Ron Johnson a rising star?


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2001
Has the way he handled this situation make him a possible candidate for larger things in Missouri? Superintendent of State HWP when Ron retires (side note: kind of cool seeing a guy who T'd interviewed on CNN)? Head of Fergusson PD? Could be a possible politician. He has made a huge difference in this situation, for sure.
Definitely the right man for many jobs. I doubt if there are to many individuals in his position that could handle the questions that he took from the CNN reporter and not get sucker punched like this guy was wanting to do to him. Nixon handled himself pretty good too but nothing like Ron Johnson.
I thought he did well too. He did have the advantage of being a hometown guy though which helped quell the riots. Walking with the peaceful protesters gained him further trust. Thought Holders remarks thanking him for doing that seemed out of place though. It was neither propper or impropper just smart to help with trust.
He did an outstanding job letting the looters have a hell of a night
Nothing but political posturing. Glad the love not war BS worked well for them.
I noticed tonight while Captain Johnson was being driven around Ferguson while being interviewed on camera that he was NOT wearing a seat belt nor was the reporter who was interviewing him and you can bet the cameraman in the back seat wasn't either. Any future political aspirations he might have would never survive the video of him breaking the law and allowing others in his car to do so too.

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