars they just want other people to..some folks on here like that)

Show where I've posted anything about undocumented? Do some research into ISIS.

I'm right you're wrong.

They knew Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 and hid it. Execute them.
Originally posted by Scout 4u:
Thought I was clear but rephrase ...
I'm a Conservative , your a Liberal ...
I follow Conservative Talk Radio like..."Mark Levin"
You follow Liberal Talk Radio like..."Rachel Maddow"
I post Conservative points of view like..."Illegal Aliens"
You post Liberal points of view like..."Un-documented workers"
I believe we landed on the Moon....
You believe we landed a Moon Conspiracy...

Think you get the picture.
We agree on just about nothing...
You're a right wing Republican puppet, I'm an Independant thinker..
You listen to drug addict Rush Limbaugh, I listen to KSHE 95 Real Rock Radio...
You're for any political stance that wins Republican votes, I'm for what's good for America...
You believe whatever Republicans tell you to believe, I believe what my heart and soul tell me to believe.

I got the picture a long time ago, it's called an education.
Higher education is something we should all strive to achieve . Not everyone however was meant to be Summa Cum Laude in their class like my youngest daughter however. My wife and I passed on college to raise a family instead, a choice that was right for us . My oldest daughter used her education to be a Special Needs Teacher . Though not as glamorous as my youngest position in the USAF, important just the same.

I've always been amazed how some folks equate their education to worth in society . Some of the greatest minds in the world never had a formal education or had to brag that they did...Here are just a few

Michael Dell - College Dropout at 19

Andrew Jackson - Never went to college

Bill Gates - Droped out of Harvard after two years

Benjamin Franklin - Home-Schooled

Thomas Edison - Home-Schooled

Bobby Fisher - Greatest Chess Player Ever...
Considered school a waste of time...
21) QN-KB3 KR-KN7 "dis"(ck)!!! 22) Resign
Never claimed to hold a higher position in society than anyone, and never really cared about "status". I only suggested that an education allows me to digest information and form my opinions on my own without relying on one sided politicians and media talking heads to tell me how I should think and what political views I should hold.
You have to realize on this sight there is one absolute.

If you are a conservative, and have conservative values, you are just a mindless fauxbot. You are unable to see or hear the world around you. You listen to drugged up Rush all day and cannot form a coherent thought.

If you are a liberal however, you are intelligent beyond belief, only think for yourself, and only want whats best for the country and your fellow man. The world would be a much better place if only the mindless conservatives would just listen to your genius. In fact, this world would be about perfect by now if only the dastardly congress would just go along with everything Obama wants, damnit.
Originally posted by ag-man:
You have to realize on this sight there is one absolute.

If you are a conservative, and have conservative values, you are just a mindless fauxbot. You are unable to see or hear the world around you. You listen to drugged up Rush all day and cannot form a coherent thought.

If you are a liberal however, you are intelligent beyond belief, only think for yourself, and only want whats best for the country and your fellow man. The world would be a much better place if only the mindless conservatives would just listen to your genius. In fact, this world would be about perfect by now if only the dastardly congress would just go along with everything Obama wants, damnit.
The sad thing is you are the same. Just flip it.
Every since you gave up being a liberal and started worshiping RUSH, you've become more reasonable .
This is a civil war plain and simple. Isis may be more brutal than other groups, but they are no more a threat than what we've faced since 9-11. They have no Navy, Air Force maybe 50.000 troops. That equals one of our brigades. To say they are going to come here and kill us all is just plain stupid. ( Lindsey Grahm) No doubt they want to do us harm and will try. but what we have been doing since 9-11 seems to have worked why must we pour billions of dollars down the dark hole called the Middle East.
Is it just an accident that Syrian Oil Fields were our first engagement ?
Where is the outrage in Africa?
The Iraqies must be wondering why we let their second largest city fall to ISIS but hurried to save the much smaller community that had oil.
I've been saying that for years, Scout. We all know it's about oil and money.

ISIS is different than other groups because they do have the money to carry out terrorist attacks.

And to reinterate my stance as an independant, I will vote for anybody but Hillary in 2016, unless the GOP nominates a total idiot. IF that happens, then I'll probably vote for vbsideout. Right now, no one from either party excites me. Wish we had a legitamate third party for moderates. Although I still believe Congress and lobbyists are the ones that really run our country.
Originally posted by Bogey Man:

And to reinterate my stance as an independant, I will vote for anybody but Hillary in 2016, unless the GOP nominates a total idiot.
As the usually do for President or VP one.
We're not exactly saving the oil fields in Syria, we're blowing them up. This whole deal proves that oil prices don't have to jump every time somebody says they "might" do something to mess with the flow of oil from anywhere in the world. ISIS has had control of some oil fields for a good while and are a threat to other oil fields. Now we're blowing up oil in Syria and gas prices are lower than they've been a a LONG time.

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