Just in time for Hunting Season!!!!

Bump stocks also have nothing to do with either. And what about handguns with the Glock switch?

You can’t specifically word legislation for everything engineers might come up with to make weapons more deadly, but if you know the intent of the law is to keep rapid fire, mass casualty events from occurring the Supreme Court should be mature enough to consider the intent.
Common sense would suggest bump stocks aren't a good idea, but common sense and politics are no longer mutually intertwined.
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The thing is, when the Trump admin bans bump stocks they supported it. When the senate tries to ban them, it’s an awful idea.
But both sides………
Common sense would suggest bump stocks aren't a good idea, but common sense and politics are no longer mutually intertwined.
If the democrats had presented a simple bill making the sale or possession of bump stocks illegal they would have had republican support. There were so many other gun control measures included in the "Bump Stock Ban" that no republican would ever vote for it except Romney.
You and they will always find an excuse. There were not “so many”. We can read

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