Question for the day?

The problem with you guys is that you want the government to take from someone else for things you aren't willing to do yourself.

If you want something then go to work.

01) As young children, given video games to play.

02) As teenagers given a new car.

03) As young adults, put through college for free.

04) As adults, expecting Government to pick up where mommy and daddy left off.
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Sounds like my daughter, she has been on the government dole for about 16 years now. Can't say she went to college for free, but she did not have to pay for it. She teaches 3rd graders and I wouldn't have traded jobs with her for twice what I was making as trackman on the RR. :confused:
What the he!! do you expect from an insurance salesman, that has coached 500 intramural games and brags about it?

Yes...we all know that only people hired to teach know anything about basketball or leadership. Geez. The more you post the dumber you appear.

I would much rather have someone that wants to coach and has an actual clue about the game, than someone who was forced to take the coaching job so they could get the teaching job.

Now would you like to discuss something you might actually understand?
No. I actually find people who understand their sport and have leadership skills. It is a novel approach these days it seems, but quite effective.
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