Today New York City Democratic primary elections are using "ranked choice voting". What the samhell is going on in this country?
For instance, 8 candidates are running for mayor. Voters rank their choices 1 thru 8 on the ballot. If no candidate wins a 50% majority on the first count, the last place #8 candidate is eliminated and all of the ballots that voted for #8 as their first choice go to whoever they ranked their second choice. They recount the ballots and continue the process, recounting the votes as many times as necessary until someone wins a 50% majority. This has clusterpluck written all over it.
The east and west coast liberals have lost their minds on the voting issue. In person/photo ID/a US citizen/one vote is the simplest, fairest way to vote. Absentee voting only if necessary.
KISS - keep it simple, stupid!!
For instance, 8 candidates are running for mayor. Voters rank their choices 1 thru 8 on the ballot. If no candidate wins a 50% majority on the first count, the last place #8 candidate is eliminated and all of the ballots that voted for #8 as their first choice go to whoever they ranked their second choice. They recount the ballots and continue the process, recounting the votes as many times as necessary until someone wins a 50% majority. This has clusterpluck written all over it.
The east and west coast liberals have lost their minds on the voting issue. In person/photo ID/a US citizen/one vote is the simplest, fairest way to vote. Absentee voting only if necessary.
KISS - keep it simple, stupid!!
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