Come on it's all good...Trump was mean, offensive, Boorish and liked hot chicks. So he had to go, no matter the economy and how his policies faired.
Biden is much better President with Higher Covid death rates...with a working vax from day one while he has been in office. Hyper Inflation is no biggie caused by his economic policies just print more money it will get better, a weak foreign policy that lead to the Afghan debacle, and Putin deciding to invade the Ukraine after he told them their would be zero consequences of any meaning if Russia did so. A influx of 2 million people from across the Border is a good thing...just get them to the polls in key area's and they can vote Biden in again come 2024!!
The Plan is working as expected and most of the 80 million surely are happy with their choice of vote.....least you forgot's all Still Trumps fault.