What you don't get is Rep's see that Putin is a strong leader who has a conviction and a Goal. While we despise and hate his Goal's. We understand he is not a weak willed, coexist, roll over and play nice Leader. He plays from a position of strength and power even though the Nation of Russia has a economy that is on par with a state like Florida.
I Respect the power and Nationalism Putin embraces, even though he is a petty thug dictator who's ideals I'm opposed to 100%.....I just wish our Limp noodle Leaders Like Biden and the rest of the Leftist Democrats would mimic his resolve and strength and embrace Western Civilization as the greatest Civilization and system, but of course they could never admit that fact and by into that idea, they somehow believe with great hubris that deals and compromise can solve all issues and problems and we can all just get along in some Hippy sit in about Love and Peace .
The fact is they are not prepared for Leaders Like Putin or XI Jinpang is 100% obvious...as we defang the Military with progressive idea's or worry about vax and mask mandates, while we ignore the Global issues that really will effect our security, economic stability and prosperity. These Countries are actively trying to dethrone and take away American power and it's global standing. That is their stated goal. They have no desire to coexist and share the pie...they want to control the pie and the size of it's slices it gives out to the world.
To combat this you have to have strong and Hawkish leaders, not weak livered dove's who want to engage in meaningless accords and payoffs. And you have to have the biggest stick in hand to back up your Power. That military might and the Most economic wealth is what makes America great and allows us to live this life style.....But sadly at this time we are hanging on to our economic might with our finger tips.
If the Dollar ever get's replaced as the World Reserve Currency then our country will fall into economic ruin and we will not be leading but having to beg and follow for scraps. If America loses our dominance and control of the Global economic structure and China and Russian replace us, the economic outlook would be horrible. We live in a global system now and while I'd love to bunker down in isolationism...that is a backward thinking blast from the past and isn't doable or logical.
What makes me sick is the Leftist Dem's who disavow strength, Western Idea's and American Nationalism as the leader of the Global community. Of course you can embrace some Utopian pie in the sky dream of Love and Peace among nations....which is laughable when in this Country half the people are diametrically opposed to each other's core idea's. How the Heck does anyone believe we can all Just get along in a Global World community....