Study: Profiling school shooters


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2020
Some but not all had mental issues
Some but not all played shooting games
Some but not all were bullied extensively
Some but not all had no close relationships with an adult
Some but not all had drug issues

Only one thing did they all have in common

Some but not all had mental issues
Some but not all played shooting games
Some but not all were bullied extensively
Some but not all had no close relationships with an adult
Some but not all had drug issues

Only one thing did they all have in common

Thats kind of because its guaranteed in the Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution.

If you dont agree with it. then there is a simple mechanism in place to amend the constitution. If you feel this strongly about it you are more than welcome to lead the charge to abolish the Second Amendment
Duh. You don’t have to change the constitution to regulate firearms.
It’s the guns.
Duh. You don’t have to change the constitution to regulate firearms.
It’s the guns.
Yea you kind of do,,,,there are four simple words "Shall Not Be Infringed " that make any major restrictions on firearm ownership almost impossible.

in the next 3-4 weeks good chance the Supreme Court rules against New York and further weakens restrictions on gun ownership in our country
Yea you kind of do,,,,there are four simple words "Shall Not Be Infringed " that make any major restrictions on firearm ownership almost impossible.

in the next 3-4 weeks good chance the Supreme Court rules against New York and further weakens restrictions on gun ownership in our country
Under federal law, Americans buying handguns from licensed dealers must be at least 21, which would have precluded Salvador Ramos from buying that type of weapon. That trumps Texas law, which only requires buyers of any type of firearm to be 18 or older. This is regulation, sir.
Getting a illegal gun is easy as well......more gun regulation won't stop the highly motivated insane person from doing these things.

The only thing that this individual getting guns proves is that the laws and govt policy's are not and never will be effective and that they are just a political gin up Lefty emotional angst.

You are a simpleton if you think that criminals and the crazy will adhere to any gun laws or be thwarted by them.

Prohibition a failure
War on Drugs a Failure
Gun Laws in Big Cities failure.....that's where the violence is and gun deaths.

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