We don’t need the name & address for Mr. Toots-McGee. He is the same dude who has been pimping the same old Communist Pig propaganda for years now. His other moniker is “ Shorty the DC.”
Just for fun, …. let us re-visit his previous projectile vomiting, where Toots said the following:
“Socialism is when Jared & Kanye get millions in PPP money” …. Hmmm. That’s funny, because if they happen to own a small business on the side, then they probably qualified.
In contrast, Toots has NO problem whatsoever, with folks like Planned Parenthood getting PPP $. Toots was overheard saying “ Big Deal, so what if they got $ 80 Million dollars, to help them murder more defenseless human beings….who cares ? ”
Next, Toots spewed the following …. “Capitalism is hearing that Ivanka & Jared paid $30 million for a Lot near Miami.” I bet he was really upset when he heard about Osama Obama buying, yet ANOTHER, multi-million-dollar mansion, on Martha’s Vineyard. The other 2 mansions owned by the great Muslim, in DC & Chicago, were just not enough.
In addition, Toots also quoted right out of the Communist Manifesto, when he said …. “ Socialism is when your town gets blown away by a tornado & FEMA saves the day.” Only problem is, Toots never reads anything else. It might benefit him to read a newspaper now & then, like maybe the NY Times for example. After Hurricane Katrina, the NY Times reported in 2006, that FEMA, the bloated, government bureaucracy, paid out over 2 BILLION Dollars in bogus, fraudulent claims, with no oversight or accountability whatsoever.
OR, like in 2016, when Investor’s Business Daily, conducted an expose on the fraud, waste & abuse, committed by the Osama Obama, administration….when they SET A NEW RECORD in 2015, for wasting US taxpayer dollars, to the tune of nearly $ 126 BILLION.
Finally, Comrade Toots said …. “ Capitalism is when you pay for insurance for 30 years with no claims & when you finally make one, the insurance company makes you fight tooth & nail…. Blah….blah…..blah…”
Once again, Toots is using idiot’s logic. The problem is, he wants to pay cheap premiums for 30 years, to some bogus company, who sold him a cheap policy, from a guy who operates out of his garage. That’s his fault, not the shady salesman’s. It’s called, “ You get what you pay for.” I personally have policies with both State Farm & American Family. Both of them treat me like Gold. No complaints whatsoever. They are BOTH reputable business organizations.
It’s all quite simple. Toots is one of those guys who hates Personal Freedom, because it ultimately involves winners & losers, in the game of Life. He hates the game of Football, because it also involves winners & losers. To him, that is not fair. He has a greater preference for games, like Communist Kickball, where they play for ties & everybody gets a trophy, so that nobody has their self-esteem bruised.
His idea of fierce competition, ..…. is when he & his mom fight over the food stamps.
Bottom line is this: Hey Toots, listen up. If you are done eating your free government cheese, pay attention.
Next time you are in the Springfield area, give me a call. And, make sure to use your free Obama phone, paid for by the hard working, American Taxpayers. I would love to jump in the Octagon with you. We could sell tickets & call it “ The Freedom Loving Capitalist vs the Communist Pig ” And, I promise to fight fair. I will even tie both hands behind my back & only use my feet. AND, to make it even MORE fair, you can bring Bernie & AOC with you as well. I am sure they will be amused, watching me plant a jump kick into your face.
Ta Ta for now, …. Toots.
Is this really where we are? Junior high name-calling and "meet me behind the dumpster" mentality between grown adults? I wish it were surprising, but really it's just sadly disappointing.