I know your wet dream is that this will push gunmakers into bankruptcy and then we'll all get to live in your socialist utopia where people kill each other with knives instead of guns, but the reality of this is it will just change the way they advertise.
So let me ask just so I am on the same page.
Did Remington advertise their Bushmaster as a great weapon to commit murder or some other crime? If that is the case, they should be held accountable. My guess is this didn't happen.
But, for the sake of argument, why doesn't Dodge get sued for the way they advertise the Hellcat? 900 horse, burning rubber, 160 mph? Are they not enticing people to break the law and behave in a reckless manner?
McDonalds have facilitated a lot of people to become obese, should they be held accountable?
At what point should companies be held accountable when the customer misuses the product sold?
Not familiar with the Hellcat, but one possibility is that no one ever slaughtered a class full of first graders with one. And the Hellcat isn't designed to kill people but the weapon is.
If Dodge markets their vehicle as a tool to kill your enemies I will sue them myself.
Typical repub reasoning, dems don't abort a fetus, wait until they are sixth graders and you will defend the guns used to kill them.
Typical repub reasoning, dems don't abort a fetus, wait until they are sixth graders and you will defend the guns used to kill them.
emotion over logic.Not familiar with the Hellcat, but one possibility is that no one ever slaughtered a class full of first graders with one. And the Hellcat isn't designed to kill people but the weapon is.
Not true people have been shot by a dropped gun. No trigger pull. Another swing and miss.The reality is a gun has NEVER killed anyone without a person pulling the trigger.
Not true people have been shot by a dropped gun. No trigger pull. Another swing and miss.
Not true people have been shot by a dropped gun. No trigger pull. Another swing and miss.
Suicide attempts are successful at a much higher rate when a gun is in the home.
In countries with strict gun control the rate of suicide is approximately the same as here. Banning guns wouldn't affect that at all.
You cant possibly know that there would be no change. Cultures are different.
Little off the subject of guns, but since you brought it up I will ask.
If a persons life is so horrible, if they are in terrible pain or suffering from a terminal illness and want to die, who are we to remove the easiest way for them to accomplish this?
If I as an adult think I can end an innocent babies life in the womb, why would I try to keep a grown adult from ending their life?
You had to know when turned that that just so. How many accidental shootings have killed people who they drop the gun or fell from a tree stand. I'd say if this lawsuit holds up in court you could see lawsuits for car makers advertising how fast their cars will go.The gun doesnt kill them, the person wielding it does. No different than if a psycho were to drive a truck through a school playground or plant explosives or something.
The reality is a gun has NEVER killed anyone without a person pulling the trigger.
You cant possibly know that there would be no change. Cultures are different.
Like I said:
Suicide attempts are successful at a much higher rate when a gun is in the home.
Why is it a major concern?