Ranked Choice Voting


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2019
Today New York City Democratic primary elections are using "ranked choice voting". What the samhell is going on in this country?

For instance, 8 candidates are running for mayor. Voters rank their choices 1 thru 8 on the ballot. If no candidate wins a 50% majority on the first count, the last place #8 candidate is eliminated and all of the ballots that voted for #8 as their first choice go to whoever they ranked their second choice. They recount the ballots and continue the process, recounting the votes as many times as necessary until someone wins a 50% majority. This has clusterpluck written all over it.

The east and west coast liberals have lost their minds on the voting issue. In person/photo ID/a US citizen/one vote is the simplest, fairest way to vote. Absentee voting only if necessary.
KISS - keep it simple, stupid!!
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Today New York City Democratic primary elections are using "ranked choice voting". What the samhell is going on in this country?

For instance, 8 candidates are running for mayor. Voters rank their choices 1 thru 8 on the ballot. If no candidate wins a 50% majority on the first count, the last place #8 candidate is eliminated and all of the ballots that voted for #8 as their first choice go to whoever they ranked their second choice. They recount the ballots and continue the process, recounting the votes as many times as necessary until someone wins a 50% majority. This has clusterpluck written all over it.

The east and west coast liberals have lost their minds on the voting issue. In person/photo ID/a US citizen/one vote is the simplest, fairest way to vote. Absentee voting only if necessary.
KISS - keep it simple, stupid!!
I disagree. I think there are a lot better ways to do it than we have done. I don't see anything wrong with absentee voting.
I also like the idea of ranked-choice. I think it can be a positive change in elections. I know change is not easy and people are going to have a problem with it at first, but I think it will be better in the long run.
Imagine if the Republicans had done it in 2016 we may not have had Trump. If the ballots that split between the normal candidates had been used in ranked-choice. People either voted for Trump or against him. He would probably never have gotten 50% in most states.
Well, I agree our present system isn't perfect. But if we start recounting votes 5 or 6 times, both sides will be claiming cheating going on.

And as an old coach who has attended many a seed meeting, people don't always rank by their conscience. HA
Well, I agree our present system isn't perfect. But if we start recounting votes 5 or 6 times, both sides will be claiming cheating going on.

And as an old coach who has attended many a seed meeting, people don't always rank by their conscience. HA
How many times has the 2020 Presidential election vote been recounted in several states? Only one or two and ANY reason to do a recount, the rest have been counted, recounted and audited for no reason except Trump told us the election was stolen and enough people believe that so they just keep counting over and over, even though pretty much every time Trump's lawyers went to court they were tossed out for lack of evidence of any actual fraud.
Today New York City Democratic primary elections are using "ranked choice voting". What the samhell is going on in this country?

For instance, 8 candidates are running for mayor. Voters rank their choices 1 thru 8 on the ballot. If no candidate wins a 50% majority on the first count, the last place #8 candidate is eliminated and all of the ballots that voted for #8 as their first choice go to whoever they ranked their second choice. They recount the ballots and continue the process, recounting the votes as many times as necessary until someone wins a 50% majority. This has clusterpluck written all over it.

The east and west coast liberals have lost their minds on the voting issue. In person/photo ID/a US citizen/one vote is the simplest, fairest way to vote. Absentee voting only if necessary.
KISS - keep it simple, stupid!!
100% agree this is a system to allow the Power elites to usher in who they want. The fact that Trump got elected proves the system is Just and Fair. People vote for the ONE candidate they want and it's a WINNER take all system of fairness.

And yes the Left/East Coasts Liberals have gone Nuts and want a Pseudo Socialistic system with the Intellectual Elites calling the shots, this system reeks of some Banana Republic thing.
I disagree. I think there are a lot better ways to do it than we have done. I don't see anything wrong with absentee voting.
I also like the idea of ranked-choice. I think it can be a positive change in elections. I know change is not easy and people are going to have a problem with it at first, but I think it will be better in the long run.
Imagine if the Republicans had done it in 2016 we may not have had Trump. If the ballots that split between the normal candidates had been used in ranked-choice. People either voted for Trump or against him. He would probably never have gotten 50% in most states.
What you don't get is Republicans wanted Trump and many still Do. Gaming the system is not American. You either vote for one candidate or the other. Not some BS ranking that is convoluted and ripe for even more rigging. We survived Trump just fine so Nope let's not F'up a good thing but of course Coastal elites will.....that is what they do.
Our current system's biggest flaw is we have allowed big corporate money to choose our candidates and influence elections. Super PACs have to go. They are a blank check for candidates. Corporate money at the very least is influencing elections, and at most is buying elections. $14B spent on 2020 presidential election alone. How many more billions on congressional and governors races?
What you don't get is Republicans wanted Trump and many still Do. Gaming the system is not American. You either vote for one candidate or the other. Not some BS ranking that is convoluted and ripe for even more rigging. We survived Trump just fine so Nope let's not F'up a good thing but of course Coastal elites will.....that is what they do.
We survived Trump just fine. That may be the most hilarious post I've seen in a while! There is not much that is fine about this country after 4 years of Trump!
We survived Trump just fine. That may be the most hilarious post I've seen in a while! There is not much that is fine about this country after 4 years of Trump!
Really? We had a thriving economy....he fast tracked a VAX, he increased Military spending. He attempted with Moderate success to take on China. I'm not sure what lasting Negative Impact Trump had on the U.S.? I get it if your a Leftist and want a slow slide into Socialism then Trump was a nightmare. But to everyone else he was just a arrogant arsehole with some good Idea's and some Kooky ones.

I mean come on Biden wants to ban guns on the premise that the Fed's could just use Nukes and Air Power to attack it's citizens so what's the Point of owning one! Putting aside the Fact that Biden clearly see's the Right for Personal Protection as frivolous and not necessary probably because he has lived a affluent life with personal security but maybe a bit of empathy and understanding might be in order...And He clearly looks at those who disagree with his Mandates as a possible threat and using the Military against them is a option if necessary to enforce the Gov. will no matter the issue. And it's pretty clear that Biden doesn't understand premise of Guerilla warfare either.

But which is more scary a President that openly talks about using Nukes and the Military on citizens and the nation or a Arrogant Bragging Orange Man that rambled about stuff on twitter.
Yes we get that defunding the Police is about shifting funds to Social Workers and BS Counselors. Sure that's how to fight violent crimes insert eye roll and LOL...and nope to many people are not being killed. About a 1,000 people a year are killed by LEO.....out of 300 million plus citizens. You do the math. Around 8-20 unarmed black men are killed depending on who's data you believe so nope the Police are not running around killing Unarmed Black Men either. This is a Media Propaganda issue to work people up into a lather.

We need more Police and More patrolling period. I laugh at how progressive Leftist think that Counseling and Social outreach will work on the Criminal Culture in America. If they want to fix the issue then fix poverty by actually changing the Drug and Thug Culture in Trailer Parks and Ghetto's. It's hard to get out of that Lifestyle once you have been indoctrinated into the belief system. After the fact most Criminals just manipulate all the Progressive BS outreach to try and get something or work the system. The Criminals laugh and Scoff at the efforts of the Grandma's and Momma's trying to save the surly innocent and put upon Criminals oppressed by the system. In some ways it comical that people are that naive....

Also sort of funny that after all these communities pulled LEO resources and passed guidelines that hamstrung the police that Violent Crimes spiked massively in the past 18 months.....and Now the real laughable part is that Biden and His handlers are now putting more police on the Streets using Covid relief money to pay for it. Nothing like creating a problem that wasn't there and then paying for it with taxpayer money.

Biden is also sending in a Sham worthless Task forces to 5 big cities NY,CHI,LA,SF,&DC....all Leftist towns with hardcore gun control laws which make it impossible to get a handgun legally in most cases. He is trying to stem the gun violence...why because gun control efforts and lame laws don't effect the criminal element something that most Normal people understand. Clearly Biden and the Left don't get it and probably never will which is sad.

Really? We had a thriving economy....he fast tracked a VAX, he increased Military spending. He attempted with Moderate success to take on China. I'm not sure what lasting Negative Impact Trump had on the U.S.? I get it if your a Leftist and want a slow slide into Socialism then Trump was a nightmare. But to everyone else he was just a arrogant arsehole with some good Idea's and some Kooky ones.

I mean come on Biden wants to ban guns on the premise that the Fed's could just use Nukes and Air Power to attack it's citizens so what's the Point of owning one! Putting aside the Fact that Biden clearly see's the Right for Personal Protection as frivolous and not necessary probably because he has lived a affluent life with personal security but maybe a bit of empathy and understanding might be in order...And He clearly looks at those who disagree with his Mandates as a possible threat and using the Military against them is a option if necessary to enforce the Gov. will no matter the issue. And it's pretty clear that Biden doesn't understand premise of Guerilla warfare either.

But which is more scary a President that openly talks about using Nukes and the Military on citizens and the nation or a Arrogant Bragging Orange Man that rambled about stuff on twitter.

Trump inherited a growing economy. Ecomonic growth in Obama's last two years was nearly identical to growth under Trump pre covid. Trump's trade war accomplished very little, and forced hundreds of small farmers out of business, and cost farmers and other exporters millions of dollars. Bottom line - Obama turned the recession of '08 around, not Trump.

Trump alienated our foreign allies, who viewed him as a laughingstock, and became Putin's biotch to repay Russia for interfering in the '16 election in his favor. Fortunately, they could see thru his "shock the world bullying reality show" persona, and are glad to see him gone.

The same ol' "they want to take our guns away" scare tactic. The proposed gun ban is for military type assault rifles and mega ammo clips, which the vast majority of Americans favor. No one is calling for a total ban on gun ownership in the US, it'll never happen. Using nukes on US citizens is laughable. The Trump cult has no limits on their propaganda.

No great accomplishment in increasing military spending, except to put more money in the pockets of the US war machine industry. Our record $770 Billion military budget is more than the next 13 countries defense spending combined. And we are at peace!!

I am actually happy that the 35% Trump cult is still loyal to false god. He has ZERO chance of winning in 2024!! The "Big Lie" and Jan 6 insurrection on the Capitol was the last straw for the majority of Americans.
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Complete Lie.....about AR-15 they are not Military Style weapons. They are Simply Semi-Automatic Rifles that fire one shot per trigger pull. And Banning any weapon is a infringement of the 2nd Amd. and regardless of what the Populace might want the Constitution is the Law of the Land. And what Biden said is not propaganda he said it..... one can debate whether it was said in Jest or whether it is a Legit talking point of the Left that he let slip out to make a point. But one cannot dismiss the Fact he did say it. There is video galore of his statement.

Trump Did pee off a lot of Foreign countries because he played hardball with them and didn't fall in line with what the wanted and he was determined to dictate to them the Power structure. You see that as a issue, I see it as a strength and how we should deal with other countries that don't provide us with any benefit. I understand having to deal with M.E. countries because they have oil. The rest of the Euro countries are nothing but Leaches to a great degree. And their advice and needs are laughable. And them being alienated is a non-factor they need us, we hardly need them. Why would any American Care about what France or Germany thought?

The whole Russian thing is 100% BS and has not a shred of proof...I mean why did Trump end our participation in the INF treaty? Why would Trump make two major Sales of Arms to the Ukraine and fund a program to Train Ukraine troops? Or Trump make a Endorsement of Montenegro into NATO. Or Trump work to Bring the Ukraine and Georgia into NATO as well against Putins and Russia wishes. Trump also expanded the War games on Russian boarders flexing our might in Putins face. Trump was also in negations to put a Military base in Polish territory near the Russian Boarder. Trump also endorsed strikes in Syria that Killed 200 Russian personal as well. I could go on but if Trump is Putins Puppet he sure as heck didn't act like it. No logical reasoning would lead anyone to take Trumps actions as a Agent of Putin or Russia that is just Absurd thinking. And Mueller Failed to find any proof as well.....I can't believe anyone one is still buying Trump is a Putin puppet. Talk about a Cult like belief system!

Now I do agree that Trumps trade war had mixed results but the flip side of the coin is that we just Roll over and become a vassal state to china totally reliant and subservient to their control and Economic power. He was at least trying to Even the playing field. And any war even a trade war has casualties, sorry farmers but Steel Workers and several manufacturing sectors benefited. That is the nature of the beast some get hurt and some benefit. Trying to fight China and get others on board was and is a Legit cause and issue that should be addressed by all Americans. Sad that The Leftist establishment and some Greedy Rep.'s are very content to Maintain their power and wealth and be China's female dog hence forth.

And it appears you are shortsighted on Military Spending. To maintain our Advantage in technology and Global control Money must be spent at that rate. We have 800 bases in over 70 countries and Territories. That comes with a Price. It must be maintained. This is not debatable if we want to insure our way of life.

I agree that Trump has little chance of being elected again, but if he does run again I figure he will garner as many votes as he did in the last election. The issue is if the MSM can whip up the rest of the Nation into the Orange Man rage to come out and vote against him.

And Really you need to lay off the MSM propaganda talking points. I thought I was reading a Op-ED from the NyTimes or listening to Brian Stelter from CNN for a moment. Talk about Propaganda..
Complete Lie.....about AR-15 they are not Military Style weapons. They are Simply Semi-Automatic Rifles that fire one shot per trigger pull. And Banning any weapon is a infringement of the 2nd Amd. and regardless of what the Populace might want the Constitution is the Law of the Land. And what Biden said is not propaganda he said it..... one can debate whether it was said in Jest or whether it is a Legit talking point of the Left that he let slip out to make a point. But one cannot dismiss the Fact he did say it. There is video galore of his statement.

Trump Did pee off a lot of Foreign countries because he played hardball with them and didn't fall in line with what the wanted and he was determined to dictate to them the Power structure. You see that as a issue, I see it as a strength and how we should deal with other countries that don't provide us with any benefit. I understand having to deal with M.E. countries because they have oil. The rest of the Euro countries are nothing but Leaches to a great degree. And their advice and needs are laughable. And them being alienated is a non-factor they need us, we hardly need them. Why would any American Care about what France or Germany thought?

The whole Russian thing is 100% BS and has not a shred of proof...I mean why did Trump end our participation in the INF treaty? Why would Trump make two major Sales of Arms to the Ukraine and fund a program to Train Ukraine troops? Or Trump make a Endorsement of Montenegro into NATO. Or Trump work to Bring the Ukraine and Georgia into NATO as well against Putins and Russia wishes. Trump also expanded the War games on Russian boarders flexing our might in Putins face. Trump was also in negations to put a Military base in Polish territory near the Russian Boarder. Trump also endorsed strikes in Syria that Killed 200 Russian personal as well. I could go on but if Trump is Putins Puppet he sure as heck didn't act like it. No logical reasoning would lead anyone to take Trumps actions as a Agent of Putin or Russia that is just Absurd thinking. And Mueller Failed to find any proof as well.....I can't believe anyone one is still buying Trump is a Putin puppet. Talk about a Cult like belief system!

Now I do agree that Trumps trade war had mixed results but the flip side of the coin is that we just Roll over and become a vassal state to china totally reliant and subservient to their control and Economic power. He was at least trying to Even the playing field. And any war even a trade war has casualties, sorry farmers but Steel Workers and several manufacturing sectors benefited. That is the nature of the beast some get hurt and some benefit. Trying to fight China and get others on board was and is a Legit cause and issue that should be addressed by all Americans. Sad that The Leftist establishment and some Greedy Rep.'s are very content to Maintain their power and wealth and be China's female dog hence forth.

And it appears you are shortsighted on Military Spending. To maintain our Advantage in technology and Global control Money must be spent at that rate. We have 800 bases in over 70 countries and Territories. That comes with a Price. It must be maintained. This is not debatable if we want to insure our way of life.

I agree that Trump has little chance of being elected again, but if he does run again I figure he will garner as many votes as he did in the last election. The issue is if the MSM can whip up the rest of the Nation into the Orange Man rage to come out and vote against him.

And Really you need to lay off the MSM propaganda talking points. I thought I was reading a Op-ED from the NyTimes or listening to Brian Stelter from CNN for a moment. Talk about Propaganda..

An Op Ed straight outta Fox News.
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No shit !!! Trump's not Putin's puppet ??? Go ahead and defend the senile old bastard... remember Helsinki !

I still say the "Russian Whores Golden Shower" story is true. KGB knew of Dog Donnie's propensity for whores and set him up, and Putin has the tape!!!
I still say the "Russian Whores Golden Shower" story is true. KGB knew of Dog Donnie's propensity for whores and set him up, and Putin has the tape!!!
The body language of both Trump and Putin at Helsinki was incredible ! Trump appeared to be totally owned and Putin smiled like a Cheshire cat ! I'm guessing that Trump's finances will reveal a lot about his ties with Russia.
An Op Ed straight outta Fox News.
That's the weak sauce you respond with....LOL. Clearly you watch CNN..I haven't tuned into Fox news in over 10 years or more. I responded with Facts. AR-15 don't have the guts or structure of a Military weapon. Trump did all those things while in office to a search for conformation. Same with the Increase in jobs in the Steel industry and Manufacturing sectors. I fully admitted his trade war was uneven in it's success. And if you don't think having a Strong Military that is years ahead of the rest of the world is a must for a free society then I don't know what to say.
I still say the "Russian Whores Golden Shower" story is true. KGB knew of Dog Donnie's propensity for whores and set him up, and Putin has the tape!!!
I think some of that is true he likes his whores but Trump isn't a Dumbing....I doubt Putin has caught him on tape or it would of been shown and Trump wouldn't of done the things he did to be a thorn in Putin's side.
The body language of both Trump and Putin at Helsinki was incredible ! Trump appeared to be totally owned and Putin smiled like a Cheshire cat ! I'm guessing that Trump's finances will reveal a lot about his ties with Russia.

I don't watch CNN or any other cable news.

AR 15 are easy to turn into fully auto.

Putin owned Trump..
Man that is a 100% complete Lie....why do you keep saying this? Why do you and other Leftist continue to blatantly lie about a AR-15 being a easy conversion to fully Auto. This is not a opinion this is a fact. I could wax on about the difference but let's let the experts debunk and expose your immoral BS.

I dare you to try and even begin to get the components to convert a AR-15 to fully Automatic. It is near impossible to do so unless you do it legally through the Feds and open yourself up to spot inspections that are unannounced. These components are highly regulated and gun Manufactures are not releasing them to the public unless it's done legally and above board.

And If it was a easy conversion with 16 million legally unregistered AR-15 then you'd probably have 16 million Fully Automatic AR-15 in the hands of citizens. I'd dare say that if it was so easy then the very very few crimes committed with AR-15 would be with converted ones. None of the miniscule crimes committed with AR-15 have ever been done with converted guns. You know more violent crimes committed with Hands/Feet, Knives and Clubs than with AR-15....and clearly not Fully Automatic ones.

I guess you lie about this issue because you are morally corrupt. It is the only logical deduction that can be made. I don't understand your disdain or irrational fear of AR-15 when they are not a Threat or danger to the populace. That is a statistical fact.

And I've pointed this out before if you want to get the Fed's stamp and pay the price you can own a Fully Automatic weapon.

Also I wouldn't concern myself to much with guns at this point thank goodness our Gov. and Legislation have moved to curtail Missouri LEO from helping the over reach of the ATF and other fed's...

Putin owning Trump is a Opinion based analysis....but without a doubt Trump and his policies didn't get Owned by Putin and that is what matters. Posturing in some Press conference and summit is just optics that don't matter.
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I don't know anything about the mechanics of guns, but we all saw the news stories a few years ago about the "stock block" or whatever could cheaply and easily convert an AR 15 from semi auto to fully auto. Even if that has changed, it was certainly being done before and there are thousands of the converted AR 15s out there, unless all the criminals turned them in.

I do get it that the military style of the AR 15 is scary to the average person, and a big reason why 67% of Americans favor a ban on assault style gun. ARs look lightweight and smaller than most rifles, and easier to get off mega rounds in a short period of time even pulling the trigger each time. I don't buy the slippery slope the right wants to sell. I know no one who favors a ban on private ownership of guns. Americans will never stand for that, and it's not gong to happen. I know no one who owns an AR 15. I have never seen one in person.

I'm actually more concerned about banning 30 round clips. I would guess that somebody efficient with switching clips in the semi auto AR could get off three 30 round in a minute or a little longer. That does scare me in the hands of a lunatic.

Why does Trump continue to lie about the election?
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Your talking about a bump stock and if you ever shot one it is not making a gun fully auto. It is basically a spring that recoils from the kick and you fire at a rapid rate, but it's very very inaccurate. The guy in Vegas who used in the mass shooting is who you are talking about. And thank goodness he was using one because it made him his shots very erratic. If he would of just took Aim from a high vantage point he would of killed a lot more civilians. His use of one clearly shows his lack of knowledge about guns and that he was just wanting to get off on some mentally disturbed fantasy.

And Trump outlawed bump stocks, which I don't agree with at all. First off if a insane person wants to make one that is easily done and you can use them on a multiple platforms.

Also Big Mag's are not a issue at all that is just another scare tactic. Most AR-15 are sold with a 30 round mag. But even if you limit them to 10 rounds then no big deal you tape them together to create a 20 round mag and getting proficient at dropping and flipping mags in less than a second is easily done. Here a simple video of showing you how fast and easy it is.

And if a nutter wants to modify a mag to make it bigger that is very easy. So again just more BS from the Left to try and infringe on Gun Rights. You can have your opinion about wanting and believing in taking away basic fundamental rights of others afforded by the Constitution but it's not right.

Look at the Ruger Ranch rifle fires same round as AR-15, holds 30 rounds but at this time is not on the Radar because of the are right about that the look scares the average city dweller.

You might not believe it but their plan is to slowly and methodically chip away at this gun and then that gun and then finally all guns by making it near impossible to afford or obtain one. They have done it in various states. NYJ/CA and Now Colorado.

Why does Trump lie....Because he is a prideful, arrogant, hyperbolic arsehole. That is a easy answer.
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The guy in Vegas who used in the mass shooting is who you are talking about. And thank goodness he was using one because it made him his shots very erratic.

Now there is some sound logic!! SMH

In the Vegas shooter's hotel rooms, cops found 22 ARs, 14 with bump stock conversion, and 1,400 rounds, not counting the hundreds of rounds he as able to get off. The shooter wasn't aiming He was spraying bullets into a crowd of thousands from a couple hundred yards away.

But thank goodness HIS RIGHTS were protected, right?????????
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Yes THANK goodness his rights where don't give away the Right for Protection and self defense because of a rare Crazy person going insane. And a Statistical zero of a chance you will get killed by one.

To do so is INSANE.....

Again More people are Killed by Hands and Feet than By AR-15, More people are Killed by Knifes than AR-15, more people are Killed by Blunt Objects/Clubs than AR-15. So why the over emotional response and that is devoid of Facts and logic but full of emotional upheaval?

Even with all those Arms he only killed 58 people.... roughly a 102 people a day die in Vehicle accidents.

What type of person are you that you want to deprive People of the Right to bear Arms and protect themselves and their Families from harm?

I'm trying to understand what type of person wants to give up personal freedom and the rights afforded by the constitution?

Again it is logical to be thankful he used a bump stock and was spraying bullets. Because if he had actually took the time to select a target, aim and fire in a professional manner the Body count would of been much much higher. Automatic fire is used mostly for suppression and usually only the squad weapon engages in Full Auto. The rest are on Semi-Auto because of accuracy and the fact that in Full auto a solider uses up his Ammo to fast with little results. Almost all engagements the Military has is of the Semi-auto variety.

The real world is not Rambo with a person Holding two Full Automatic weapons and hitting everything they see and aim at.

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