Socialism vs Capitalism


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2020
Socialism is when Jared’s family, the Trump org, Kanye and a lot of other millionaires get millions in PPP money.

Capitalism is the restaurant and entertainment venue workers standing in food lines hearing that Ivanka and Jared paid $30 million for a “lot” on an island near Miami.

Socialism is when your town gets blown away by a tornado and FEMA saves the day.

Capitalism is when you pay for insurance for 30 years with no claims and when you finally make one the insurance company squeezes you and you have to fight tooth and nail.

Socialism is bailing out the banks in 2008.

Capitalism is letting the small business owners close up shop for good while you bail out airlines and cruise ships.
Don’t be uninformed a lot of conservatives hate cronie capitalism that bails at the wealthy and corporations.
Socialism is when Jared’s family, the Trump org, Kanye and a lot of other millionaires get millions in PPP money.

Capitalism is the restaurant and entertainment venue workers standing in food lines hearing that Ivanka and Jared paid $30 million for a “lot” on an island near Miami.

Socialism is when your town gets blown away by a tornado and FEMA saves the day.

Capitalism is when you pay for insurance for 30 years with no claims and when you finally make one the insurance company squeezes you and you have to fight tooth and nail.

Socialism is bailing out the banks in 2008.

Capitalism is letting the small business owners close up shop for good while you bail out airlines and cruise ships.

Boy, I told you before, get a job, move out of your mom's basement and stop thinking you're something for spending all day on MoSports. Why you change usernames all the time? You're reasoning is dumb AF. As I also said before, name & address.
Boy, I told you before, get a job, move out of your mom's basement and stop thinking you're something for spending all day on MoSports. Why you change usernames all the time? You're reasoning is dumb AF. As I also said before, name & address.

You cant deny anything he said. The truth hurts sometimes.
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Don’t be uninformed a lot of conservatives hate cronie capitalism that bails at the wealthy and corporations.
It ain't the ones in charge of doing it and Trump has been at the top of that list for 4 years!.
Trump is a business man first and foremost so he played all the angles to turn a profit. As he should.
But as president he was hated by Dems and the Never Trumpers because he was willing to fight China and all the dismantling of our industry.

It was the Left and Right establishment who has set the precedent to bail out corporate entities and to form a unholy allies with.
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Trump is a business man first and foremost so he played all the angles to turn a profit. As he should.
But as president he was hated by Dems and the Never Trumpers because he was willing to fight China and all the dismantling of our industry.

It was the Left and Right establishment who has set the precedent to bail out corporate entities and to form a unholy allies with.

Dude, you just said

“he was hated by Dems and the Never Trumpers because he was willing to fight China”

What exactly are you smoking? Bahahahahaha
There are a lot of reasons he is hated. But that AINT in the top 50.

You have said some dumb sh!+ in the past, but this is Miller level absurd.

China has kicked his butt because he doesn’t understand that they can play the long game and they know America has elections every four years and we are short sighted to say the least.
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This is true.

Agree. Somehow during a pandemic both parties managed to spend a record $24 billion on the 2020 election. There sure seems to be a lot of people with a lot of money to throw away during these difficult economic times.
Trump is a business man first and foremost so he played all the angles to turn a profit. As he should.
But as president he was hated by Dems and the Never Trumpers because he was willing to fight China and all the dismantling of our industry.

It was the Left and Right establishment who has set the precedent to bail out corporate entities and to form a unholy allies with.
Show me where he brought back all the jobs and industries he claimed he would. Show me the factories he said he would bring back and keep, show me all the coal industry jobs he saved after he claimed he would save them and build it up even more. Business man, hell no, con man, hell yeah!!!
Trump kept only two promises: he appointed conservative justices at an unprecedented (and dangerous) rate, and he made the rest of the world hate us even more than they did before.

Oh yeah, where's his healthcare plan? It's been "two weeks away" for five years now.
McConnell pushed him HARD to appoint the judges as fast as possible because the knew he could easily be a one term guy. Trump pushed at the end to get his people on the SC because he thought they would help get another term. He said long before this election that it would go the SC. He's been planning this crap for 2 years but they didn't bail him out of the mess he made for himself.
You cant deny anything he said. The truth hurts sometimes.

Yes I can argue with what he said. I don't mind agreeing on the truth of what is said without the CNN/MSNBC twist on it. What I don't like is when one side is demonized and the other side is given a pass. Hunter Biden has done more illegal dealings with his father's knowing than anything Trump and fam have done. Also, there are lots of articles and videos that talk about the dehumanizing through social media posts where the poster says anything they want without accountability because "it's not a human being spoken to". I've seen this moron post stuff that if he would say it face to face he better be in MMA or be huge because he'd get his butt handed to him. Look at his other CNN initiated posts about Trump and 17 states destroying democracy. What a pile of crap. His statements are often inflammatory and provoking. Just trying to humanize and distribute blame evenly.
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Yes I can argue with what he said. I don't mind agreeing on the truth of what is said without the CNN/MSNBC twist on it. What I don't like is when one side is demonized and the other side is given a pass. Hunter Biden has done more illegal dealings with his father's knowing than anything Trump and fam have done. Also, there are lots of articles and videos that talk about the dehumanizing through social media posts where the poster says anything they want without accountability because "it's not a human being spoken to". I've seen this moron post stuff that if he would say it face to face he better be in MMA or be huge because he'd get his butt handed to him. Look at his other CNN initiated posts about Trump and 17 states destroying democracy. What a pile of crap. His statements are often inflammatory and provoking. Just trying to humanize and distribute blame evenly.

Going to court 58 times to try to overturn election results is attempting to destroy a democratic election. What would you call Contacting legislators in states to get them to select their own electors to overrule American’s votes? Threatening the Ga Governor to try to force him to change election procedures is a pathetic attempt at a coup. You are a clueless little man who is trying to play internet tough guy. Bring your family members with you as it will be my pleasure to have them see you cry.
In the mean time. He gone.

Don’t be uninformed a lot of conservatives hate cronie capitalism that bails at the wealthy and corporations.

MGHS, I believe many do, however many never speak up. I am a conservative at heart and I believe it is time we take back our party. And I don't believe that just because I am starting to believe Trump is a crook doesn't make me or anybody else a RINO or socialist it just makes me a good person no matter what Trump says.
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Trump is a business man first and foremost so he played all the angles to turn a profit. As he should.
But as president he was hated by Dems and the Never Trumpers because he was willing to fight China and all the dismantling of our industry.

It was the Left and Right establishment who has set the precedent to bail out corporate entities and to form a unholy allies with.

I like that Trump took on China, but he also got his with the power he call that out is not a bad thing. I wish Trump had been a better person, I think many of his ideas were good he just had very poor execution.
MGHS, I believe many do, however many never speak up. I am a conservative at heart and I believe it is time we take back our party. And I don't believe that just because I am starting to believe Trump is a crook doesn't make me or anybody else a RINO or socialist it just makes me a good person no matter what Trump says.
Trump is not a above board guy...but he is no different than Biden/Obama/Clinton/Bush They all have shady stuff going on.
Pete gets liquored up once a quarter and plays internet tough guy. Another clueless Trumper who couldnt spot a con man. People this dumb are what made Bernie Madoff rich for a while.

Pete doesn't get liquored up ever. No internet tough guy. I don't hide behind the internet like you. NAME & ADDRESS. We'll eliminate the internet part. I can and do listen to different opinions, just not with someone making them personal and using them to you. You're like the little weasel of a person that tries to bully and when someone confronts them on it now the confronter is the bad guy. Typical liberal crybaby. "I know I open my mouth but LOOK, they're picking on me....sniff sniff."
Not sure why you cry so hard about Trump pushing things. That's his arena right now. In your arena you do the exact same thing. You bully just like you say he does. That's what baffles me. You're no different and crying because someone is doing what you are. You're provokingly sarcastic, not to defend but to attack. You're condescending to the place of bullying. And when I do it back you cry, "Pete get liquored up....doesn't everyone see how mean Pete is to me for no reason." These are the actions of a momma's boy that needed a little daddy attention. Since you apparently didn't get it, society steps in and like most that have no self control they cry about the police and anyone that restricts their childish mouth and actions.
Pete doesn't get liquored up ever. No internet tough guy. I don't hide behind the internet like you. NAME & ADDRESS. We'll eliminate the internet part. I can and do listen to different opinions, just not with someone making them personal and using them to you. You're like the little weasel of a person that tries to bully and when someone confronts them on it now the confronter is the bad guy. Typical liberal crybaby. "I know I open my mouth but LOOK, they're picking on me....sniff sniff."
Not sure why you cry so hard about Trump pushing things. That's his arena right now. In your arena you do the exact same thing. You bully just like you say he does. That's what baffles me. You're no different and crying because someone is doing what you are. You're provokingly sarcastic, not to defend but to attack. You're condescending to the place of bullying. And when I do it back you cry, "Pete get liquored up....doesn't everyone see how mean Pete is to me for no reason." These are the actions of a momma's boy that needed a little daddy attention. Since you apparently didn't get it, society steps in and like most that have no self control they cry about the police and anyone that restricts their childish mouth and actions.

Pete, I am sorry I hurt your feelings. Provide your name and address and I will do the same. We can sit down, have a beverage and discuss your issues.
Pete, I am sorry I hurt your feelings. Provide your name and address and I will do the same. We can sit down, have a beverage and discuss your issues.

I don't get hurt feelings. We'd probably have a blast if we sat down and talked. If we talked about my issues we'd need to plan a couple days at least.
So do the majority of sexual deviants and white supremacists.

Lie.....I mean clearly there are only 10,000 actual white supremacists and one of their Leader was now all in on Biden

And Come on Sexual perverts and deviants support Biden and all the other Leftist that Gulf Streamed to the Clinton's favorite cohorts island.

Trump might be a womanizer but he ain't no deviant like your guys.
There are literal subsects of the Republican party that label themselves as white supremacists.

And part of the Dem party is communist/socialist and such.....I bit there are a lot more BLM members(15 Million+) than white supremacists. It's not like the Rep. party welcomes White Supremacists they renounce them ....but the Dem's do welcome the Marxist Trained BLM into their Fold. Big difference.
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You don't know what Socialism is. Shut up until you do. Even a Bernie/AOC-ran US wouldn't be all that close to socialism, much less communism.

There's zero doubt you spend your nights on a rocking chair watching Fox News cuddled up with a blanket and every time Tucker or Hannity say the scary "S" word, you duck under the covers. Their messaging worked on you and millions like you. And if it's not Fox News, it's either Facebook or Rush.

Tucker mocked CNN for having Bill Gates on to talk about Covid. Last night who did he have on talking about that very subject? The guy from Barstool Sports. Bahahahahaha Bahahahahaha
You don't know what Socialism is. Shut up until you do. Even a Bernie/AOC-ran US wouldn't be all that close to socialism, much less communism.

There's zero doubt you spend your nights on a rocking chair watching Fox News cuddled up with a blanket and every time Tucker or Hannity say the scary "S" word, you duck under the covers. Their messaging worked on you and millions like you. And if it's not Fox News, it's either Facebook or Rush.

I don't Watch Fox's MSM trash. I have No Social Media account at all. No FaceBook Instagram etc. period. And until you guys started talking about Rush L. I didn't even know he was still Alive. I haven't listened to the Radio outside of a Football game or two in decades. Got old school CD and My Phone for Music. I thought Talk Radio was dead now that JoeRogan Podcast and the like came about. I have listened to one of those...Dr.Robert Shockley on the Sphinx and it's age.

Again I know what Socialism is to the Letter and how it is used in it's colloquial form.

I have stated my stance on here Numerous times. I spent years dolling out Left wing Benefits to the Shiftless, Lazy, irresponsible and detestable. Not Safety net programs to protect the disadvantage or suffering. But a Massive Redistribution of wealth to raise their standard of living up because they don't and won't but any effort into their own welfare.

I dislike the Left wings Redistribution of the sweat of my Labor to those who don't deserve it and refuse to earn their own keep. I have no issues with the Rights Redistribution to Farmers, corporations and the Military because it benefits the welfare of the Whole Nation.

But keep on being you with your junior high insults and attacks. I do find it to be a hoot and enlightening to your personality traits.
Tucker mocked CNN for having Bill Gates on to talk about Covid. Last night who did he have on talking about that very subject? The guy from Barstool Sports. Bahahahahaha Bahahahahaha

Tucker is just a propagandist like everyone on any of those Stations...FOX/CNN/MSNBC all the networks..even NPR. All biased and shills for what ever side they are on. I won't argue that.
Tucker is just a propagandist like everyone on any of those Stations...FOX/CNN/MSNBC all the networks..even NPR. All biased and shills for what ever side they are on. I won't argue that.
How do you know all this if you never watch any of it?
Nevermind, I shouldn't have replied.
We don’t need the name & address for Mr. Toots-McGee. He is the same dude who has been pimping the same old Communist Pig propaganda for years now. His other moniker is “ Shorty the DC.”

Just for fun, …. let us re-visit his previous projectile vomiting, where Toots said the following:

“Socialism is when Jared & Kanye get millions in PPP money” …. Hmmm. That’s funny, because if they happen to own a small business on the side, then they probably qualified.

In contrast, Toots has NO problem whatsoever, with folks like Planned Parenthood getting PPP $. Toots was overheard saying “ Big Deal, so what if they got $ 80 Million dollars, to help them murder more defenseless human beings….who cares ? ”

Next, Toots spewed the following …. “Capitalism is hearing that Ivanka & Jared paid $30 million for a Lot near Miami.” I bet he was really upset when he heard about Osama Obama buying, yet ANOTHER, multi-million-dollar mansion, on Martha’s Vineyard. The other 2 mansions owned by the great Muslim, in DC & Chicago, were just not enough.

In addition, Toots also quoted right out of the Communist Manifesto, when he said …. “ Socialism is when your town gets blown away by a tornado & FEMA saves the day.” Only problem is, Toots never reads anything else. It might benefit him to read a newspaper now & then, like maybe the NY Times for example. After Hurricane Katrina, the NY Times reported in 2006, that FEMA, the bloated, government bureaucracy, paid out over 2 BILLION Dollars in bogus, fraudulent claims, with no oversight or accountability whatsoever.

OR, like in 2016, when Investor’s Business Daily, conducted an expose on the fraud, waste & abuse, committed by the Osama Obama, administration….when they SET A NEW RECORD in 2015, for wasting US taxpayer dollars, to the tune of nearly $ 126 BILLION.

Finally, Comrade Toots said …. “ Capitalism is when you pay for insurance for 30 years with no claims & when you finally make one, the insurance company makes you fight tooth & nail…. Blah….blah…..blah…”

Once again, Toots is using idiot’s logic. The problem is, he wants to pay cheap premiums for 30 years, to some bogus company, who sold him a cheap policy, from a guy who operates out of his garage. That’s his fault, not the shady salesman’s. It’s called, “ You get what you pay for.” I personally have policies with both State Farm & American Family. Both of them treat me like Gold. No complaints whatsoever. They are BOTH reputable business organizations.

It’s all quite simple. Toots is one of those guys who hates Personal Freedom, because it ultimately involves winners & losers, in the game of Life. He hates the game of Football, because it also involves winners & losers. To him, that is not fair. He has a greater preference for games, like Communist Kickball, where they play for ties & everybody gets a trophy, so that nobody has their self-esteem bruised.

His idea of fierce competition, ..…. is when he & his mom fight over the food stamps.

Bottom line is this: Hey Toots, listen up. If you are done eating your free government cheese, pay attention.

Next time you are in the Springfield area, give me a call. And, make sure to use your free Obama phone, paid for by the hard working, American Taxpayers. I would love to jump in the Octagon with you. We could sell tickets & call it “ The Freedom Loving Capitalist vs the Communist Pig ” And, I promise to fight fair. I will even tie both hands behind my back & only use my feet. AND, to make it even MORE fair, you can bring Bernie & AOC with you as well. I am sure they will be amused, watching me plant a jump kick into your face.

Ta Ta for now, …. Toots.
Programmed thinking here. They got to you.

LOL so how is that....I want a strong Food supply. I would rather have a Free Market in Farming and such. But that day is long gone. So I'm interested in having a viable supply chain. Same goes for the Military, Provides a lot of jobs, protections and Power. How is that programing. Vast reaching Social Programs how do they benefit any hard worker and taxpayer? They don't you have been programmed to feel a emotional need to help the lazy and irresponsible. Which is your right.

As I stated I actually have worked in that field. I know what goes on and what type of leaches they are.
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How do you know all this if you never watch any of it?
Nevermind, I shouldn't have replied.

Is he a mainstream journalist? That should answer your question. And I have caught a Link or two from boards and such. So yes I've seen Tucker, Don Lemon, and such via Links. I don't tune in to watch any of those shows. I have all Cable News channels hidden from my Guide because they tend to be so biased.
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Socialism is BAD... unless it's for things you like. Got it, Mr. Mizzou Confederate Flag Man.

I understand you're worried that America's changing. It is... but it's going to be alright, I promise.

I find is so ironic that you just can't let go of the proof and zero facts just a opinion that led you to a conspiracy theory that It's a Mizzou Confederate Flag. But not to far from the Russian Hoax conspiracy and dare I say the election fraud conspiracy. Not a Good pool to swim in. But continue on I get it's all you got when you can't mount a credible counter argument to the OP. Demean and Degrade is built into your personality, to bad Civil Discourse is not.

America is always changing that is the Norm I'm not overly concerned about the change. It's the Rift.

Also I have stated I like some Social Programs. I wouldn't of went into that field if not. But how they are administrated is beyond fraudulent and how they help nobody of reel need is evident.
I'll stop with the name-calling. It doesn't bother me enough to keep it up and I now don't believe there was any bad intent. I will agree that the inefficiency and mismanagement of our current social programs has caused a decay in trust in government that harms future potential expansion of any helpful programs.
Why stop this place is just for fun anyway.
I can't believe the Mizzou confederate flag conspiracy not far from the Russian hoax.
Is Mister Majestic one of them that was saying the democrats have treated Trump and his followers worse than the republicans ever treated Obama, or like he called him Osama Obama?
I don't Watch Fox's MSM trash. I have No Social Media account at all. No FaceBook Instagram etc. period. And until you guys started talking about Rush L. I didn't even know he was still Alive. I haven't listened to the Radio outside of a Football game or two in decades. Got old school CD and My Phone for Music. I thought Talk Radio was dead now that JoeRogan Podcast and the like came about. I have listened to one of those...Dr.Robert Shockley on the Sphinx and it's age.

Again I know what Socialism is to the Letter and how it is used in it's colloquial form.

I have stated my stance on here Numerous times. I spent years dolling out Left wing Benefits to the Shiftless, Lazy, irresponsible and detestable. Not Safety net programs to protect the disadvantage or suffering. But a Massive Redistribution of wealth to raise their standard of living up because they don't and won't but any effort into their own welfare.

I dislike the Left wings Redistribution of the sweat of my Labor to those who don't deserve it and refuse to earn their own keep. I have no issues with the Rights Redistribution to Farmers, corporations and the Military because it benefits the welfare of the Whole Nation.

But keep on being you with your junior high insults and attacks. I do find it to be a hoot and enlightening to your personality traits.

I don't think that, on the surface, your rejection of the "left wing's redistribution" of the sweat of your labor is ludicrous, but aspects of it are, perhaps, short-sighted.

I'm not sure that it would be productive to argue that farmers shouldn't get subsidies because it isn't really a partisan issue. Some conservatives have argued against them because they aren't "free market" or they represent "big government" (here) and some liberals have argued against them for the wealthiest farmers because the wealthiest farmers arguably don't need them year in and year out. All have argued that many farms are using them fraudulently: here and here. But, for the most part, there is broad bipartisan support for them.

Also, the military doesn't receive nebulous redistribution like a social program, they receive very definitive appropriations, but I understand what you are saying. Corporate taxation is another matter altogether, however.

Interestingly enough, the longest periods of booming prosperity in the U.S. have been during times when the top earners' marginal tax rates were the highest (like 91% at one point). Of course, they didn't actually pay 91% of their income, but they did pay some actual taxes, unlike now where they mostly end up paying net zero taxes. Many more people were able to get ahead and stay ahead during these long periods of time.

Over the last 100 years, the top 1% of earners' income share (as well as the difference between the top and bottom earners, a.k.a. wealth inequality) peaked in 1928 and 2007. We all know what happened in 1929 and 2008. This correlates inversely to the top marginal tax rates, as would be expected. It correlates directly with money made in the financial sector, which promptly crashed in those years. From 1947 to 1977, normal workers' wages increased and became the highest, adjusted for inflation, than they had ever been on average. Then, in a strange correlation, wages started stagnating (a stagnation from which we have never recovered) but productivity (and prices) continued rising. This coincides with top marginal tax rates lowering (and continuing to lower) very significantly over time. This also shows that corporations are getting more and more out of their workers for less and less pay to those workers for the commensurate rise in productivity. Brilliant for the corporations' top executives, not so great for the 99%.

This is why I laugh when people cite the stock market's success as their barometer of overall economic prosperity. The problem is that people, as a general rule, are not interested in dealing with complexities of things they don't understand fully. They want black and white, and there is not much in life that is actually black and white. The stock market is an indicator of prosperity, but only when coupled with rising overall wages. When coupled with stagnated wages, it is only a blip that quickly corrects with no real long-term prosperity for anyone other than the top earners.

If, as a whole, we want our economy to work for the oligarchy, by all means, we should continue our current economic policies as they are because they is working great for those few at the top, since they have the monetary influence to help nudge policy makers (of both parties) to set the rules of the game in their favor. If that's what we want as a society, then it makes perfect sense to stay status quo. If we want the many to prosper then we have to adjust policies.

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