
COVID playing its toll again, not letting voters get out and see some of these teams. How does St. James not get a vote the way they are playing? And North County beats Central only to not receive a vote. Waiting to see what next week brings!
COVID playing its toll again, not letting voters get out and see some of these teams. How does St. James not get a vote the way they are playing? And North County beats Central only to not receive a vote. Waiting to see what next week brings!
Nothing to do with Covid. Mshsaa has all the info you need. Coaches are the ones voting. They are coaching their own teams not going out and watching everyone play.
COVID playing its toll again, not letting voters get out and see some of these teams. How does St. James not get a vote the way they are playing? And North County beats Central only to not receive a vote. Waiting to see what next week brings!
Or maybe the Coaches (such as St. James & North County that you mentioned above) don't want their team to be ranked?? Let's them fly under the radar and takes pressure off their team. Could be a good thing. Or is the rankings more for the parents and community to talk about? Just a thought!!
There might be something to that.

Rankings are just for entertainment purposes. Great starting points for debate. Definitely not perfect either. Great example are the Leeton girls.

Rankings don’t win games.
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Or maybe the Coaches (such as St. James & North County that you mentioned above) don't want their team to be ranked?? Let's them fly under the radar and takes pressure off their team. Could be a good thing. Or is the rankings more for the parents and community to talk about? Just a thought!!
With today's tech giving you the ability to get info your probably not flying under to much. You can get bout any game film you want these days especially during covid with many schools putting on you tube
With today's tech giving you the ability to get info your probably not flying under to much. You can get bout any game film you want these days especially during covid with many schools putting on you tube

Don't blame the coaches. They are way too busy to worry about polls and watching video of teams on the other side of the state that they will likely never see or play. Coaches will vote for traditionally strong programs without doing much research.

Polls are for entertainment and to give some teams some recognition. Polls will get more accurate as the season progresses.

Many coaches do follow this forum. I think all posters should point out teams that are being overlooked. Just give facts of big wins as well as bad losses. Make your argument.
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Good point. I also believe for a player to make the MBCA All State Team, the coach must be a MBCA member. I think it's only like $25 fee so really no excuse.
Good point. I also believe for a player to make the MBCA All State Team, the coach must be a MBCA member. I think it's only like $25 fee so really no excuse.

So let me get this all on paper here. Everyone thinks the coaches' polls are a joke and they do a terrible job. But every coach should pay their money to be a part of it?

And even more ridiculous is you actually think it is acceptable to punish a kid for something that is out of their control. Goodness this world has lost its dang mind.

If a player is an all-state player they deserve to be on the list. If the coaches association is that petty then I don't blame any coach for not being a part of the organization.
Agree tgrwds, and the MBCA has annual clinics for members with top notch speakers. And yes, all teachers should join the professional organizations. There's much to be learned from other professionals in your field. I always got something out of the coaches clinics the I used in practice. Fortunately, our school (and most schools) picks up the tab for coaches clinics ( and other teachers clinics).

I honestly think many young coaches aren't aware of the membership requirement for all state. And there is also an Associated Press All State team for everyone.

And I've never said the MBCA polls were a joke. There's always going to be teams overlooked. Traditional powerhouses do get votes on reputation. Just like good players get overlooked for all state if their team is average. A player doesn't have much chance at all state if their team doesn't advance in the playoffs.
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My point has less to do with the validity of the association and more to do with the players. The question at hand is should a player really be punished for a coach not belonging to the Missouri Coaches Association. There are multiple associations that a coach can belong to.

Is the goal to actually honor the best players in the state or is it a "pay to play" situation?

Again, I think your points are all valid. Should a coach be part of an association, promote their players, and post their scores? Absolutely.

The real question at hand, in my mind, is what is the intent of the All-State list. Is it to honor the best players regardless of who has paid or is it to only honor players whose coach is a part of the association?

Why not put the kids first regardless of whether the coach belongs to that particular association? Maybe the coach is new, maybe the coach is part of another association, or maybe the coach simply doesn't see the value of the association. No matter how it happens, punishing the kid does nothing.
I'm not 100% sure on this, so take it with a grain of salt, but I think the actual rule is you have to be a member to vote and nominate student-athletes for all-state. I think, emphasis on think, that if a player's coach is not a member but another coach nominates them, they can still make the team.
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you DON'T have to a member to have a player from your team make all state. That is VOLLEYBALL BS.
leeton just beat walnut grove.. not even a vote. The guy in charge of it is a SWMO boys coach. Time to relinquish him of this duty.
Diamond got beat 40 by Ash Grove....
this is ridiculous.
I'm not 100% sure on this, so take it with a grain of salt, but I think the actual rule is you have to be a member to vote and nominate student-athletes for all-state. I think, emphasis on think, that if a player's coach is not a member but another coach nominates them, they can still make the team.

That makes sense.
Don't blame the coaches. They are way too busy to worry about polls and watching video of teams on the other side of the state that they will likely never see or play. Coaches will vote for traditionally strong programs without doing much research.

Polls are for entertainment and to give some teams some recognition. Polls will get more accurate as the season progresses.

Many coaches do follow this forum. I think all posters should point out teams that are being overlooked. Just give facts of big wins as well as bad losses. Make your argument.
They will be accurate when theres 4 teams left then it will be pretty good
to make all state you have to be one of the top vote getters in the all district process. Individual coaches nominate their own players. All the coaches vote to form a 1-10 All District team. The regional MBCA rep then takes that list to the All state meeting during the final 4 weekend. In theory the #1 vote getter in the district will make all state before the #2 vote getter. The coaches from each region talk about their area's players and then a vote occurs. Some reps have more pull than others and if a team wins state they are usually allotted 2 spots on the all state team.
Like anything with rankings or All-state voting people in different regions don't know about different teams/players. I've heard coaches come back from All-State meetings and say the group would first pick players getting signed to college, or if they are going to college they get the vote ahead of someone with better stats. Supposed to be a high school achievement award not a college recognition award.

Rankings are tough because of the different regions, but the MBCA could at least create a Google Form with a regional poll for coaches. The MBCA has the coaches emails. They could take that information and then make the rankings. That way all coaches could vote and write comments on weekly results/thoughts. Takes the coaches 5-10 minutes. Takes MBCA board/committee/whoever an hour to come up with the results.
Good point. I also believe for a player to make the MBCA All State Team, the coach must be a MBCA member. I think it's only like $25 fee so really no excuse.
I've been told in the past a player can be nominated by any coach in the association, not just their own. If there is a deserving player I'd bet they get the nomination by some coach in their area.

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