Lead the charge then big boy.Originally posted by Scout 4u:
WWII had over 22 million dead on US Allie Forces.
Seems to me that wasn't such a bad idea.
We do not speak German as our #1 language .
Perhaps not speaking Arabic isn't so bad either?
Originally posted by Scout 4u:
One thing that unites all political views is the fact that we in America believe in our armed forces.
Until they come home and need a job.
Scout you tried gigging people by asking if Syria is Obama's Iraq.Originally posted by Scout 4u:
The bottom line is, your a die hard Democrat.
Nothing I say or do will change that.
My post are for those on both sides who can see a complex issue for what it is, complex ...not just polarizing .
As for Haider al-Abadi ...
My guess, you don't have a clue...
Yes, because again, the decision to put boots on the ground is in response to an ACTUAL threat, not just because he WANTS to start a war.Originally posted by Scout 4u:
Once again, nothing I can say or do will change your view on the Iraq War.
My post was to see how many liberals believe that what the president is doing now in the Middle East is the right thing.
Though not as swift as I and other conservatives would like, we stand behind his decision to do something now.
My question is...
Will you support the president a year from now if he puts US boots on the ground in Syria to stop ISIS?
Um...no.Originally posted by Bearcat-time:
I suppose what happened on 9/11 didn't provoke anyone? I seem to remember that the VAST majority of the American people wanted to track down who did that and make sure it didn't happen again. At the time, the intelligence said Iraq had a part in that occurence.
The lack of knowledge in the Fauxnews brigade is alarming. Consider yourself educated.Originally posted by Bearcat-time:
I suppose what happened on 9/11 didn't provoke anyone? I seem to remember that the VAST majority of the American people wanted to track down who did that and make sure it didn't happen again. At the time, the intelligence said Iraq had a part in that occurence.
I chose to view this post and lost 2 IQ points .Originally posted by Scout 4u:
Fair and Balanced
Going to spend some money on myself now, have a nice day...
No. I am a Ron Paul supporter so I'm about as far from liberal as it gets.Originally posted by Scout 4u:
Thought I was clear but rephrase ...
I'm a Conservative , your a Liberal ...
I follow Conservative Talk Radio like..."Mark Levin"
You follow Liberal Talk Radio like..."Rachel Maddow"
I post Conservative points of view like..."Illegal Aliens"
You post Liberal points of view like..."Un-documented workers"
I believe we landed on the Moon....
You believe we landed a Moon Conspiracy...
Think you get the picture.
We agree on just about nothing...
You're a right wing Republican puppet, I'm an Independant thinker..Originally posted by Scout 4u:
Thought I was clear but rephrase ...
I'm a Conservative , your a Liberal ...
I follow Conservative Talk Radio like..."Mark Levin"
You follow Liberal Talk Radio like..."Rachel Maddow"
I post Conservative points of view like..."Illegal Aliens"
You post Liberal points of view like..."Un-documented workers"
I believe we landed on the Moon....
You believe we landed a Moon Conspiracy...
Think you get the picture.
We agree on just about nothing...
The sad thing is you are the same. Just flip it.Originally posted by ag-man:
You have to realize on this sight there is one absolute.
If you are a conservative, and have conservative values, you are just a mindless fauxbot. You are unable to see or hear the world around you. You listen to drugged up Rush all day and cannot form a coherent thought.
If you are a liberal however, you are intelligent beyond belief, only think for yourself, and only want whats best for the country and your fellow man. The world would be a much better place if only the mindless conservatives would just listen to your genius. In fact, this world would be about perfect by now if only the dastardly congress would just go along with everything Obama wants, damnit.
As the usually do for President or VP one.Originally posted by Bogey Man:
And to reinterate my stance as an independant, I will vote for anybody but Hillary in 2016, unless the GOP nominates a total idiot.