So Kaamala picks this Walz guy???

You might want to take a history class.
The “dems” who supported slavery/Jim Crow switched to the GOP after LBJ passed the civil rights act in the mid 60s.

What the 1968 convention turmoil has to do with you and your cult attacking the capitol is beyond me. You might study up on Nixon’s “southern strategy” so you can be a little more knowledgeable. You are starting to make corn pop look like the smart one.
Sorry I wasn’t clear enough.
The first 80 some odd years was up until the end of the civil war. This time and a little more was mainly on the Democratic Party.
The 1968 DNC was just as bad as Jan 6th.

Corn Pop does sound intelligent.
Keep it up! I’m reading everyone of you post in Trump voice!
68 had a lot to do with Vietnam and the gov lying its arse off to our citizens. Sending a lot of black and white young people over to get slaughtered in a completely unnecessary war. Unlike the Jan. 6 a-holes the protesters were on the right side of history. Eventually, protestors ended the war. Equating the two groups is nonsense and shows zero understanding of the 60s.
68 had a lot to do with Vietnam and the gov lying its arse off to our citizens. Sending a lot of black and white young people over to get slaughtered in a completely unnecessary war. Unlike the Jan. 6 a-holes the protesters were on the right side of history. Eventually, protestors ended the war. Equating the two groups is nonsense and shows zero understanding of the 60s.
Yes I guess I’m way off Jan 6 only lasted one day not seven.
68 DNC Protest
Death(s)1 civilian killed
Injuries500+ protestors
100+ other civilians
152 police officers

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