The Sikeston Bulldogs appear to be @ the top of their game with three weeks remaining before the class 4 districts starts. The Bulldogs have an overall record of 17-2. Only Two class 5 schools ( McCluer 82-73 and Chaminade 102-84 ) have defeated the powerful class 4 Sikeston Bulldogs this year.
The closest games Sikeston has this season:
1. 11-29---Blytheville-----------------68-64----Blytheville's record----13-9
2. 12-29 Zumwalt South-----------68-61----Zum's record-----------10-10
3. 01-17 Farmington----------------66-57----Farmington's record--15-5
4. 01-27 St. Louis Priory-----------72-63----Priory's record---------13-5
The Sikeston Bulldogs have 8 Clock Jobs and a 29 point win in another this season. The Bulldogs and the present coaching staff have established " Tradition " over the years and appear to be in a " Threatening Position " to make a deep run toward a class 4 final four this season. ( If the playoffs were the same as last year, I would lock in Sikeston as a final four team. ) I can not rule out a Sikeston win in the " Quarter Finals " against Vashon or St. Mary's because it's a " One game-winner take all " anything can happen and most likely will. Sikeston has a capable staff who can produce a great game plan, have the " Fred Thatch factor " and have great fan support. If we load all the positive Sikeston factors in a " Basketball Mind ", Vashon or St. Mary's maybe a slight favorite ( Maybe 5 points ) but not enough to lock in a victory. The trick here is to play one game @ a time, Stay positive and stay away from adversities from now until the last game of the season.
Train, CBC 13-8 defeated Chaminade 17-3 last night. ( 82-73 ) This is Chaminade's first Missouri defeat in two years.
Train, I see a very long " Bus Ride " for Tolton back to Columbia, Missouri latter today.