Regarding the 10 commandments thing

Have you ever read the Bible? I don't always think Christians go about it the correct way, but as a Christian you should try and help lead people to the Lord. If that is what you believe and what you are trying to do, most people feel convicted about certain topics. I don't believe in treating people differently that don't believe or maybe choose to do certain things, but I'm not going to agree with their way of life or actions. So it kind of goes both ways.
Have you ever read the Bible? I don't always think Christians go about it the correct way, but as a Christian you should try and help lead people to the Lord. If that is what you believe and what you are trying to do, most people feel convicted about certain topics. I don't believe in treating people differently that don't believe or maybe choose to do certain things, but I'm not going to agree with their way of life or actions. So it kind of goes both ways.
American Christians are notoriously 'cafeteria Christians'. I think the religion would get more inroads to 'non-Christians' if the people actually practiced what they preach.

If you vote for Trump and are a Christian, I'm talking about you.

American Christians are notoriously 'cafeteria Christians'. I think the religion would get more inroads to 'non-Christians' if the people actually practiced what they preach.

If you vote for Trump and are a Christian, I'm talking about you.
And I would agree with you. Which is why I have stated numerous times why I wish he wasn't the Republican candidate.
The “Christians” are all butt hurt when a history teacher tells the truth about how American Indians were slaughtered and African Americans were lynched long after slavery ended, or how those groups were hosed by banks and other institutions and still haven’t caught up. But you think it’s ok to make my grandkid feel bad because she doesn’t want to say a prayer to some fairy tale god before a volleyball game or repeatedly be indoctrinated with propaganda on the walls of every classroom. You want to believe in fairy tales? Do it at home or church. You don’t want an abortion? Don’t get one. Leave us out of it.
The “Christians” are all butt hurt when a history teacher tells the truth about how American Indians were slaughtered and African Americans were lynched long after slavery ended, or how those groups were hosed by banks and other institutions and still haven’t caught up. But you think it’s ok to make my grandkid feel bad because she doesn’t want to say a prayer to some fairy tale god before a volleyball game or repeatedly be indoctrinated with propaganda on the walls of every classroom. You want to believe in fairy tales? Do it at home or church. You don’t want an abortion? Don’t get one. Leave us out of it.
Yikes. You talk about propaganda in the classroom, but it's ok to have pride flags in the classroom. IMO neither one need to be in the classroom. If people want to be gay and preach it then do it at home, just like teachers don't need to preach about God in a public school.
Here is one of the Trump “Christians” worth 117 mil. If you don’t send this man money you are “stealing from god”.

Then you are voting for project 2025. And they want it all and way more. Who needs birth control pills? Gone.
Wrong. I refuse to vote for two of the biggest idiots in America and maybe the worst presidential candidates in history. I will still vote for local and state levels.
Wrong. I refuse to vote for two of the biggest idiots in America and maybe the worst presidential candidates in history. I will still vote for local and state levels.
I feel your pain.

I'm only voting for one reason - an anti Trump vote. My worry is so many people won't vote because they don't want to vote for either candidate, esp young people, and that will only help Trump.
I guess the the establishment clause of the constitution has been pronounced dead..! 🤬
The Establishment clause simply says that Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof

It places no restrictions on any state or local governments, "Separation of Church and State" is a myth
The Establishment clause simply says that Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof

It places no restrictions on any state or local governments, "Separation of Church and State" is a myth
You've huffed a lot of model glue, haven't you?

Quit listening to whackjob altmedia for crying out loud.
You have bad enough takes already then you just go and make it worse.